有 China
Internet Usage Stats and Population Report
CHINA For centures China stood as aleading ciization outpacing the rest ofihe word in
ne ants and sclences butinthe 19th and early 20th centuries the country was besetby civi
nrest majorlamines miliary deleats,andiorelgn occupation Afler Word War ll the
Communists under MA Zedong establshed an autocralic socialst system that while
ensuring China's sovereignty imposed sict controls over everyday ife and cost the lves of
tens of milions of people. Afler 1978, his successor DENG Xiaoping and other leaders
focused on marketoriented economic development and by 2000 the output had quadrupledl
For much ofthe population, iving standards have improved dramaticaly and the room for
personal choice has expanded yet poliical controls remain tght Many elements thatioday
are ofcomun usein modern ifeincluding paper gunpowder freworks, creditbanking paper
money and pasta originated many years ago in China_ China is the most populous county in
he world and has one ofihe fastestgrowing economis inthe worid today
Internet Usage and Population Statistics:
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