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PETS 二级口语考试培训材料 A节:考查考生初次见面时向人提供个人信息(如名字、出生地、职业、家庭等)的能力。该节约需2分钟时间。 B节:考查考生根据信息卡就具体事实互相问答的能力。信息卡上的信息涉及到日常生活、娱乐和社会活动,所用语言为英语和汉语。该节约需5分钟时间。 C节:考查考生提供详细信息及阐述个人观点的能力。口试教师将根据B节的话题向两个考生各提出2至3个问题。该节约需3分钟时间。 1.口试教师用卷 ·考生个人情况介绍 1.Greetings and Introductions Back-up Questions Assessor invites candidates in. Indicates chairs.   (A/B) Good morning/afternoon. (A/B) Can you give me your marksheets, please?           (pass marksheets to assessor) (A/B)I’m..., and this is... He/She will just listen to us.   (A) Now, what’s your name? ...Thank you. (B) And your name? Thanks. What’s your name?   2. Giving information about place of origin, occupation, studies Back-up Questions Ask the following questions. Address B first.   (i) Where do you come from? (ii) Adults Are you from...? Do you go to school? Are you a student or do you work here/there? What do you study/do? Do you like it? Why/Why not? Have you got a job? What’s your job? Do you like studying/your job? Why do/don’t you like it? (iii) Teenagers at school (or have just finished school) Do (Did) you go to school in...? What subjects do (did) you study?   What subjects do (did) you like best? Why? Or What subjects are (were) you good at? Why? Or What subjects is (was) the most difficult? Why? Or What subjects don’t (didn’t) you like? Why? Do (Did) you like you school? Why do/don’t (did/didn’t) you like it?     What do you study? Do (Did) you study mathematics / English? Do(Did) you like...?Why/Why not? Are(Were)you good at...? Why/Why not? Repeat for A   题目1: 口试教师: Candidate B, you want to go to an exhibition, but you do not know anything about  it. Ask your partner, Candidate A to give you some information about it. You can ask your questions by using the words on this card. (将Card 1B 递给考生B) Card 1B 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 展览会 名称:地点:时间:入场券: 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,如: ·What is the name of the exhibition? ·Where will it be held? ·When will it be held? ·How much is the ticket? Candidate A, here is something about the exhibition. Answer Candidate B's questions by using the information on this card? (将Card 1A递给考生A) Card 1A 请根据下列信息回答问题: 展览会 名称:新技术展览会 地点:国际展览中心 时间:6月22日—27日上午9时—下午4时 入场券:5元 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答考生B提出的问题,如: ·The exhibition is called New Technology Exhibition. ·It will be held at the International Exhibition Center. ·It will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from June 22nd to 27th. ·Each ticket costs 5 yuan? 注:考生A需借助信息卡对考生B提出的任何问题作出简短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生A可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。 考生进行完四、五个来回的对话后,口试教师要求其停止并按规定互换身份,利用一套新卡片进行对话。 ·继续性问答: 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出下列几个问题。 Do you often go to exhibitions? Why? Who do you often go to exhibitions with? Which exhibition do you like best? Why  题目2: 口试教师: Candidate A, you want to go to an meeting, but you do not know anything about it. Ask your partner, Candidate C to give you some information about it. Using the words on this card to help you.(将Card 2A递给考生A)  Card 2A 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 业务会议 时间: 地点: 参加人员: 议题:  根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,如: ·When will the meeting start? ·Where will it be held? ·Who will take part in it? ·What will be discussed in the meeting? Candidate C, here is something about the meeting. Answer candidate A's questions by using the information on your card. (将Card 2C递给考生C) Card 2B 请根据下列信息回答问题: 业务会议 时间:下星期四上午9时 地点:办公楼六层第二会议室 参加人员:各部门负责人 议题:新年计划 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答考生A提出的问题,如: ·The meeting will start at 9:00 on next Thursday morning. ·It will be held in No. 2 meeting room on the sixth floor of the office building. ·The persons who are in charge of the departments will take part in it. ·It will discuss about the new year plan.  继续性问答 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出下列几个问题。 Do you think it is necessary to hold meetings? Why? Do you like to attend meetings? Why? What do you often do when attending meetings? 题目3: Card 2A 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 图书馆 名称: 馆址: 规模: 藏书量:  根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,如: ·What is the library called? ·Where is it located? ·How large is the library? ·How many books are collected in the library? Candidate B, here is something about the library. Answer candidate A's questions by using the information on your card. ?(将Card 2B递给考生B) Card 2B 请根据下列信息回答问题: 图书馆 名称:中山图书馆