Tiegasea Ia
Tshepeees hasketball Ceameaiy Dam easigy
Ap 本playing IJabnstadicshand heean go tocallcact大学Jinthe are
Ciphying Diplms Ah
和soaphy par Cecase 。 D ja
一Gaswesk 人Whomade Tom -wotiedy
人How iang 。 BLHow afien ATealing 。 BR
How mamy 。 D How mash Ce Dofea
了Leey weadlike skingon Sunday REwilbehadk oardas
人 afer 。 甩曾
Ca Dening Com Di
Whenlmectmy iend alwayss beta him 14Alsenamberofehilden waichingTY
人At 县 Ates Blke
CCwibh Diaboul Ciked Dllke
Hiss yo Teyae BeSoewaomow,
IT Aleave册BE willeavefr
ofwrite 。 Daboatwnie Ceavingfe 。 Daing olaving fr
6 iG Would youmind he
aeinl Adonsmake 上dontsmaking
Wars wrong with himny Cnetsmoking 。 D metsmoke
bei TI ae ftimne forme Belle
Cantheheaiy Aningto 。。 B.Po
Diheinhowpiamy Csentm Dagom
Tiereis on heahle 届Thave hackache Howevermy fiend Jask has mm
somaiy we Boo much water 人本全加
Comamy apple_D so many sudont Ca Diea
SIsimparant 虽 When youareiagame rememberioplay ateam
Asyhealhy 是 sayhealth Ar
Cosy healhy Dosay heal Caeainm Di
Tie am Englsh pear newweak 0 Von一 akeoffyoureoatonacoldnoming
NTT AI had better et
Cisaoing be D wasoing te Caidtavebeaer 。 D_hadnettstter
2 Mypmlereame back ie bstnight and ny moher im nented the spor nore han 3000 years aeoy We domtinow Bat evenone
oried 有,womy aboutl CC.weriediaboat 豆贡wenied about | thinksitwas the Olecs(史检吉人)madeipopular,
2 Sheis刘She wang ieask fr People dont have dhe sane mles aboat the same al over dhe
Atwowesksleave 。 BtIwO Wais leave wanld Peopleindifferent pars ofthe wodld play the pame in difkrent places
mowecksiave 。 Dewo weekneave erent mes we wantin hing hack he Sport we need tm have two
一How ae yo feeling nm eams ofplayer sanding on each end of court When the Bame beginsibhe
-Teango mschoelafer unah so ams need io Passa ball wideir hands and eetBat hey can se their
Ntwell BEiensese 。 C Muchbeter Deelenihle | shews)and athec pars ofuheir bodies hitic Ifapltyeraoes notpiek ap
完形填空(10分) he ballin imne and iek ic Ra the ground thatieam loses apoint Orifa
Most sadents our sheal love sports Every moming aer we tio | Player makes the pall hough ahoop(环thatteam osa point The em
haolwe 工-or aboat en minatesAfier he school chss we do moming | with the mos poin wins he pan
exereisesWE only have aln) 2 ”Jason twice a week Basketball is way | 。 (LThe Sparks hasahiglcy of
3 Mo boys and ai ke id Popular sport fpothall Somne AQO00 Year B3000 ye
Sofien 5 seccer on the phiygmuadL Some ether sudcnts llkhe to play Caeentuy 。 Dumare han 3000 yeanv
Talleyhall on siny days We have school baskethallootballand wellytall | 。 (JPeopiein diferent paraf he woeld play the sporL
和They ofen phay 了am fom olher whoals When theres Ainthesame ws athe sametimes
any of加轨waihitand8 on ouriean payeny Coilhdiferentiles Dih thesame nles
Some afus ke tacirand-fiel国各eveats And we afeng runaing | 。 (3The playercaatiouch he tall witheir
nd jumping Spars hap us keep JQ__ and make us happyThcres going in 区 Baeas
easport mestnet monthin our shoLWe cantwaittfpri Cabows Dieads
DAmm wotk Crad Dudy (The wonl piek ap may mean in Chinese,
(PPAEnali Bat CIPE DChinese 人入扫二 [
(NAexpensive Bheautnl 。 Cpopular 。 Dhoring [ 口才起
(MAoder BaAnther 。 CMere DoOhers 人SNhich oneis wongy
(SAhear Batsh Cpiy Djain AOInecs made the sporpopular
(DJGAlewons Buieam Csimmer Dijahs Players mastsandalthe endafacount
人DTAagainsl Br Caheut Da CCPlyer dontaeed io passbalks
人Apar Baheer 号 Dosk DPlyees who make the ballthroush ahoop can scoreapaint
(Amind 。 Beach Chean 。。。 Dpnetiee
(CC DOAeseiing 。 Bieaihy Caad Dappy 上
阅读理解(40 分). Tryou ask an Amerian o name aspont phyed with abatand ball you
和 ny et he name hasehall If you ak the sime question of he People
any yeans aeouhere was a veqy papular spert 加America Who | England You may act a ditiereat answer They may say that he game 开
和 ss ua | meanemmmaerpmsemaueaywaomaauaim
请罗No 于 | Thy age waie touhsipanmat cteiphone he Andhey ofen go vi
ea | arpamms na
REAanstoaosiesaindeaauadual emeinue Ce
1 century People made the mles for the Sport And aname for the sport iimponant for Young People to decide on their lives by themseh
eame into being. The name may come from the bat used in the game_ Old Children are asked to do some work around thcir house And in many
NE 机| one dao pa和obe npe loanok oraoy an
人DJNFmm the fistpa