Awhichroom helvedmn .whichroom helived
C_ whichroom doeshelve 。。 D whichroom doeshelivedm
了17. -Why didmtyou go to his birthday party yesterday?
人where did heliveB.where helvedin C.wherehe lved D where helives
18.Haveyouaskedthe policeman 了
AIfthereisabank nearhere 8B.how can we getthe nearestbank
Cowherecanwefindabank 。。 DLwhen canwegettothenearestbank
19.Theteachertold usthat
Athere were fourseasonsinayear Bthe sunrisesin the east
Cliehttraveled faster than sound Doneand one wastwo
20 Heaskedme
Aifshe willcome .how many bookslwantto have
Cithey wouldhelp us doit D. what was wrong with me
21一Mum,summerholidayiscoming wonder
How about qingling wild zoo7
A Wherecanwego 。 B.wherewecango Chow wecango Dhowwecango
esheard that he ls MrGreens son
A wherehe comes from Bifdoes helive here
Cowhoheis D whoishe
23-So canyoutel me here today?
一Welh 1was walking down Centre street whena UFO anded
AL Whatdidyousee .what you saw
CC When did you see关 Dwhenyou saw
24一Jackcouldyoutell mefortraveling thissummer?
一Weplantogo and see the beautiful seain Hainan
Awhereyourfamiy willg .how wilyourfamily go
Chow yourfamiy willgo .where willyourfami go
254have some tickets for the basketball match_ Iwonder
人where you buy the tickets .why you like to go there
Cifyoudliketo come along D. when you watch the match
26一Excuse me canyoutell me7
一Soryldont now You can gototheinformation desk
Athatthere isatrain B when the trainleaves
Cwhichtrain canltake Dwhere doesthe traing
-You cantakethe No lbus.
Ahow can we gettoyXingyi Airport Bihow we can getto Xingyi Airport
Chow do we getto XingyiAirport Dihow we gotto yingyiAirport
28--Doyouknow the meeting?
一Tomorrow momning.
人When they had Bwhen they are going tohave
Cwhen did they have Dwhen are they going to have
29一David couldyoutel me?
一Every fouryears.
AL Whenthe 2014 Worid Cup will fnish .how often the World Cup takes place
CHow many teams take partin the World CupDwho may score the mostgoalsinthe World Cup
30--Canyoutell me?
nthree days
A when wilthey goto the Sclence Museum
how long they have beenin New ork
Chow soon they willgoto see the chidren leftat home
D,whattime willthey attend the meeting
46. -Doyou know Wang Feng? He can remember 100 groups ofnumbersinfive minutes
Yes Man heil
AL Whatasmart B.HowsmartCWhatastupid D,How stupid
47.MoWan won the Nobel prize for Literature lastyearexcellent he il
AHow B.Whatc WhataD Whatan
48terrible weather we had ast sundayl
Awhat 。 BWhata CsuchD How
49.astU Leirunst
ALWhata B. WhatC HowDHowa
Sothemoon cakes arel
AHow deliciousB. What delicious c Whatadeliious DiHow adelicious
Athousand years ago,Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest As more and more people
came tol in Hong Kong these trees were cut down and bumt Now theres 2 _forest eft
though there are stllareas (地方) covered with trees. We callthese