外国人来华的邀请函范文一 邀请人:XXX 身份证号码: 住址: 联系电话: 邮箱地址: 被邀请人: 被邀请人护照号码为: 与邀请人关系: 美国住址: 联系电话: 邀请人邀请被邀请人于**年**月**日到**年**月**日来**省**市旅游,所有费用由邀请人支付,将居住在邀请人家(地址:*****)。 邀请人签名:XXXXX **年**月**日 外国人来华的邀请函范文二 dear xxx, we treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued customer. from 23 april - 27 may 20XX, we will be exhibiting at thexxxxxx 20XX. we cordially invite you to visit our booth. our booth number is xxxx in hall x. you may click here to find our location. w