

2024-08-28 02:21    骄傲之塔    来源:365文库



当时的几份出色的调查让我受益良多:贝特曼(Bateman)对英国土地收入的研究,杰克·伦敦(Jack London)和雅各布·里斯(Jacob Riis)对穷人的研究,基亚尔(Quillard)对亨利的捐助者的研究。一些小说家,诸如V·萨克维尔-韦斯特(V.Sackville-West)、阿纳托尔·法郎士和普鲁斯特也和社会史学家一样,提供了宝贵的资源,某些回忆录作者也如此:处于对立面的勃鲁姆和都德,沃里克夫人、弗雷德里克·庞森比爵士、埃舍尔勋爵、威尔弗雷德·布伦特、冯·苏特纳男爵夫人、斯蒂芬·茨威格,特别是范德维尔德,他是唯一一个对当时的社会环境做出个人化观察的社会主义者,而统治阶级作者在这方面特别多产。更有价值的可能是那些对他们的时代独具慧眼且表达能力出色的人;他们突然灵光一现,让发生在身边的事件昭然于世。罗曼·罗兰就是其中一位,马斯特曼是另一位。托洛茨基——虽然不是本书的重点——也拥有同样神秘的理解能力,他在描写塞尔维亚步兵团时就展现了无可匹敌的语汇,他几乎能感受到某一时刻的历史意义,并用语言表达出来。



如果一本书在不同的地方被引用,它将列在使用最多的章节。DNB指《国家传记辞典》,DAB指《美国传记辞典》,The Times指伦敦《泰晤士报》,NYT指《纽约时报》。加星号的表示特别有价值或有趣的文献。

第一章 权贵


ADMAS, WILLIAM SCOVELL, Edwardian Heritage, 1901—6, London, Muller, 1949.

ASQUITH, EARL OF OXFORD AND, Fifty Years of British Parliament, 2 vols., Boston, Little,Brown, 1926.

ASQUITH, MARGOT(Countess of Oxford and Asquith), Autobiography,Vols. I and II,London, Butterworth, 1920.

AUSTIN, ALFRED, Autobiography, 2 vols, London, Macmillan, 1911.

BALFOUR, LADY FRANCES, Ne Obliviscaris, 2 vols., London, Hodder & Stoughton, n.d.

*BATEMAN, JOHN, The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland, 4th ed., London,Harrison, 1883.

BATTERSEA, CONSTANCE, LADY, Reminiscences, London, 1922.

BENNETT, ARNOLD, Journals, 3 vols., New York, Viking, 1932.

BENSON, E. F., As We Were, New York, Longmans, 1930.

BIRKENHEAD, FIRST EARL OF, Contemporary Personalities, London, Cassell, 1924.

BLUNT, WILFRID SCAWEN, My Diaries, 2 vols., New York, Knopf, 1921.

BUCHAN, JOHN, Pilgrim’s Way(English title: Memory hold-the-door), Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1940.

CARPENTER, RT. REV. WILLIAM BOYD, Some Pages of My Life, New York, Scribner’s,1911.

CECIL, LADY GWENDOLYN, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 4 vols., London, Hodder &Stoughton, 1921—32.

CHAMBERLAIN, SIR AUSTEN, Down the Years, London, Cassell, 1935.

CHANDOS, VISCOUNT(OLIVER LYTTELTON), Memoirs, London, Bodley, 1962.

CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH SPENCER, Fifteen Famous English Homes, London, Verschoyle,1954.

——, Lord Derby, London, Heinemann, 1959.

CHURCHILL, WINSTON S., A Roving Commission: My Early Life, New York, Scribner’s,1930.

COOPER, LADY DIANA(MANNERS), The Rainbow Comes and Goes, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958.

CREWE, MARQUESS OF, Lord Rosebery, New York, Harper, 1931.

CURZON, LORD, Subjects of the Day, New York, Macmillan, 1915.

DUGDALE, BLANCHE E. C., Arthur James Balfour, 2 vols., New York, Putnam’s, 1937.

ESHER, VISCOUNT REGINALD, Journals and Letters, ed. Maurice V. Brett, 3 vols., London,Nicholson & Watson, 1934— 48.

FIZROY, SIR ALMERIC, Memoirs, 2 vols., London, Hutchison, n.d.

FORD, FORD MADOX, Return to Yesterday, New York, Liveright, 1932.

*GARDINER, A. G.(editor of the Daily News), Pillars of Society, New York, Dodd, Mead,1914.

*——, Prophets, Priests and Kings, London, Dent, 1914(new edition, first published 1908).

*HALÉVY, É LIE, A History of the English People in the 19th Century, vol. V, 1895—1905;Vol. VI, 1905—14, New York, Barnes & Nobles, 191.

HAMILTON, LORD ERNEST, Forty Years On, New York, Doran, 1922.

HAMILTON, LORD FREDERICK, The Days Before Yesterday, New York, Doran, 1920.

HARRIS, FRANK, Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions, New York, The Author, 1916.

HOLLAND, BERNARD(former private secretary to the Duke), Life of the Duke of Devonshire, London, Longmans, 1911.

JEBB, LADY, With Dearest Love to All: The Life and Letters of Lady Jebb, ed. Mary Reed Bobbitt, London, Faber, 1960.

KENNEDY, A. L., Salisbury, 1830—1903: Portrait of a Statesman, London, Murray, 1953. KIPLING, RUDYARD, Something of Myself, London, Macmillan, 1951.

LAMBTON, HON. GEORGE, Men and Horses I have Known, London, Butterworth, 1924.

LEE, SIR SIDNEY, King Edward VII, 2 vols., New York, Macmillan, 1927.

LESLIE, SHANE, The End of a Chapter, New York, Scribner’s,1916.

LONDONERRY, MARCHIONESS OF, Henry Chaplin: A Memoir, London, Macmillan, 1926.

LOWELL, ABBOTT LAWRENCE, The Government of England, 2 vols., New York, Macmillan,1908.

LUCY,SIR HENRY, Diary of a Journalist, New York, Dutton, 1920.

——, Memories of Eight Parliaments, 1868—1906, London, Heinemann, 1908.

LYTTELTON, EDITH, Alfred Lyttelton, London, Longmans, 1917.

MACKINTOSH, ALEXANDER(a parliamentary correspondent for the provincial press),From Gladstone to Lloyd George, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1921.

MAGNUS, SIR PHILIP, Edward VII, New York, Dutton, 1964.

——, Gladstone, New York, Dutton, 1954.

MARSH, EDWARD, A Number of People, New York, Harper, 1939.

MELBA, NELLIE, Melodies and Memoires, New York, Doran, 1926.

MIDLETON, EARL OF(ST. JOHN BRODRICK), Records and Reactions, London, Murray,1939.

MONEY, SIR LEO GEORGE CHIOZZA, M.P., Riches and Poverty, 10th rev. ed., London,Methuen, 1911.

MORLEY, JOHN, VISCOUNT, Recollections, 2 vols., New York, Macmillan, 1917.

MOUT, CHARLES MERRILL, John Singer Sargent, London, Cresset, 1957.

NEVILL, RALPH, London Clubs, London, Chatto and Windus, 1911.

NEVINS, ALLAN, Henry White, New York, Harper, 1930.

NEVINSON, HENRY W., Changes and Chances, New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1923.

——, More Changes and Chances, New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1925.

NEWTON, LORD, Lord Lansdowne, London, Macmillan, 1929.

——, Retrospection, London, Murray, 1941.

NICOLSON, HAROLD, Helen’s Tower, London, Constable, 1937.

NORDAU, MAX, Degeneration, tr., New York, Appleton, 1895.

PLESS, DAISY, PRINCESS OF, Better Left Unsaid, New York, Dutton, 1931.

PONSONBY, ARTHUR, The Camel and the Neddle’s Eye, London, Filfeld, 1910.

——, The Decline of Aristocracy, London, Unwin, 1912.

*PONSONBY, SIR FREDERICK(First Lord Syonsby), Recollections of Three Reigns, New York, Dutton, 1952.

PONSONBY, SIR HENRY, His Life from His Letters, ed. Arthur Ponsonby, New York,Macmillan, 1943.

RAVERAT, GWEN, Period Piece, New York, Norton, 1952.

RIBBLESDALE, THOMAS, LORD, Impressions and Memories, London, Cassell, 1927.

RONALDSHAY, EARL OF, Life of Lord Curzon, 3 vols., London, Benn, 1928.

RUSELL, GEORGE W. E., Prime Minsters and Some Others: A Book of Reminiscences, New York, Scribner’s, 1919.

*SACKVILLE-WEST, V., The Edwardians, London, Hogarth, 1930.

SITWELL, SIR OSBERT, Left Hand, Right Hand, Boston, Little, Brown, 1944.

——, Great Morning, London, Macmillan, 1948.

STARCHEY, JOHN ST.LOE(editor of the Spectator), The Adventure of Living, New York,Putman’s, 1922.

VICTORIA, QUEEN, Letters, ed. G. E. Buckle, Vol. III, 1896—1901. New York, Longmans,1932.

*WARWICK, FRANCES, COUNTESS OF, Life’s Ebb and Flow, New York, Morrow, 1929.(Notes refer to this book unless otherwise stated.)

——, Discretions, New York, Scribner’s 1931.

WHARTON, EDITH, A Backward Glance, New York, Appleton-Centry, 1934.

WILDE, OSCAR, Letters, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis, New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1964.

WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE, RICHARD GREVILLE VERNEY, LORD, The Passing Years,Boston, Houghton Mifflin, n.d.

WILSON-FOX, ALICE, The Earl of Halsbury, Lord High Chancellor, London, Chapman &Hall, 1929.

*WHYDHAM, GEORGE, Life and Letters, ed. J. W. Mac Neil and Guy Wyndham, 2 vols.,London, Hutchinson, n.d.

YOUNG, KENNETH, Arthur James Balfour, London, Bell, 1963.

第二章 理念与行动


ARCHER, WILLIAM, The Life, Trial and Death of Francisco Ferrer, New York, Moffat, Yard,1911.

BARNARD, HARRY, Eagle Forgotten: The Life of John Peter Altgeld, Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill, 1938.

BERKMAN, ALEXANDER, Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, New York, Mother Earth Publishing Co., 1912.

BRENAN, GERALD, The Spanish Labyrinth, Cambridge, University Press, 1950.

CHANNING, WALTER, “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley,”American Journal of Insanity, October, 1902, 233—78.

CHAROQUES, RICHARD D., The Twilight of Imperial Russia, London, Phonex, 1958.

CORTI, COUNT EGON, Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1936.

*Crapouilot, Neméro Sépcial, l’Anarchie, Paris, January, 1938.

CREUX, V. C., Canovas del Castillo, sa carrière, ses oeuvres, sa fi, Paris, Leve, 1897.

DAVID, HENRY, History of the Haymarket Affair, New York, Farrar & Rhinehart, 1936.

*ELTZBACHER, PAUL, Anarchism, tr. S. T. Byington, New York, Benjamin Tucker, 1908. GOLDMAN, EMMA, Living My Life, Vol. I, New York, Knopf, 1931.

HAMUSN, KNUT, Hunger, New York, Knopf, 1921.

Harvey, george, Henry Clay Frick, New York, Scribner’s, 1928.

HUNTER, ROBERT, Poverty, New York, Macmillan, 1904.

ISHILL, JOSEPH, Peter Kroptkin, New Jersey, Free Spirit Press, 1923.

——, ed., Elisée and Elie Reclus, in Memoriam, New Jersey, Oriole Press, 1927.

KERENSKY, ALEXANDER, The Crucifixion of Liberty, New York, John Day, 1934. KROPOTKIN, PRINCE PETER, The Conquest of Bread, New York, Putnam’s, 1907.

——, Mutual Aid, London, Heinemann, 1902.

*——, Paroles, d’un Revolte, Paris, Flammarion, 1885.

——, “Anarchism,” in Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed.

*LONDON, JACK, People of the Abyss, New York, Macmillan, 1903.

*MAITRON, JEAN, Histoire du Mouvement Anarchiste en France, 1880—1914, Paris, Societe Universitaire, 1951.

MALATESTA, ENRICO, A Talk Between Two Workers, tr., 8th ed., London, Freedom Press, n.d.

MALATO, CHARLES, “Some Anarchist Portraits,” Fortnightly Review, September, 1894.

MILIUKOV, PAUL, SEIGNOBOS, CHARLES, and EISENMANN, L., Histoire de Russie, Vol.III, Leroux, n.p., n.d.

MIRSKY, D. S., Russia: A Social History, London, Cresset, 1931.

NEVISON, HENRY W., The Dawn in Russia: Scenes in the Russian Revolution, New York,Harper, 1906.

NICOLAEVSKY, BORIS, Azev, the Spy, tr. George Reavey, New York, Doubleday, Doran,1934.

*NOMAD, MAX, Apostles of Revolution, Boston, Little, Brown, 1939.

——, Rebels and Renegades, New York, Macmillan, 1932.

PILAR, PRINCESS OF BAVARIA, and CHAPMAN-HUSTON, MAJOR D., Alfonso XIII: AStudy of Monarchy, New York, Dutton, 1932.

REGIS, DR. EMMANUEL, Les Régicides dans l’historie et dans le présent, Paris, Masson,1890.

*RISS, JACOB A., How the Other Half Lives, New York, Scribner’s, 1890.

*SAVINKOV, BORIS V., Memoirs of a Terrorist, tr. Joseph Shaplen, New York, Boni, 1931.

SOREL, GEORGES, Réflexions sur la violence, Paris, Pages Libres, 1908.

VIZETELLY, ERNEST ALFRED, The Anarchists, London, John Lane, 1911.

WOODOCK, GEORGE, and AVAKUMOVIC, IVAN, The Anarchist Prince: A Biographical Study of Prince Kropotkin, London, Boardman, 1950.

此章写完后又有三本有用的书出版:Anarchism, by George Woodcock, The Anarchists, by James Joll, and The Anarchists, an anthology, edited by Irving L. Horowitz.



关于穷人的生活条件,Riis, London, Hunter和Chiozza Money(见第一章)是我主要的资料来源。关于无政府主义者在各国的理念和理论以及他们的作品节选,Eltzbacher特别有用。关于法国无政府主义者的引证,除非特别说明,都是摘自Maitron或者Malato的书(Malato自己也是当时法国的无政府主义者之一),Crapouillot和Vizetelly作为补充。关于艾玛·戈德曼和亚历山大·伯克曼,他们的回忆录是所有引证的来源。关于约翰·莫斯特,Nomad的Apostles一书中关于他的章节是我的主要来源。谈到西班牙的无政府主义者的引证主要来自美国新闻界当时的报告,正如注释中之名的那样。关于柯佐罗兹,最主要的资料是查宁的。关于俄国,Savinkov(他自己就是恐怖小分队的成员)和Nicolaevsky是主要的资料(这一部分太吸引人了,以至于我写初稿时,俄国事件大大超出了比例,不得不缩减到原文的五分之一)。


第三章 美梦终结


关于里德的足本传记有两部,其一的作者是Samuel McCall,是里德在国会的同僚,后来成为马萨诸塞州州长;其二的作者是Robinson教授,两本书都已列出。下面也列出了里德的友人、记者、国会同僚等同时代人关于他的记述:

BROWMAN, W. H., “Thomas Brackett Reed,” New England Magazine, April, 1890.

DAY, HOLMAN F., “Tom Reed Among His Neighbors,” Saturday Evening Post, January 3,1903.

DE CASSERES, BENJAMIN, “Tom Reed,” American Mercury, February, 1930.

FULLER, HERBERT B., Speakers of the House, Boston, Little, Brown, 1909.

HINDS, ASHER C., “The Speaker of the House of Representatives,” American Political Science Review, May, 1909.

KNIGHT, ENOCH, “Thomas Brackett Reed: An Appreciation,” New England Magazine,April, 1904.

LEUPP, FRANCIS E., “Personal Recollections of Thomas Brackett Reed,” Outlook, September 3, 1910.

*LODGE, HENRY CABOT, “Thomas Brackett Reed,” reprinted in The Democracy of the Constitution and Other Essays , New York, Scribner’s, 1915.

*McCALL, SAMUEL, The Life of Thomas Brackett Reed, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1914.

McFARLAND, HENRY, “Thomas Brackett Reed,” American Review of Reviews, January,1903.

PORTER, ROBERT P., “Thomas Brackett Reed of Maine,” McClure’s, October, 1893.

*ROBINSON, WILLIAM A., Thomas B. Reed, Parliamentarian, New York, Dodd, Mead, 1930.

ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, “Thomas Brackett Reed and the 51st Congress,” Forum,December, 1895.


ADAMS, HENRY, The Education of Henry Adams, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1918.

——, Letters, ed. Worthington Chauncey Ford, 2 vols., Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1930—38.

ALEXANDER, DE ALVA STANWOOD, History and Procedure of the House of Representatives,Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1916.

BARRY, DAVID S.(Washington Correspondent of New York Sun and Providence Journal),40 Years in Washington, Boston, Little, Brown, 1924.

BISHOP, JOSEPH BUCKLIN, Theodore Roosevelt and His Times, 2 vols., New York,Scribner’s, 1920.

BOWERS, CLAUDE G., Beveridge and the Progressive Era, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1932.

BRYCE, JAMES, The American Commonwealth, 3 vols., London, Macmillan, 1888.

*CLARK, CHAMP, My Quarter Century of American Politics, 2 vols., New York, Harper,1920.

CROLY, HERBERET, Marcus Alonzo Hanna, New York, Macmillan, 1912.

CULLOM, SENATOR SHELLY M., Fifty Years of Public Service, Chicago, McClurg, 1911.

DUNN, ARTHUR WALLACE, From Harrison to Harding, 2 vols., New York, Putnam’s,1922.

DUNNE, FINLEY PETER, Mr. Dooley in Peace and War, Boston, Small, Maynard, 1898.

FOULKE, WILLIAM DUDLEY, A Hoosier Autobiography, Oxford Univ. Press, 1922.

FUESS, CLAUDE MORRE, Carl Schurz, Reformer, 1829——1906, New York, Dodd, Mead,1932.

GARRATY, JOHN A., Henry Cabot Lodge: A Biography, New York, Knopf, 1953.

GODKIN, EDWIN LAWRENCE, Life and Letters, ed. Rollo Odgen, 2 vols., New York,Macmillan, 1907.

GOMPERS, SAMUEL, 70 Years of Life and Labour, 2 vols., London, Hurst & Blackett, 1925.

GRIFFIN, SOLOMON B., People and Politics Observed by a Massachusetts Editor, Boston,Little, Brown, 1923.

HARRINGTON, FREDERICK, “The Anti-Imperialist Movement in the United States,” Miss.Valley Hist. Rev., September, 1935.

HOAR, SENATOR GEORGE FRISBIE, Autobiography of 70 Years, 2 vols., New York,Scribner’s, 1905.

HOWE, M. A. DEWOLFE, Moorfield Storey: Portrait of an Independent, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1932.

JAMES, HENRY, Charles Wiiliam Eliot, 2 vols., Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1930.

KIPLING, RUDYARD, American Notes, New York, Munro’s 1896.

KOHLSAAT, H.H., From McKinley to Harding: Personal Recollections of Our Presidents, New York, Scirbner’s, 1923.

LANZAR, MARIA C., “The Anti-Imperialist League,” Philippine Social Science Revue, August,and November, 1930.

LODGE, HENRY CABOT, ed., Slections from the Correspondence of Theodore Roosevelt and H.C. Lodge, 2 vols., New York, Scribner’s, 1925.

LONG, JOHN D., The New American Navy, 2 vols., New York, Outlook, 1903.

LYON, PETER, Success Story: The Life and Times of S. S. McClure, New York, Scribner’s,1963.

McELORY, ROBERT, Grover Cleveland, 2 vols., New York, Harper, 1925.

MAHAN, CAPTAIN ALFRED THAYER, The Influence of Sea Power on History, New York,Sagamore Press, 1957.

——, From Sail to Steam(autobiography), New York, Harper, 1907.

——, The Interest of America in Sea Power, Boston, Little, Brown, 1897.(Collected articles from Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s Monthly, Forum and North American Review, 1890—97.)

MILLIS, WALTER, The Martial Sprit, New York, 1931.

MITCHELL, EDWARD P., Memoir of an Editor, New York, Scribner’s, 1924.

NORTON, CHARLES ELIOT, Letters, ed Sara Norton and M. A. De Wolfe Howe, 2 vols.,Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1913.

PECK, HARRY THURSTON, Twenty Years of the Republic, New York, Dodd, Mead, 1906.

PERRY, R. B., Thought and Character of William James, Harvard Univ. Press, 1948.

PETTIGREW, SENATOR RICHARD F., Imperial Washington, 1870—1920, Chicago, Kerr,1922.

PLATT, THOMAS COLLIER, Autobiography, New York, Dodge, 1910.

POWERS, SAMUEL LELAND, Portraits of Half a Century, Boston, Little, Brown, 1925.

PRINGLE, HENRY F., Theodore Roosevelt, New York, Harcourt, 1931.

PULSTON, CAPTIAN WILLIAM D., Mahan, Yale University, 1939.

ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, An Autobiography, New York, Scribner’s, 1920.

*——, The Letters, ed. Elting E. Morison, Vols. I and II, Harvard Univ. Press, 1951.

SCHURZ, CARL, Reminiscences, Vol. III(continued by Frederic Bancroft), New York,McClure, 1908.

SPING-RICE, CECIL, The Letters and Friendships, ed. Stephen Gwynn, 2 vols., Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1929.

STEALEY, ORLANDO O., Twenty Years in the Press Gallery, New York(author), 1906.

STOREY, MOORFIELD, The Conquest of the Phillipines by the United States, New York,Putnam’s, 1926.

SULLIVAN, MARK, Our Times, Vols. I and II, New York, Scribner’s, 1926.

TAYLOR, CHARLES CARLISLE, The Life and Admiral Mahan, New York, Doran, 1920.

VANDERBILT, KERMIT, Charles Eliot Noron, Harvard Univ. Press, 1959.

VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON, Fighting Years, New York, Harcourt, 1939.

WOLFF, LEON, Little Brown Brother, New York, Doubleday, 1961.



第四章 “我要战斗!”


BARCLAY, SIR THOMAS, Thirty Years: Anglo-French Reminiscences, 1876—1906, Boston,Houghton Mifflin, 1914.

*BARR ÈS, MAURICE, Scènes et doctrines du Nationalisme, Paris, Plon, 1925.

BENDA, JULIEN, La Jeunesse d’un clerc, Paris, Galliamard, 1936.

BERTAUT, JULES, Paris, 1870——1935, New York, Appleton-Century, 1936.

*BLUM, LÉON, Souvenirs de l’Affaire, Paris, Gallimard, 1935.

BORDEAUX, HENRY, Jules Lemaitre, Paris, Plon, 1920.

BOUSSEL, PATRICE, L’affaire Dreyfus et la Presse, Paris, Colin, 1960.

BRUNETIÈRE, FERDINAND, Après le Proces: Réponseà Quelques “Intellectuels,” Paris,Perrin, 1898.

CAMBON, PAUL, Correspondence, 1870——1924, 3 vols., Paris, Grasset, 1940.

CASTELLANE, MARQUIS BONI DE, How I Discovered America, New York, Knopf, 1924.

*CHAMPAN, GUY, The Dreyfus Case: A Reassessment, New York, Reynal, 1955.

CLARETIE, JULES, “Souvenirs du Dîner Bixio,” La Revue de France, June 15, July 1 and 15, August 1 and 15, 1923.

CLEMENCEAU, GEORGES, Contre la Justice, Paris, Stock, 1900.

CLERMONT-TONNERRE, ELIZABETH(DE GRAMONT), DUCHESSE DE, Mémoires, 3 vols., Paris, Grasset, 1928.

*DAUDET, LÉON, Au Temps de Judas: Souvenirs de 1880 à 1908, Paris, NLN, 1920.

DELHORBE, CECILE, L’Affaire Dreyfus et les Ecrivains Francais, Paris, Attinger, 1932.

ELLIS, HAVELOCK, From Rousseau to Proust, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1935.

FRANCE, ANATOLE, M. Bergeret à Paris, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1902.

GARD, ROGER MARTIN DU, Jean Barois, Paris, Gallimard, 1921.

GARRIC, Robert, Albert de Mun, Paris, Flammarion, 1935.

GIRAUD, VICTOR, Les Maîtres du l’Heure(Jules Lemaître), Vol. II, Paris, Hachette,1919.

GOLDBERG, HARVEY, The Life of Jean Jaurès, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1962.

GUILLEMINAULT, GILBERT, ed., La Belle Epoque, 3 vols., Paris, Denoel, 1957.

HERZOG, WILHELM, From Drefus to Petain, tr. Walter Sorell, New York, Creative Age Press, 1947.

HYNDMAN, H. M., Clemenceau, New York, Stokes, 1919.

IBELS, H. G., Allons-y!: Histoire Contemporaire, Paris, Stock, 1898.

JAUR ÈS, JEAN, Les Preuves: Affaire Dreyfus, Paris, La Petite République, 1898.

LETHEVE, JACQUES, La Caricature et la presse sous la Troisième République, Paris, Colin,1961.

LONERGAN, W. F.(correspondent of the Daily Telegraph), Forty Years of Paris, New York,Brentano’s, 1907.

MARTET, JEAN, Le tigre(Clemenceau), Paris, Albin Michel, 1930.

MASUR, GERHARD, Prophets of Yesterday, New York, Macmillan, 1961.

MEYER, ARTHUR, Ce que mes yeux ont vu, Paris, Plon, 1912.

——, Ce que je peux dire, Paris, Plon, 1912.

*PAINTER, GEORGE D., Proust: The Early Years, Boston, Little, Brown, 1959.

PALÉOGOGUE, MAURICE, An Intimate Journal of the Dreyfus Case, New York, Criterion,1957.

PÉGUY, CHARLES, “Notre Jeunesse,” Cahiers de la Quinzaine, 1910(Daniel Halévy受Péguy邀请在Cahiers de la Quinzaine上撰写了一篇讨论德雷福斯事件的文章,此文既是对Halévy文章的回应。Alexander Dru将此文翻译成英文,发表于Temporal and Eternal, New York, Harper, 1958。)

POUQUET, JEANNE SIMON, Le Salon de Mme Arman de Caillavet, Paris, Hachette, 1926.

PROUST, MARCEL, A la recherché du temps perdu, Paris, Gallimard, 1921—1927.

*QUILLARD, PIERRE, Le Monument Henry: Liste des Soucripteurs, Paris, Stock, 1899.

RADZIWILL, PRINCESS CATHERINE, France Behind the Veil, New York, Funk & Wagnalls,1914.

*RADZIWILL, PRINCESS MARIE, Lettres au Général du Robilant, Vol. II, 1896—1901(the Appendix contains her correspondence with General de Galliffet), Bologna, Zanichelli, 1933.

**REINACH, JOSEPH, Histoire de l’Affaire Dreyfus, 7 vols., Paris, Charpentier, 1901—11.

ROLLAND, ROMAIN, Mémoire, Paris, Albin Michel, 1956.

ROMAN, JEAN, Paris Fin de Siècle, New York, Arts, Inc., 1960.

SOREL, GEORGES, La Révolution Dreyfusienne, Paris, Rivère, 1911.

VIZETELLY, ERNEST ALFRED, Emile Zola, London, John Lane, 1904.

——, Paris and Her People, New York, Stokes, n. d.(1918).

ZEVA ÈS, ALEXANDRE, L’Affaire Dreyfus: Quelques Souvenirs personnels, La Nouvelle Revue, January, February, March, 1936, Vols. 141 and 142.

ZOLA, EMILE, La Vérité en Marche(collected ed.), Paris, Bernouard, 1928.




第五章 沉静的鼓手



FRANCE, MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES ESTRANGÈRES, Documents Diplomatiques,Conférence Internationale de la Paix, 1899, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1900.

——, Deuxième Conférence Internationale de la Paix, 1907, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale,1908.

*GERMANY, AUSWARTIGEN AMT, Die Grosse Politik der Europaischen Kabinette, Berlin,1924—25. Band 15: Rings um die Erste Haager Friedenskonferenz. Band 23: Die Zweite Haager Friedenskonferenz.(Referred to in Notes as GP.)

GREAT BRITAIN, FOREIGN OFFICE, Correspondence respecting the Proposal of HM the Emperor of Russia for a Conference on Armaments, Russia, No.1(1899), Cd. 9090, London,HMSO.

——, Correspondence respecting the Peace Conference held at the Hague in 1899, Misc. No. 1(1899), Cd. 9534, London, HMSO.(这两卷书中的材料在注释里以F.O. 83,1695-6-7-8-9及1700标志。上述参考序号属于亲笔书写的原稿。我在历史档案馆里找到这些原稿,认为它们比出版物更有参考价值。)

——, Correspondence respecting the Second Peace Conference held at The Hague in 1907.Misc. No. 1(1908), Cd. 2857, London, HMSO.

——, Further Correspondence, Cd. 4174, Misc. No. 5(1908).

HAGUE, THE, The Proceedings of the Hague Peace Conference, 4 vols. 官方文件翻译(原先由荷兰外交部出版),由卡内基国际和平基金会国际法部起草;ed. James Brown Scott, Oxford Univ. Press, 1920—21, Vol. I, 1899; Vol. II, III, IV, 1907.

United States, The Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, ed. James Brown Scott, 2 vols.,Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1909. 第二卷包括对美国代表团的指示以及1904年和1906年的通信,有关召集第二次会议的情况。


ADAM, PAUL, “Physionomie de la Confé rence de la Haye,” Revue de Paris, August 1, 1907,642—72.

BACON, ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD HUGH, The Life of Lord Fisher of Kilverstone, 2 vols.,London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929.

BERGENGREN, ENK, Alfred Nobel, tr., London, Nelson, 1962.

BLOCH, IVAN S., The Future of War, tr., with a “Conversation with the Author” by W. T.Stead, Boston, Ginn, 1902.

BULOW, BERNHARD, PRINCE VON, Memoirs, 4 vols., Boston, Little, Brown, 1931—32.

CHIROL, SIR VALENTINE, Fifty Years in a Changing World, New York, Harcourt, 1928.

CHOATE, JOSEPH HODGES, The Two Hague Conferences, Princeton Univ. Press, 1913.

CURTI, MERLE, Peace or War: The American Struggle, 1636—1936, New York, Norton,1936.

DAVIS, CALVIN DE ARMOND, The United States and the Hague Peace Conference, Cornell Univ. Press, 1962.

DILLON, E. J., The Eclipse of Russia, New York, Doran, 1918.

FISHER, JOHN ARBUTHNOT, LORD, Records, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1919.

FISHER, JOHN ARBUTHNOT, LORD, Fear God and Dread Nought: Correspondence of Lord

Fisher, ed. Arthur J. Marder, Vol. 1, 1854—1904, Harvard Univ. Press, 1952; Vol.2, 1904—14,London, Cape, 1956.

FULLER, J. F. C., Armament and History, New York, Scribner’s, 1945.

HENDRICK, BURTON J., The Life of Andrew Carnegie, 2 vols., Garden City, Doubleday,1932.

HULL, WILLIAM I., The Two Hague Conferences, Boston, Ginn, 1908.

JESSUP, PHILIP G., Elihu Root, 2 vols., New York, Dodd, Mead, 1938.

LEMONON, ERNEST, La Seconde Confernce de la Paix, Paris, 1908.

MOWAT, ROBERT B., Life of Lord Pauncefote, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1929.

NEF, JOHN J., War and Human Progress, Harvard Univ. Press, 1950.

NOWAK, KARL FRIEDRICH, Germany’s Road to Ruin, New York, Macmillan, 1932.

PALMER, FREDERICK, With My Own Eyes, Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill, 1932.

PINSON, KOPPEL S., Modern Germany, New York, Macmillan, 1954.

SPENDER, J. A., The Life of Sir Henry Cambell-Bannerman, 2 vols., Boston, Houghton Mifflin,1924.

STEAD, W. T., “Character Sketch: Lord Fisher,” Review of Reviews, February, 1910.

*SUTTNER, BERTHA VON, Memoirs, 2 vols., Boston, Ginn, 1910

TATE, MERZE, The Disarmament Illusion, New York, Macmillan, 1942.

*Temps, Le, Reports of Special Correspondent at The Hague.

USHER, ROLAND, Pan-Germanism, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1913.

*WHITE, ANDREW D., Autobiography, 2 vol., New York, Century, 1905.

*WHITE, FREDRIC, Life of W. T. Stead, London, Cape, 1925.

WITTE, COUNT SERGEI, Memoirs, New York, Doubleday, 1921.

WOLFF, THEODOR(editor of Berliner Tageblatt), The Eve of 1914, tr. E. W. Dickes, New York, Knopf, 1936.



第六章 尼禄主义在蔓延


ALDRICH, RICHARD(时任《纽约时报》乐评人), Concert Life in New York, 1902—1923, New York, Putnam’s, 1941.

BAUMONT, MAURICE, L’Affaire Eulenberg et les Origines de la guerre mondiale, Paris,Payot, 1933.

BEECHAM, SIR THMAS, A Mingled Chime, New York, Putnam’s, 1943.

——, Fredrick Delius, New York, Knopf, 1960.

BERTAUX, FELIX, A Panorama of German Literature, 1871—1931, tr., New York,Whittlesey, 1935.

BIGELOW, POULTNEY, Prussian Memories, 1864—1914, New York, Putnam’s, 1915.

BRANDES, GEORG, Friedrich Nietzsche, New York, Macmillan,n.d.

CLADEL,JUDITH,Rodin, New York,Harcourt,1937.

*DEL MAR, NORMAN, Richard Strauss, New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1962.

DUKES, ASHLEY, Modern Dramatists, Chicago, Sergel, 1912.

EKMAN, KARL, Jean Sibelius, New York, Knopf, 1928.

FINCK, HENRY T., Grieg and His Music, London, John Lane, 1909.

*——, Richard Strauss, Boston, Little, Brown, 1917.

——, Success in Music, New York, Scribner’s, 1909

GILMAN, LAWRENCE, Nature in Music and Other Studies, London, John Lane, 1914.

GOOCH, G. P., Germany, New York, Scribner’s, 1925.

GRIGORIEV, S. L.(佳吉列夫的舞台经理), The Diaghilev Ballet, 1909—29, London,Penguin Ed., 1960.

HAMBERGER, see Hofmansthal.

HASKELL, ARNOLD L.(皇家芭蕾舞团导演), Diagileff, New York, Simon & Schuster,1935.

HELFFERICH, KARL, Germany’s Economic Progress and National Wealth, 1888—1913,Berlin, Stilke, 1913.

HOFMANNSTHAL, HUGO VON, Selected Plays and Libretti, ed., Michael Hamburger, New York, Bollingen-Pantheon, 1963.

HUNEKER, JAMES, Overtones, New York, Scribner’s, 1904.

JEFFERSON, ALAN, The Operas of Richard Strauss in Britain, London, Putnam’s, 1963.

KARSAVINA, TAMARA, Theatre Street, London, Constable, 1948.

KESSLER, COUNT HARRY, Walter Rathenau, London, Howe, 1929.

KOHN, HANS, The Mind of Germany, New York, Scribner’s, 1960.

LAWTON, MARY, Schumann-Heink, New York, Macmillan, 1928.

LEHMANN, LOTTE, Five Operas and Richard Strauss, New York, Macmillan, 1964.

LOWIE, ROBERT HARRY, Toward Understanding Germany, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1954.

MAY, ARTHUR J., The Hapsburg Monarchy, Harvard Univ. Press, 1951.

MILLER, ANNA IRENE, The Independent Theatre in Europe, 1887 to the Present, New York,Long & Smith, 1931.

NEMIROVITCH-DANTCHENKO, VLADIMIR, My life in the Russian Theatre,Boston, Little,Brown, 1936.

NEWEMAN, ERNEST, Richard Strauss, London, John Lane, 1908.(以及Alfred Kalisch很有价值的《回忆录》。)

NIJINSKY, ROMOLA, Nijinsky, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1934.

POLLARD, PERCIVAL, Masks and Minstrels of New Germany, Boston, Luce, 1911.

*ROLLAND, ROMAIN, Correspondance; Fragments de Journal(No. 3 in Cahiers Romain Rolland), Paris, Albin Michel, 1951.

——, “Souvenirs sur Richard Strauss,” in Les OEuvres Libres, Nouv. Serie, No. 27, Paris,1948.(其中不少内容与Correspondance及Journal中重复,且两者部分内容都出现在罗兰的Musicians of Today, New York, Holt, 1914.)

ROSENFELD, PAUL, Musical Portraits, New York, Harcourt, 1920.

——, Discoveries of a Music Critic, New York, Harcourt, 1936.

SCHOENBERNER, FRANZ, Confessions of a European Intellectual, New York, Macmillan,1946.

SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD, The Sanity of Art(originally published 1895), New York,Boni, 1907.

SHAW, STANLEY, William of Germany, New York, Macmillan, 1913.

SOKOLVA, LYDIA, Dancing for Diaghilev, New York, Macmillan, 1961.

SPEYER, EDWARD, My Life and Friends, London, Cobden-Sanderson, 1937.

*STRAUSS, RICHARD, and HOFMANNSTHAL, HUGO VON, tr., Correspondence, London,Collins, 1961.

STRAVINSKY, IGOR, Autobiography, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1936.

TERRY, ELLEN, The Russian Ballet, London, Sidgwick, 1913.

THOMAS, ROSE FAY, Memoirs of Theodore Thomas, New york, Moffat, Yard, 1911.

THOMPSON, OSCAR, Debussy, Man and Artist, New York, Dodd, Mead, 1937.

TOVEY, DONALD FRANCIS, A Musician Talks, 2 vols., Oxford Univ. Press, 1941.

VAN VECHTEN, CARL, “The Secret of the Russian Ballet” and “Igor Stravinsky: A New Composer,” in Music After the Great War and Other Studies, New York, Schirmer, 1915.

WERFEL, ALMA MAHLER, And the Bridge Is Love, New York, Harcourt, 1958.

WOOD, SIR HENRY, My Life of Music, London, Gollancz, 1938.

MYLIE, I. A. R., The Germans, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1911.

*ZWEIG, STEFAN, World of Yesterday, New York, Viking, 1943.



第七章 权力转移



BIRKENHEAD, EARL OF, Contemporary Personalities, London, Casell, 1924.

BIRKENHEAD, SECOND EARL OF, F.E., Earl of Birkenhead, by his son, London, Eyre &Spottiswoode, 1960.

BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE, Things Past Redress, London, Faber, 1937.

BROCKWAY, FENNER, Inside the Left, London, Allen & Unwin, 1942.

BRYCE, JAMES, VISCOUNT, The Hindrances to Good Citizenship(Yale Lectures), Yale Univ. Press, 1909.

CLYNES, JOHN ROBERT, Memoirs, Vol. I, London, Hutchison, 1937.

FULFORD, ROGER, Votes for Women, London, Faber, 1957.

GARDINER, A.G., Portraits and Portents, New York, Harper, 1926.

HERNSHAW, F.J. C., ed., Edwardian England, 1901—10, London, Nisbet, 1933.

HOBSON,JOHN ATKINSON,The social problem, London, Nisbet, 1901

HUGHES, EMRYS, Keir Hardie, London, Allen & Unwin, 1956.

HYNDMAN, HENRY M., The Record of an Adventurous Life, New York, Macmillan, 1911. JENKINS, ROY, Mr. Balfour’s Poodle, London, Heinemann, 1954.

JOHES, THOMAS, Lloyd Gorge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1951.

*MASTERMAN, C. F. G., The Condition of England, London, Methuen, 1909.

MASTERMAN, LUCY, C. F. G. Masterman: A Biography, London, Nicholson, 1939.

*MENDELSSOHN, PETER DE, The Age of Churchill, 1874—1911, London, Thames &Hudson, 1961.

NICOLSON, HAROLD, King George the Fifth, London, Constable, 1952.

NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, ed., Edwardian England, 1901—14, Oxford Univ. Press, 1964.

PANKHURST, E. SYLVIA, The Suffragette, New York, Sturgis, 1911.

——, The Suffragette Movement(re-issue), London, Longmans, 1932.

POPE-HENNESSY, JAMES, Lord Crewe: The Likeness of a Liberal, London, Constable, 1955.

SAMUEL, HERBERT, Grooves of Change(英国书名:Memoirs), Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill, 1946.

——, Liberalism, London, Richards, 1902.

SOMERVELL, D. C., The Reign of George the Fifthy, New York, Harcourt, 1935.

SPENDER, J. A., Life of H. H. Asquith, 2 vols., London, Hutchinson, 1932.

TROTTER, WILFRED, Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, London, Allen & Unwin, 1916(也参见Oxford Uni. Press, 1953, 由F. M. R. Walshe作序)

ULLSWATER, VISCOUNT(JAMES LOWTHER), A Speaker’s Commentaries, 2 vols.,London, Arnold, 1925.

WALLAS, GRAHAM, Human Nature in Politics, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1909(also 3rd ed., New York, Knopf, 1921).

WEBB, BEATRICE, Our Partnership, London, Longmans, 1948.

WELLS, H. G., Experiment in Autography, New York, macmillan, 1934.

WILLIAMS, MRS HWFA(FLORENCE), It Was Such Fun, London, Hutchinson, 1935.

第八章 饶勒斯之死


BALABANOFF, ANGELICA, My life as a Rebel, New York, Harper, 1938.

BEER, MAX, The General History of Socialism and Social Struggles, Vol. II, New York,Russell & Russell, 1957.

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BRAUNTHAL, JULIUS, In Search of the Millennium, London, Gollancz, 1945.

COLE, G. D. H., A History of Socialist Thought, Vol. III, The Second International, 1889—1914, Parts I and II, London, Macmillan, 1956.

COLEMAN, McALISTER, Eugene V. Debs, New York, Greenberg, 1930.

DELEON, DANIEL, Flashlights of the Amsterdam Congress, New York, Labor News, 1929.

DESMOND, SHAW, The Edwardian Story, London, Rockliff, 1949.

DULLES, FOSTER RHEA, Labor in America, New York, Crowell, 1960.

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FISHER, LOUIS, The Life of Lenin, New York, Harper, 1964.

FYFE, HAMILTON, Keir Hardie, London, Duckworth, 1935.

GAY, PETER, The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism: Bernstein’s Challenge to Marx, New York, Collier, 1962.

GINGER, RAY, The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene Debs, Rutgers Univ. Press, 1949.

*GOLDBERG, HARVEY, The Life of Jean Jaurès, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1962.

GOMPERS, SAMUEL, Labour in Europe and America, New York, harper, 1910.(自传见第三章)

HARVEY, ROWLAND HILL, Samuel Gompers, Stanford Univ. Press, 1935.

HENDERSON, ARCHIBALD, Bernard Shaw, New York, Appleton, 1932.

HILLQUIT, MORRIS, Loose Leaves from a Busy Life, New York, Macmillan, 1934.

*HUNTER, ROBERT, Socialists at Work, New York, macmillan, 1908.

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JAUR ÈS, JEAN, Bernstein et l’Evolution de la Methode socialiste(为1900年2月10日在社会主义学生大会上的演讲稿。日期错写成1910年). Paris, Socialist Party pamphlet, 1926.

JOLL, JAMES, The Second International, 1889—1914, London, Weidenfeld, 1955.

KLEENE, G. A., “Bernstein vs. ‘Old-School’ Marxism,” Annals of Am. Academy, November,1901, 1—29.

KRUPSKAYA, NADEZHDA K., Memories of Lenin, 2 vols., tr., New York, International, 1930.

LORWIN, LEWIS, L., Labor and Internationalism, New York, Brookings, 1929.

——, The International Labor Movement, revised ed. of the above, New York, Harper, 1953.

MANN, TOM, Memoirs, London, Labour Publishing Co., 1923.

ORTH, SAMUEL P., Socialism and Democracy in Europe, New York, Holt, 1913.

ROSENBERG, ARTHUR, The Birth of the German Republic, 1871——1918, New York, Russell& Russell, 1962.

SCHORSKE, CARL E., German Social Democracy, 1905——1917, Harvard Univ. Press, 1955.

STEWART, WILLIAM, J. Keir Hardie, London, ILP, 1921.

SUAREZ, GEORGES, Briand, sa vie, son oeure, Vols. I and II, Paris, Plon, 1938.

TROTSKY, LEON, My Life, New York, Scribner’s, 1930.

*VANDERVELDE, EMILE, Souveniers d’un Militant Socialiste, Paris, Denoel, 1929.

VAYO, JULIO ALVAREZ DEL, The last Optimist, New York, Viking, 1950.
