
哀牢山发现 “世界最神秘的鸟”,全球仅千只

2024-10-17 11:31    教育考试    来源:网易新闻



Currently, authorities have only opened the outer areas of the Ailao Mountains to tourists, as much of the inner area remains a vast, untouched forest with potentially dangerous terrain. The region has gained popularity on Chinese social media platforms, with content creators regularly sharing thrilling videos of their experience in and around the reserve.



An endangered bird, one of the most elusive members of the heron family, was again recently spotted in mountains in Southwest China.

康奈尔大学实验室的鸟类数据平台Bird of the World上也能看到这种珍稀鸟类的介绍。

海南鳽(White-eared night-heron)是中国特产的鸟类,在海南为留鸟,在广东、广西、福建、浙江和安徽等地为夏候鸟或旅鸟,野外数量仅1000只左右,比大熊猫还要稀少,被列为全世界30种最濒危(Endangered)鸟类之一,以及世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录,受到高度保护。


The white-eared night-heron is listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. It also enjoys top-level protection from the Chinese government. Only around 1,000 such birds remain worldwide. Known as the "world's most mysterious bird", white-eared night herons are elusive and prefer dense forests. Improved local ecology is attracting more rare wildlife. The species, indigenous to China and Vietnam, has now been seen in this reserve for three consecutive years.



A spotted adult bird weighing 594 grams and measuring 63.2 cm in length was recently captured in the reserve by a team of experts. "Bird calls could be heard nearby that night, indicating the presence of more than one such bird," said Zhao Xuebing, a PhD student from Yunnan University, who participated in a bird-banding operation which was taking place when the sighting happened. The captured heron has since been released back into the wild, equipped with a satellite tracker to monitor its movements.




来源:新华社 21世纪英文报
