bankyou printervicwi
ear bosss nameh,
iappreciated the opporunity io meet vith you yesterday about he posiion of job ie with
Ceompany name)
ieally enjoyed meeting with members of he office and eaming about the job the entie
eam cerainly seenmio be highly skilled and motivated and the work iselfseens as rewanding ms
iis challenging_ Gom our divcussioni gained astong sense of company namels comminento
heir clients and heir employees_ ialso enjoyed our discusion of my opportunities and future
wiin he fmm
iel soongly thati pawcss he gaalilcs equired as a (ob lol ibelieve ny edueation and
xperienees have prepared me well fora fare wih you icagenly anticipate our next meeting
bank you forconsidering me forihisopporumity
bank you Rrinterviewi
ear bosss nameh,
bank you so much for secing me yestenday the interview confinmed what other have old
me -that campany name) would be aterrifie place forsomeone with my skilsand intemests
iam convinced hati could make animpactand add value asa iob le inyourdeparument
避 we reviewed my background iihope that you came io asimilar conelasion i was indeed
pleasure to discuss he opporunities with you ithank you again for he opportunity and look
aaain you can reach me when) (call imelatttelephoneh oryou may aveamessage on my
answering machine andiwill etum youreall prompty,
dcar ms_ grassor
hank you for intervicwing me at credit technologies i was impressed with the company
andthe type of banking services the corporation provides
your comments gave mea good under