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险些喜欢你 上传于:2024-05-03
日常英语问候用语 (2004-05-12 15:05:28) 、Basie Expressions -……… 问民基本用 1.Good morning afternoon ,evening ] om 旺安 (午安晚安) ,约入-| 2.Hi on 二的刚- 3.Hi Mark_ now are you dong? 二,马克,你好吗? 4Fne_And you? 不和。人3 .05 Helo,Jane how are you7 玲罗,珍。你好吗? 6. Petty good Thanks And you? 很不销,训谢。你员? 7 what supheld? Nothing much 怎么了? 设什么 08_ What shappening? 过来好吗7 9 .Nothing much TY m just taking one day Bt atime 设什么,我只是过一天外一天 10.Hew are you eelng today? 你今天得怎样? Tust so sa 通- 12.Howisitgoing? 近澡如何. 13 How' severything with you? 你的一切细何? 14.HiAre you having un 咕,你这得愉快吗? 15 .How have you been lfeeingl? 你近来如何? 16.Sotar so good 到目前还好。 、Greetings with People Met Often -……,辣近见面的人 17.Hi therel 二,哈罗1 18.How are you doing?1can tcomplain to much 你好吗? 我不能太抱急。 (还不错) - 19.How is your business going? 你生意做得怎? 20.How are things going7 事做进行得怎样1 21-How isyour day going? 过得如何? 22.How are you doing these days? Well about the same 最近好中? 唱,益不多一样 23 .What snew? 过沈如何- 24.How do you feel today? 你今天电得怎样? 25.1feel like anew man 我全得好像脱腹换间了。 26 .Are you making progress? 你有进展吗? 27-.Have gotten over your cold? 你品目好了四? 28.pid you sleep soundly last night? 你时隐胜得好吗? 29. What sthe matter? Don' tyou feel wali? 怎么了? 你不和服吗? 30 .Why areyou so crosstoday? 你今天怎么这么容易生气? 31You ook tred Had abig night7 你看起来很下公,星唤刘激吧? 32.How come you look so tred? 你怎么看起来这么闪做7 33.Why areyou in such a good mood? 你怎么心情这么好? 34.You ook under the weather today, 你今天好像不针服. 35.s anything wrong? 和有什么不对动吗? 36 .Where are you headed? 你去天里? 7 mon my way to the library 我要去图书证。 38 Where have you been? 你去青里了? 39 What did you do last waekend? 上个周末你做些什么了 40.1went to a baseball game 我去看村于于- 4.Where did you ge over the weekend? 你在哪里液因玉了 42.Did you manage allright? 你都处理好了吗? 43.6 sgood to see you again 再见到你真好 44.1naven' tseen much of you ately, 我近来不管见到你。 45You' reasight for sore eyes 你真是机客. 46 .What brought you here? 是什么风把你吹来的? 47.1didn' texpect to see you here 我没和到会在这里看见你 48 .We seem to run nto each other often ately, 我们最近好像经党如面。 49.Our paths have finaly crossed 我们终于磁耐了。 50.1just stopped by to say helo, 我只是天道过来打个招呼- 、Greetings with People Met Less Often -…-… 问候较少见面的人 51What have you been upheld to atey? 你最近都在做些什么 52.How have you been getting through the dog days7 你怎么过这些大的天? 53.Where have you been fooling around? 你最近在哪里更混? 54.Johnyl Yours sthe last face | would have expected to see here 强尼! 你是我在这里最没有料想到会看见的人 55.Jancy meeting you herel 下址不到在这里见到你1 56.Helo, Janel i haven' tseen you for along tme 除时,珍! 好欠不见了 57. It salong time since asaw you last 好久不见了 58.1haven' tseen you in years 多年不见了 59.1 haven' tseen you for ages, 好久不见了 60.Hi long time no see, 同,好久不见、 61Hi tom 1 m glad | bumped nto you 坟,泛姆,很商兴碰见你-| 62.What apleasant surprisel | haven' t seen you for a long time 真吓人惊喜! 我好入没到你了 63 You' rejust the man 1 w