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录用通知书 Letter of Employment Mar 10th, 2015 亲爱的 先生: Dear Mr : 1. 我们将非常高兴地授予您XXXX公司的 职位。您的工作将直接 汇报。 We are pleased to offer you the position of for XXXX Co., Ltd. You will report to of the Company. 2. 您在2015 年3月 10 日前到任,本次协议期为3年,其中到任的前3个月为试用期。试用期间的表现和工作评估将作为您的转正依据。 You are expected to report on job no later than March 10th, 2015 . This employment contract period for you will be 3 years, and the first 3 months will be probationary. Your continuing employment thereafter will depend on your performance and evaluation report during the probationary period. 3. 您在该岗位的月薪总额在试用为税前RMB ,转正后为税前RMB ,个人所得税由个人承担,公司每月代扣。 Your monthly payroll package in this position will be RMB before tax during probation period, and RMB before tax after been permanent, You will be responsible for your individual income tax. The company will withhold the amount on your behalf. 4. 工作时间为周一至周六,单、双休。 The working time is from Monday to Saturday 5. 绩效奖金在试用期间根据工作业绩评估同步考核, 薪资调整及年终奖金的发放的依据为公司的业绩和个人表现。 Performance bonus during the probationary period assessment appraisal synchronization according to job performance, Salary further adjustment& bonus provide will depend on factors including the Company’s and your individual performance. 6. 公司按照法律要求缴纳社会保障金,为您代办交纳社会保障金(养老保险金、医疗保险金、失业保险金、生育保险金、工伤保险金和住房公积金)。 Company will be in accordance with the law to pay social security benefits, as your agent to pay the Social Security Fund (pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing accumulation fund). 7. 您每年均可享受 5 天的带薪年休假。通常情况下,该年休假次年休完,过期作废。 Every year you will have 5 days annual leave and please used it up in the second year, or will be cancelled automatically. 8. 公司有权要求您于合同期限内的任何时候签署包含竞业禁止和知识产权保护等条款的协议,您应当无条件配合签署。 You will be required to sign the agreements governing issues such as non-compete clauses and intellectual property rights at any time within the duration of your employment, and you should cooperate to execute these agreements unconditionally. 9. 以下情况,公司将会直接将您辞退: You will be discharged if under following conditions: 在办理入职手续或工作工程中有欺骗公司的行为发生; Cheating when being recruited or working; 不能严格遵循有关保密,竞业禁止和知识产权保护条款的员工协议; unable to observe and comply with the clauses in the labor contract in regard to non-disclosure, non-competition and intellectual property rights; 其他违反公司规章制度并构成辞退的[参照劳动合同、《员工手册》以及公司其它具体规章制度的规定],如探听或试图探听他人工资或倾听他人诉说本人或他人工资; Other conditions violating the regulations of Mingxin under which you shall be discharged by Mingxin (refer to the provisions in the labor contract, Staff Manual and other specific regulations of Mingxin), for instance, asking about or attempting to ask about& ear other’s salary; 10. 试用期间如有一方不适合此职位提出离职或辞退,需提前 15天 以书面形式通知对方。 During the probation period if one party is not suitable for this position, put forward resignation or dismissal,should give fhe written notice 1 months in advance to the other party. 11. 转正后若您自愿解除劳动合同,你必须提前1个月书面通知公司,并得到公司批准。公司有权在提前通知期内将您调离原职位。 After Qualified In the event you voluntarily terminate your labor contract, you are required to give 3 months notice in writing. Mingxin has the right to remove you from the position during the notice period. 12. 如您签署本通知书,则本通知书具有法律效力,并成为您同公司的劳动合同的一部分。如果本通知书的内容和其