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偏中意你 上传于:2024-04-01
 APPLICATION FOR ENROLLMENT 入 学 申 请 书 To the Principal I wish to apply for enrollment for my son/daughter! 尊敬的校长先生,我希望我的子女在贵校学习! Passport Name Passport Number Nationality 护照名    护照号码   国籍 Chinese Name/Nick name Date of Birth Gender 中文名/昵称    出生日期 性别 Previously educated at Present grade 原就读学校名称  目前就读年级 Date of Enrollment y m Section Chinese □ English □ Dormitory Yes □ No □希望入学时期 申请学部 汉语言  英语言 宿舍使用与否 Other experiences 其他经历 留学经历、汉语(HSK等)或英语(TOEFL等)的水平和经历: Parent's/Guardian's name 父/母/监护人 Guarantor in China Occupation Tel 就读期间负责人   职业 电话 Email Mobile Fax 电子邮件地址 移动电话 传真 Home address(student) Postcode 家庭住址 邮编 I hereby affirm that 申请人确认签字 All the information in this form is true and correct; I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of the School, and will concentrate on my studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs made by the university. 以上所填内容均属实。 保证就读期间遵守中国的法律、学校的规定,服从学校的安排与教育。 Signed Signed