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開火開炮 上传于:2024-05-08
高一英语试卷 第一节: 单项填室 1 Ten people three children were in the accident ALincladed hammed 。 B.inchading,injured 。 C.contained, woundedD. containing hurt 2 Itis surprising thatevery time1 these figures up,1geta differentanswer A_join Badd Cnmix D_put 3 finish his noveh the writer _forten months because he didnrt wantto be toubled by the reporter Amonderto hid away .Im orderto has been hidaway CImorderthat hidaway Dim order that were hiding away 4 Did the sudent break the window 9 一No he diditwhen he played foothall with his classmates. He was too careless。 ALatthesametime Bon pumose 。 Cfacetoface 。 Dinowonder .Someone called meupin the middle ofthe might butthey hung up Tcould answerthe Phone, As B_sinee Cantil D before issaidthatfilm Titanic aealstory -ButIdon'tthink so_Tthink no one in this world can love he other so deeply Aismade of Bisknownas Ciskeptfrom 。 Disbased on 了Reveryone the meeting? -No,Tomis not here He has something else to do。 Apresent Balive Csilent CD_missing 有一- How shallTake the medicine 一Youcan follow the on the battle ALvocabulary B.speech Cecture D directions 9一Oh'irsyou1 youl 一Tvejusthad my haircutand Tm my glasses A_dom'trecognize having on B didn'trecognize wearing Chaventimown puting om D didntlnow dressing 10 She looks very young but heis more than thiny years old ALforanately Bactually Chappily D_smangely 1一Why didatTedgotoourpary? 一 hisheavy cold Because B._Because of CSincehe was D_Forhe was Lis wife him to stop smoking, but he didertlisten ALadvised B_persuaded Csugsested D forced 13.He wondered whetheritwouldbe toknock atthe doorofherroom solate atnight Aproper .fiendly Ceommon D.popular 14.After Biny said he would ridea bicycle safely his father io him and boughthim one, Agaveaway Baavein Csavemp D gave out 15. 一-Today we are going to alk about taveling in space. Everyone must say something, msomry this isntfamiliarto me Td betterlisten to others first ALevent B_joumnal Cdetail D opic 16.Anumber of booksin the library been stolen so thatihe number of them smaller than before, Ahave .is B_hasis Chas ae D have am 17.Eaty tobed and eany to makes aman healthy Amise B_stand Cse D_sleep 18 -is aue thatheisin touble at this moment ButIdonrtihink he willlose heart 一-ITquite agree with you Heisa persom Ahardworking Bactive Crve D determined 19--- My fatherhas been ilin bed forsome days 一Tm veny somy tohearthatand1 hope heilbe wellsoon, Amapidly B_happily Caady D sincely 20 Heappears to be stong and healthy but hesuffers from a weak heart ALasamateraffact 。B_whats more Caccordingly Dno wender 21Tam very happy iohear that Mother fom Amoy io visitus this weekend Ahascome Biscoming 。 Cwillcome Deones 2 The fomeigner said happily thatil was the fstime that he China. Ahasbeento Bihadbeento 。 Cwentio Dihadgoneto 23.Tis the pook Harmy Porer writerisvery famous _atracts quitea few readers throughouthe wonld Ahab who 。。 B.which that 。 C. whose that D whose who 24.Henlneverforaetthedays hestayed with his grandmotherin the vilage Ar-where Bthat Ce which D when 25. -1drove toZhuhai forthe airshow last week 一thatthe reason youhadafew daysofm Awhy Bthat Cewhat D whieh 26.Jtmainsalotthesedays, pmevents from going ou 人下 .that C_which Dthis 27 -Someoneisknocking atthe door -Letme go andsee whoishe B whoheis 。 Cwhoisi D_wheitis 28. The eacher old the students hatthere ameeting atihree orclocke Aweresoingitohave Baregoingtobe Cwillhave D was going obe 39- Mary whataninteresing mhmilistTreally enjoyedil 一 Treally Rillasleep, A_Yes youareright No,Tdon'tthink so C Soitis D No you're wrong 30-一Iam going iotake partin the examination nextweek 一 1 A.Congnatulations B.May yousucceed 。 C With pleasure D Haveagood ime 第二部分 、单词拼写 The room seems上 ia me Tihink have been here before, acwillbeamorep wondifthe countries are notat war 3 Agreatmany buildings wered in he earhquake and now they liein mins. The teacher gavehim alotofa in leaming Enslish_ As aresalt his English has improvedl aot The miderm examination is coming The students are busy Toriso hatthey cam etagood mark 6 Hebecamee aboutelassical music when he entered Senior High 了T The leeureisbeyond your ( 理解 ) , you dbetterake up another one SIwatched he min untilitd om the sightin the distanee, 日Hewass hatthe other guests were notcoming 10.Whatan ( 入评的 sightt TD Thespeech madeastrong (印象 Jon the andience 12.Shespeaks -流利的 ) English, 13.Seen fom the mean, ourearh with watere seventy percentofits surface appears asablue ball TthinkT lbe (大们 )ofthe city life soon 15She wassoe yis load laughter thatshe wantedto leave aronce 16The yoang people between hireen andnineteen are 加 17Youshould clearup the 《误解 ) 18 Hissramngeh made the police suspicious 19.How machr doyou do beforean exam? 20了 minterestedin reading good 21 Thank you very much Ilrealya yourhelp. 2 saveryinteresting ( 科学)experiment 23 Herfacewas ( 严肃的 Jas she told us the bad news 24.Mre Woodisaveryp eache