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千万善良 上传于:2024-04-19
二 知识运用〔两部分,共20小题,计20分) A 单项选择愿〔《共10题,共10分) 21 Wheres Lily? We are all here Per A_ beside Babout Cexcept D. with 22 Fminterested in animals so every Saturday working inan animal hospital Apay B.get Cake D.spend 23. Father gave me several pens butIlike of them Anone B.both CI D_neither 24-一Do you know girlinared hat? 一Yes Shes university student ALthe'a 可 Che an D.the the 25. There arenrt many differences between the two.Treally don'tknow . 人.what should Tchoose B. which Ishould choose CC which should Tchoose D. what [should choose 26.Anew baby cameto the earh asunny winter moming How nicel 和.刘 Bon Cof Dat 27.Twonderifthe children apicnic fi tomorrow, they'll stay at home. A willhave rains B. have, willrain 。 C will have, will rainD, have rains 28 .Do you know when the basketball __ ? ALisinvented 。 B. wasinvented Chasinvented 。。 D.had invented 29.There are more than two Tanguages spoken in Nigeria- Ahundreds 。 。 B.hundredsof 。 Chundred Dhundred of 30- What do you think of the lecture ofLi Yang's Crazy English? 一Tthink is bat someone thinks its much too 人wonderful enough: bored B. wonderful enoughs boring Cenough wonderful: boring Denough wonderful: bored 也守形内宝 010 小题,关曲分) Mrs. Smith often feltlonely when his husband went to work. The room was smalland Shealways 31 only halfan hourcleaning it She couldnt getup 32 in the momning, so RMr Smith had to cook breakfast _33 She usually had some bread and milk for unch and only cooked supper for hefselfand her husband IEwasa winter moming.The sun was shining and it was _34 outside than itin the room. The woman sat on the step ofa shop, jooking at the busy traffic. Atthe moment aman 35_a map in his hand was coming towards her ?Excuse mes madam "said the man. "Could you tell me 36 。 to get to the nearest hospital, please?” Mrs Smith looked athim up and down "He seems a farmer' the woman said to herself ”Letme 37 him Thenshe mumed ohim said "Lie downin the middle ofthe streetand youlsoon 38 toahospital “Please setan example to me thenv said he man- She had to tell the way tohim and ihen she said ,Tthink youve been inacity forthe 39 ime Ts much more beautiful than dhe field.s thatright? ” YES madam"said the farmer withasmile “40 Tihink itis builton the fieldl" ( 31. A, cost Bitook Cspent D. passed (32.A-eany Blate Clately Doften (33.A-herself Bi Chim Phimself (34.A- wamm B. warmer 。 Ceold D.colder (35.A- with B_has Chave D_had (36.A. which B. where Chow D. whar 人37. Artell Blaughat 。 Ctake over 。 Ditake care of (38.A.send B.besent 。 C.walk Dake (39.A-second Bfhst CNext Dright (40.A.So B.Though 。 C.Whether 。 D, But 三 阅读技能 〔共五部分,计 50 分) 《A) 阅读下面文章,从AB C D 中选出最佳答案(5 小题,每题 2 分) Whenever the san dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and Tused to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together my fatherand Tused to have alot of conversations through which Teamed lessons from his experiences, He always told me' *You should have goals like climbing the mountain' ”Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldnt have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy Treally got a lot from mountain-climbing IEgave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thousht as wellas develop my patience- Once we climbed avery high mountain, It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old, During the first few hours of climbing, Tenjoyed the Towers and treesand the birds singing, but as ime passed,Tgot a pain in both of my legs.工 wanted to quitclimbing. Tn fact Thated it at that moment but my father said to me, “You can always See a beautifbj sky at the top of the mountain but you cant se让 before you reach the top. Only there at the top, can you see all of the nice things,just Tikein ife At that time.Twas too young to understand his words. Butlater after that Tgot new hope and confidence_Tfound myselfstanding at the top of the sky which was as clear as crystal (水晶) 41. The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was for Father and Son Ahard Benjoyable C. painful D. comfortable 42 The word quit in the passage means 六 A. carry on B. put o作 Cgiveup D.pick up 43. Which ofthe following is similar in meaning to the fathers words in the second paragraph? AA. You will getall you need at the top of the mountain. BThe sky 让always as clear as erystal CC You can find ife is fullof nice things- D. Never give up halfway- 44. We can infer (推断) from the last paragraph that - AL the writer was Very successful in his li他 Bthe writer didnt reach the top ofthe mountain Cihough the writer was young, he could understand his father D.the writer used to stop halfway when he climbed the mountain 45. Which of the following is not right? A. Both the writer and his 亿ther like climbing the mountain。 BThe writer's father used to have time to climb the mountain with the writer CThe writer leamed alot from mountain-climbing DThe writers father didn'tlike climbine the mountain later 《B) 根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用"T"表示, 错误的 用"F"表示。(5 小题,每小题2 分) Yesterdav evening. when Twentto town with mv maother we metastranse old man 下 was rainina hard and we had no umbrella(伞) We were trving to set into ataxi when he came up to us. He was carrving anice umhrella and he said that he would sive itto foroniv apound, He had foreotten his wallet he said_ needed taxi-faref出和汽车 费1to go hack home. My mother didnt helieve what he had said at first and asked him alot of auestions. Butthe old man didnt set into a taxi We followed(焉随)him and found he went into a pubf小酒店) and bousht himself a glass of whiskev (威士忌) with the pound. After he drank it he put on his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went of with the new one. Soon afier that_ he sold itagain, 46. The old man sold an umbrella to the writer and her motherf ) 47. He gaveitto them for only a pound because he had forgotten his wallet and needed taxi fare to go back home:( 48.The umbrella was worh more than one pound( ) 49 Theold man sold his own umbrella( ) 50.Hewasanhonestman( ) 《C)阅读下面文章,回答以下问题(5 小题,每题 2 分) Tes hard to make friends 计you stay at home alone all the time, Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with(接触) other people. Its easier to make iends when you have similar interests Don't be afiaid to show people what you're really good at Talk about the things you Tike and do best People will be intercsted in you if there 认 something interesting about you。 Look at people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they'llfind iiteasierto alk to you or people may think you're notinterested in them and may stop being in- ierested in you: Be a good jistener Let people talk about themselves before talking about me, me, me" Ask lots ofquestions, Show an interestin theiranswers Try to make friends with the kind of people you really likes respect (尊敬) and admire (姜莫)一notjust with those who are easy to meet Be friendly witra lot of People .That way, you'll have abigger group of people to choose from and have more chances for making friends, 51 How can we have more friends, getin touch with other people orstay at home? 52 When Jim talks to people he always looks right eft orat the f