文章来源,hpiwwwizwxwenaniicle 6383-Lhtm
quotVictory belongs to the most persevering "坚持必将
"Adversity isthe midwife of genius." 地境造庆天才。
"Geniusisan infinite capacity fortaking pains":所谓的天才是不断地承受痛楚
qhotMen are more easily govemed through their vices than their viues" 人们较易于
受屠亚的摆布性于受道德的约束。"Cireumstances? Imake cireumstancesl": 英雄千
aaobMen take only their needs into consideration never their abiliies&quor人们常只想到
quobMy moto has always beenracarcer open toall ulents without distinetion of pith_"
aaotMen are moved by only mwo levers' fear and self interest"丽惧和兴趣能人-
quotBe successfull Ljadge men only by the results of their actions " 一定要 ! 我只以论
quotTlike honest men ofall colors.&quor我所有诚实的人。
quotTstart out py believing the worst":我凡事先做好最坏的打算,
quotltreqsires more courage io suffer than to dic "苟活比辆性需要更多的勇气-
"The bullet that winl Kill me is not yet cast&quor能杀欧我的于颗子阐至今尚未铸造册
来。"Ihave made all the calculations: fate will do the rest"我已做了所有的打得,其
aaokOur hour is marked and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has
auotGIory is feeting, but obseurity is forever"荣硼转原即近,而平凡才是永恒
quotGod has given me the willand the force to overcome al obstacles&quof上沉已由了我
克服种种困难的意志与力量。"IfThad not been bomn Napolcon.Twould have ked to have
been born Alexander":如果今天我不是章破仑的话,我想成为亚历山大。
quotlmagination mles the world_&dquot统治这个世界的是想像力-
quotReligion is what keeps the poor fom murdering he rich"信人全寡人不至于去谎
quotThe great proof of madness is the disproparion of ones designs io ones means "
个人的与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。"The stupid speak of the past the wise
of the present and fools of the future,":聪明的人谈现在, 国大的人谈过去, 盆子才谈未来-
"We must laugh at man to avoid crying for him. "与其后来普一个人况异,不如先
quotWhen you set outo ake Vienna uake Vienna" 一旦你着手要攻下维也纳,就把好
对下吧,"WhatIdidisimmense What Ihad decided to do and