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旅道路曲 上传于:2024-04-14
英语冷笑话带翻译精选 导读: 我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语冷笑话带翻译精选》的内 容,具体内容; 在现存的宋代笑话集保存的丰富多彩的内容中, 可以从文 化层面出发, 分析宋人进行文化消费的条件, 罕见宋人的文化消费内容与 特点。下面是我带来的英语冷笑话带翻译,欢迎阅读!麻. 在现存的宋代笑话集保存的丰富多彩的内容中, 可以从文化层面出发, 分析宋人进行文化消费的条件, 窥见宋人的文化消费内容与特点。 下面是 我带来的英语冷笑话带翻译,欢迎阅读! 麻烦的孩子(中英) “Daddy 、may I go out3” Asked Basil. 巴兹尔问他的父亲: 和爸爸,我能出去玩吗,” “No,its raining, “answered daddy.“You would catch cold“ “不行,外面现在下雨呢,你出去会着凉的他的父亲答道。 “But daddy,I want to go out in the rain.“ “可是,葡爸,我想出去淋雨。” ”Here isahook Ive bought you,“ replied the worried father hastily. ?Now sit still and read it.”basil took the book obediently,But after the first sentence he asked again: 着急的父亲赶忙说:这是我给你买的一本书,你现在乖乖的坐下来看书 吧。” 7Daddy,it says here: a man is known by the company he keeps,Is that true? Because if a good man keeps company with a bad man, is the good man bad because he keeps company with the bad man, or is the had man good because he keeps company with the good man, or do they each change,and if the ,7 巴兹尔顺从地拿着书,可刚刚一句话就又开口问了起来: “爸爸,书里面 说:看一个人所结交的朋友可以看出这个人的为人。这是真的吗?那么,如 果一个好人和一个坏人接触,这个好人会不会也变成了坏人了呢;或者因为 坏人结交了好人从而也变成好人呢;或者他们两个人都变了,好人变成了 坏人,坏人反而变成了好人。还有,如果 国| “Basil,”said his father, “you may go out in the rain“ “巴兹尔,“父亲说,“你现在可以出去淋雨了。” 英语冷笑话带翻译阅读 费迪南德先生的午餐(中英) One morning Mrs,Ferdinand said to her husband: “Roger,theres a meeting at Mrs,Youngs house at lunch time today,and I want to go to it Il1 leave you some food for your lunch。 Is that all right3” “0h,yes.” Her husband answered,”*Thats quite all right,What are you going to leave for my lunch?" 天早居,费迪南德太太对她的丈夫说:“罗杰,今天午餐的时候杨太太 的家里有一个聚会,我打算去参加,我葵你留下了些食品作为你的午饭, 行吗?她的丈夫回答说:“行啊,很好。那你为我留下些什么呢?” “This tin of fish, "Mrs. Ferdinand said,"“and there are some cold, boiled potatoes and some beans here ,too“ 费迪南德太太说:有一饶鱼,还有一些冷冻的炸土豆和青豆。” “Thats good. “Mr, Ferdinand said,,“I11 have a good lunch. ”So Mrs Ferdinand went to her meeting. Al the ladies lunched at Mrs,Youngs house,and at three oclock Mrs,Ferdinand came home. 费迪南德先生说:真是太好了,这下我有上顿美味的午餐了-。“于是,费 迪南德太太去出席聚会了。所有的太太都在杨太太家吃了午餐。三点钟的 时候,费迪南德太太回到了家。 Was your fish nice,Roger?”she asked “罗杰,鱼好吃吗?她问丈夫。 “Yes,but my feet are hurting. “He answered. 丈夫回答到: 好吃,但我的脚伤了。” “Why are they hurting?” Mrs,Ferdinand asked- 费迪南德太太问:“怎么和弄伤的呢?” Well,the words on the t