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硬骨頭 上传于:2024-04-17
AAAA 0000000G@O0 comUS:0000000000* China: 00000000000 *Linkedn: wwwjlinkedin comyinitianfengsum EDUCATION Jahns Hopkins Carey Business School; Baltimore, MD August2015 Master of Marketing Candidate Boston University School or Management; Boston, MA January 2014 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Finance and Marketing) Concentration GPA: 3.4|Dean's List (2012) Academic Team Projeets Brand Audir Prajecr using ZMATFebruary -May 2012 , Discovered significant insights from consumer intervicws for the brand Hrving Oil write up an A-level case wibh Specific advice regarding repositioning the brand and building more efieetive brand image EXPERIENCE The Continental Realty Corporation; Baltimore, MDApril 2015 - Present Markering matemn 。 Keep high clientand customer engagement on companys Facebook and LinkedIn accounts 。 Market companys available leads through disital media channels 。 Promate in-house university and company culture through multiple marketing channels Nuage Investment Realty LLC; Newton, MAFebruary 2014 -Jane 2014 Researchand Martering isociae 。 Rebuilt website and redesigned name cards to help with companys re-branding process 。 Designed event Posters and prepare for companys anniversary client social 。 Designed exhibition booth for our company in the Overseas Property and IJmmigration Expo in Beijing. Chinain July 。 Reached outto potential customers and partners in China Societe Generale Commercial Banking Branch; Shanghai China Jane-August 2013 Researrh jaremnar Multinarional Corporarions Team 。 Created and presented pipeline reports for Multinational Corps Team on a weekly basis 。 Exccuted due diligence rescarches on clicnts by analyzing their credit proposals and trinsaction history Inereased customer satisfaction rate for the bank by following up with Trade Finance clicnts Sinoway Education Group Limited; Boston, MA October 2011-June 2013 Parrrime Regional Marteting Represenrarive Inereased the numbe