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远岫 上传于:2024-04-19
八年级英语期末试试卷 姓名 第一卷 ”选择古 、单项选择,从A、B、C、D 中移出正确答案。(满分 15 分,每题1分,共15 分) 1 Tesae4eqpson tb onesyoam At 2 aveasar aaeher 和He Er cs Di 3 -Laaameei admanade ae Caseoomraia me Am aa Dee 人wpaera于 AS 忆Eeeue me maony heartmat D Tiatsomd SUnaeSamlike Wineslikemachines Auoimg BE Ceaming Dipting 6 School -Le ”sgo home. Abeis Biel Cioer Diorlens 了eol 了 人Howmay ”上Howmueh CHowabaul 。 D whee 8 Doyouread Engli , 人aneveny moning esery naming eeo momimg Dinaomig Tvaudnke please 人obonlsofms opotlemik Caboutaamik embouiemils 1 Ms Gen comes iom Anei ”BAneian CCaad Dapanese 人Dayouotenphy ballgames Cs Am Ba cy Duo 人 Mr whieianAmeicanbutheamnspeak Chinse ae cam ma 呈 ea 了ne nanadan ndsofveasables Ha “Bowmay Chat ov 14. 一 your father watch TV in the evening? no 人Dasa Duesiwatshie CDoes watches D. Do_is watching 15., 一Can Ihelp you madamy -dlikeakilo of Ameat Beake CC banana D_apple 、完型填空。(共 10 小题,每小朋 1 分,满分 10 分) Mis Liisa _L_ She works inabig hospial,2 gets up at five in he moming She ofenhas 3 at6:50 4 hatshegoestothe Sbybus Shecleansheroffice when She gets 6 eanly Then her wodcmates come_ 了 begin work al 8: 00. They are very busyallday She home at5:00 Then she does 9 forher family Afier supper she _10 books Sometimes she watches TY or alks with her parents 1 ALteacher 。 B.worker Cdoetor D driver 2 AHe B. She CHerfamily DThey 3 A_breakfast 。 B_ianch Cameal D.suapper 4 A Before 。 B.On C. For DAfier 5 A_park B.hospiual Cacton D.shop 6 Athere Bthere Coverther Dihere 1 AL She B. Worcmates CHerworkcmate DThey Asays Boes Ceaves D wa 9 A_shopping 。B.washing 。 。 C.cooking D. cleaning 10, Areads Busees Cooks D watches 、阅读理解。(共 15 个小古,每小题 2 分,共30 分) 人CA) Thereisa big tree in front of my house. Ablack bird lives in the tee, Every day Take some fbod to the wee_ The bird secs me and comes down_ The food isin my hand. The bird comes to my hand and catsiL Afier thatit gocs hack to the ee. give some food to he bird every day And so the bird knows me Tike the bird and the bird Tikes me We are good friends, 1 Whatsin the tee? AAAbig black bind .Ablack bird CAnold plack bind D.Abig old black bird 2 Why does the bird come down? A. Because thereissome food in my hand, B, Because the bind cats some food C Because the bird likes food D. Because the bird eats good food 3,Where dose the bird go back? Itgoes back to Ahishand Biits house Cuthe tee Duesky 人B) Wespentaday in he country and picked alotofflowers. Ourcar was millofmowersinsidel on he way home we had to stop at trafiie iights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf Tstood outsidea fummiture (家具) shop.“Buy ishe saidat once "Werllearry iEhome on the roofmack 《车顶架) -Tvealways wanted one like that Whatcould 1do? Ten minutes later 1 was twenty dollars poorer and the bookshelf was ted on to theroof rack ltwas talland namowsquite heavy too, Asiwas Betting darker 1drove slowily, Other drivers seemed more Polite than usual that evening The palice even stopped traffie to let us through. Carrying fumiture was agood idea Afieratime my wife said,“There'sa long line of ears behind, Why don'tthey overake(超车)9” Justatthat time apolice cardid overake The two officers 《警官) inside looked at us seriously when they went past But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow theirear through he busy affie The Police carstopped at our village church (教党) ,One of he officers came lo me Right sir” he said "Do you need any more help now?” Tdidntquite understand Thanks officer” Tsaid_ Youve been very kind_Tlivejust down the road He was looking atour things: fistat he Towers then atthe bookshelf Well wellvhe said and Taughed “Tesabookshelfyou've gottheret We thoughtiwasr-er something clse” My wife pesan to laugh. Suddenly Tunderstood why the police drove here Tsmiled at the offieer Yes'irsabookshelf but thanks again”Tdrove home as fastas Tcould From the story we know that A,the writer was poorand fidt buy the bookshelf forhis wife Bthe writers Wi didntlike the baokshelfatall CE the wriler wasalways alad io buy something forhis wife D,the writer was notveny alad to buy the baokshelfforhis wife 5、What made the writer hink that camying fumiture was ra good ideary AHecoulddriveslowly anditwas safe。。 B,Oher drivers would iethim go fist CHis wife could useanew baokshelf 。 。 D,He could savealotofmoney and time, 6、Why were the police and otherdriverssokind to he writery A,Because hey thoughtthe writer liked studying very much and needed abookshelf, Becatse they didn'tthinkiLwas polite