导读: 我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《小学生英语简单绕口令》的内
容,具体内容: 小学生没有什么耐心,学习英语的时候,一旦讲枯爆的英
1、a bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits.
2、abig bug hit abold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood
3、a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup-
4、all als sly allies 1ie.
5、bess is the best backward blue-blowing bugler in the boston
brass band.
6、betty block blows big black bubbles,
T、blake the baker bakers black bread.
8、brught bloom the blossoms on the brooks bare brown banks.
9、good morning to all who crawl;
10、good morning to all who soar,
11、good morning to all who walk,
12、good morning,good morning to all.
13、jack asked sam to pay for his rat,
14、jack had a rat; sam had a cat
15、john,where had had “had had,had had “had had had had his
masters approval.
16、or swim,good morning,i call.
17、peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers-
1 Abig black bear sat on a big black bug.
2. Abig black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black
bear bleed blood.
3. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nosel
4.A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.
5 A noise annoys an oyster,but a noisy no