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我想见你不远万里 上传于:2024-05-16
三级口语考试题型 考试范围1-6单元,考试时间14,15周随堂。考试时: 问题回答准备时间为1分钟,回答至少2分钟,讨论准备时间为1分钟,回答至少3分钟。 也可以两部分一起准备两分钟之后,再进行问题和讨论。 Questions:1. Do you have a good memory? Why do you say so?2. What measures would you like to take to improve your memory? 3. What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher and a good student?4. Have you ever skipped a class? Why?5. What do you think are the important factors to make a successful marriage?6.      What do you think are the reasons for a divorce?7.      What do you prefer: a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond in the case of job seeking?8.      What courses are useful for one’s job? How do you prepare in college for your future career?9. If you wanted to start a business, which factors would you consider? 10. Would you like to be a boss or a well-paid employee? Why? 11. What should be done to help unemployed people?12. What are the causes for juvenile delinquency? Pair work: 1. Share with your partner your experience when you had a poor memory and give suggestions