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江应怜狄淇儿 上传于:2024-04-12
Why do I study? What I’m going to talk about today is my top concern. And what is it? It’s job. We focus lots of time and effort on studying. Only want to be undergraduates? No, we strive to become undergraduates for making a better future, a better life. We all know that since 1990, the number of Chinese universities and colleges in enrollment has expanded each year. College graduates face enormous pressure of employment This is why students study so hard and take various certificate examine to expand skills and participate many activities to accumulate the practical experience. When I walked into the library, I can see many students always be there. Some of them are preparing for the civil service examination, even some of them prepare for it when them enter university .But why do like that? The graduates are so hard to find a good job with good salary and stable. This caused the phenomenon that many people compete a position. And some students want to become postgraduates which is able to increase the competitiveness, and take advantage in the future. In such