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1. They thanked them thoroughly. 2. There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 3. They think that these things are better than those. 4. The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 5. They thanked them thoroughly. 6. There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 7. They think that these things are better than those. 8. The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 9. They thanked them thoroughly. 10,There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 11,They think that these things are better than those. 12,The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 13.,They thanked them thoroughly. 14,There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 15,They think that these things are better than those. 16,The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 17.,They thanked them thoroughly. 18,There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 19,They think that these things are better than those. 20,The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 21.,They thanked them thoroughly. 22,There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 23,They think that these things are better than those. 24,The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 25.,They thanked them thoroughly. 26,There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 27,They think that these things are better than those. 28,The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 29,They thanked them thoroughly. 30,There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush's throat. 31,They think that these things are better than those. 32,The thunder has three thoughts to go though the book for thanking the old man. 3