以下各组商品中,( )组商品的需求交叉弹性最可能为正值。
A. 网球拍和网球 B. 牛肉和牛皮
C. 牛肉和鸡肉 D. 冰激凌和钢笔
2. 一条无差异曲线的斜率揭示了( )。
A. 偏好是完全的 B. 一个商品对于另一个商品的边际替代率
C. 市场价格的比率 D. 偏好是可传递的
3. 如果随着产量的增加,平均变动成本不断下降,则表明在这一阶段的生产过程中,变动要素的( )。
A. 边际产量不断增加 B. 平均产量不断增加
C. 边际产量不断减少 D. 平均产量不断减少
4. 一个垄断厂商将其边际成本为15元的产品以20元的价格出售,则该产品在此价格水平上的需求价格弹性等于( )。
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5
5. 当由于信息不对称出现高质量产品被驱逐出市场时,这种情况被称为( )。
A. 逆向选择 B. 道德风险
C. 柠檬问题 D. A和C都是正确的
6. 根据国民收入核算恒等式,如果政府预算为赤字,国际贸易为盈余,则( )。
A. 国内私人投资大于私人储蓄 B. 国内私人投资小于私人储蓄
C. 两者相等 D. 无法判断两者大小
7. 假如IS曲线和 LM曲线的交点所对应的均衡国民收入低于充分就业水平,那么如果要达到充分就业水平面保持利率不变,政府应该( )。
A. 增加政府支出 B. 同时增加政府支出和货币供给量
C. 增加货币供给量 D. 同时增加税收和货币供给量
8. 如果存款准备金率越高,则( )。
A. 货币供给越大 B. 物价水平越高
C. 银行贷款意愿越大 D. 货币乘数越小
9. 根据新古典经济增长模型,如果人均资本高于黄金分割律水平,则可以( )。
A. 降低储蓄率,从而增加消费 B. 增加储蓄率,从而增加消费
C. 降低储蓄率,从而较少消费 D. 增加储蓄率,从而减少消费
10. 若一国经济中菲利普斯曲线方程为:πt =5%-0.3(ut-6%)。据此我们可以知道该经济的预期通货膨胀率为( )。
A. 0% B. 0.3%
C. 5% D. 6%
二、 判断下列表述的经济含义是否正确(每小题1分,共10分)
三、 名词解释(每小题4分,共16分)
无谓损失(Deadweight Loss)
四、 计算分析题(每题10分,共20分)
1. 已知某完全竞争市场的需求函数为Q=60000-3200P,短期市场供给函数为Q=15000+1300P;单个企业在LAC曲线的最低点的价格为10,产量为20;单个企业的成本规模不变。
2. 假设一经济体系的消费函数为C=600+0.8Yd,投资函数为I=400-50r,政府购买为G=200,货币需求函数为L=250+0.5Y-125r,货币供给MS=1250,价格水平P=1,假定政府只收取定额税,并且保持预算平衡,求:
五、 证明与简答题(每题8分,共16分)
1. 作图分析并说明政府对汽油征税并以所得税减免的方式返还全部税额时,消费者的满足程度将会下降。
2. 请简述中央银行购买财政部门发行的国债对该国货币供应量的影响。
六、 论述题(每题14分,共28分)
1. “财政部发通知,家电下乡补贴可以通过五种方式,即农民申领、乡镇财政所审核并兑付方式,农民申领、金融机构审核并兑付方式,销售网点代办申领、乡镇财政所审核确认并兑付方式,销售网点代办申领、金融机构审核确认并兑付方式,销售网点代办申领并垫付方式。”请根据以上材料,利用经济学原理分析其经济影响。
2. 2010年10月份我国CPI同比增长4.4%,11月份同比增长达到5.1%,创28个月以来的新高。山东、江苏、浙江等省市民政部门相继宣布发放临时物价补贴,以缓解近期粮食等主要食品价格上涨对低收入群体带来的生活压力,同时,中国人民银行也在两个月内连续采取了提高存贷款利率和三次提高法定准备金率的政策。根据宏观经济理论分析:
七、 专业英语(英译中,共50分)
1. Price controls (20分)
Governments have been trying to set maximum or minimum pieces since ancient times. The appeal of price controls is understandable. Even though they fail to protect many consumers and hurt others, controls hold out the promise of protecting groups that are particularly hard-pressed to meet price increase. Thus, the prohibition against usury——charging high interest on loans——was intended to protect someone forced to borrow out of desperation; the maximum price for bread was supposed to protect the poor, who depended on bread to survive; and tent controls were supposed to protect those who were renting when the demand for apartments exceeded the supply, and landlords were preparing to “gouge” their tenants.
Despite the frequent use of price controls, however, and despite their appeal, economists are generally opposed to them, except perhaps for very brief periods during emergencies. The reason most economists are skeptical about price controls is that they distort the allocation of resources. Price ceilings, which prevent prices from exceeding a certain maximum, cause shortages. Price floors, which prohibit prices below a certain minimum, cause surpluses, at least for a time. Because controls prevent the price system from rationing the available supply, some other mechanism must take its place. A queue, once a familiar sight in the controlled economies of Eastern Europe, is one possibility.
With all of the problems generated by controls, we can well ask why they are ever imposed and why they are sometimes maintained for so long. The answer, in part, is that the public does not always see the links between controls and the problems they create. General price controls——controls on prices of many goods——are often imposed when the public becomes alarmed that inflation is out of control. However, most inflation, ever in wartime, is due to inflationary monetary and fiscal policies rather than to panic buying. Inflation is extremely difficult to contain through general controls, in part because the attempt to limit control to a manageable sector of the economy is usually hopeless. By examining cases in which controls have prevented the price mechanism from working, we gain a better appreciation of its usual elegance and efficiency. This does not mean that there are no circumstances in which temporary controls may be effective. But a fair reading of economic history shows just how rare those circumstanced are.
2. The future of Chinese M&A (20分)
Where will M&A be targeted? The data available to date on larger deals mask some trends identified by those on the front-lines of the deal-making. “Diversification is a natural process, evolution.” Says the head of China M&A at a Western investment bank. “The government may have given rigid marching orders in the past, but it’s now more market-oriented. There has been a concentration of deals among some successful companies but more and more companies are now looking.” This will include different sectors and private companies, and also more regional SOEs, such as Yanzhou Coal, which recently bought Australia’s Felix Resources.
It is a safe bet that Chinese firms will continue to seek a secure supply of mining and natural-resource assets. These are the fuels of the mighty Chinese industrial juggernaut, which has a ways to go before shifting into top gear. But the nature of investment in resources is likely to change. As we have already seen, CIC, China’s sovereign wealth fund, has become more active in accessing resource deals. Companies directly involved in the resources sector are likely to chase smaller equity stakes, although this should generate higher volumes overall, some observers say. In terms of M&A, Chinese interest will remain keen in markers where resources have been developed and are easily accessible, such as Australia and Canada. But China has also begun to cut deals with resource-rich African nations under which it will fund the building of infrastructure in exchange for resources such as oil and copper.
Clean energy is also billed as a strong candidate for deals. China is now the world’s leading producer of greenhouse emissions and is in desperate need of less-polluting power sources. But no less important is the fact that China regards clean energy as one of the most promising new sectors in which no country has a huge advantage over the others. China thus feels it can leverage massive potential demand in its domestic market to become a global industry leader.
Technology of any kind will be a prime target of Chinese M&A. Sectors of particular note include car components, IT and micro-electronics. Meanwhile, Chinese suppliers to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are now buying those OEMs to controls the whole supply chain.
3. Law and economics (10分)
Law and economics, known as the economic analysis of law, stresses that markets are more efficient than courts. When possible, the legal system, according to the positive theory, will force a transaction into the market. When this is impossible, the legal system attempts to “mimic a market” and guess at what the parties would have desired if markets had been feasible.
The second characteristic of law and economics is its emphasis on incentives and people’s responses to these incentives. For example, the purpose of damage payments in accident (tort) law is not to compensate injured parties, but rather to provide an incentive for potential injurers to take efficient (cost-justified) precautions to avoid causing the accident. Law and economics shares with other branches of economics the assumption that individuals are rational and respond to incentives. When penalties for an action increase, people will undertake less of that action. Law and economics is more likely than other branches of legal analysis to use empirical or statistical methods to measure these responses to incentives.
一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)
1.某消费者效用函数TU=4X-3X2 ,X为某种商品的消费量,则该消费者效用极大化的消费量为( )。
A. X=1/4 B. X=2/3
C. X=3/4 D. X=2/5
2.下列( )属于企业决策中的沉淀成本。
A. 购买机器设备的支出 B. 广告支出
C. 租用厂房的支出 D. 支付给劳动力的工资支出
3.根据斯塔克博格模型的分析,两个生产相同产品且成本相同的寡头厂商顺序决定产量时,( )。
A. 先决策的厂商获利更多 B. 后决策的厂商获利更多
C. 两个厂商获利相等 D. 不能确定哪一个厂商获利更多
4.如果规模报酬不变,单位时间里增加了20%的劳动收入,而保持资本投入不变,那么产出将( )。
A. 增加20% B. 减少不到20%
C. 减少20% D. 增加不到20%
5.若某产品市场在完全竞争条件下实现了均衡,则( )。
A. 消费者得到了最大效用 B. 生产者实现了最大利润
C. 需求等于供给量 D. 以上都对
6.政府购买支出的变化导致收入变动超过最初支出的变化量,这是因为( )。
A. 政府购买支出对收入变化很敏感 B. 经济最初处于总收支均衡点
C. 消费支出随收入变化而变化 D. 潜在GDP发生了变化
7.通货膨胀对收入和财富再分配的影响是指通货膨胀( )。
A. 造成收入结构的变化 B. 使收入普遍上升
C. 使债权人收入上升 D. 使收入普遍下降
8.下列不属于供给冲击的是( )。
A. 工人罢工 B. 暴雨使得农业减产
C. 货币供给下降 D. 铁矿石涨价
9.假设某国经济的生产函数为Cobb-Douglas函数形式,其中劳动报酬的份额为0.7,资本的份额为0.3。如果资本存量增长率等于1%,劳动力增长率为2%,全要素生产率增长率为1.2%,实际产出的增长率为( )。
A. 1.2% B. 1.4%
C. 2.6% D. 2.9%
10.本国实行固定汇率制度,其主要贸易伙伴发生通货膨胀,则( )。
A. 本国贸易逆差 B. 政府将购进外汇
C. 本币供给将减少 D. 以上都对
二、 判断下列表述的经济含义是否正确(每小题1分,共10分)
1. 风险溢价表示了一个风险规避者愿意为规避风险而付出的代价。
2. 沿着预算线移动,消费者的货币收入是不变的。
3. 在完全竞争厂商的短期生产中,当厂商的平均收益等于平均成本时,厂商可以继续生产,也可以不生产,因此该均衡点被称为停止营业点或关闭点。
4. 在买方垄断市场中,买方支付的价格等于他所得到的边际价值。
5. 两种商品在消费者之间的有效配置意味着这两种商品的边际替代率对所有消费者来说都是相同的。
6. 张先生买彩票中了1万元,这笔钱应该被计入GDP。
7. 短期宏观经济均衡时,劳动市场仍然可能处于非均衡状态。
8. 当国家间的资本完全流动时,财政政策在开放经济中的效应大于在封闭经济中的效应。
9. IS曲线和LM曲线的交点表示产品市场和货币市场的同时均衡,且处于充分就业条件下的均衡。
10. 洛沦兹曲线的弯曲程度越大,收入分配越不平等。
三、 名词解释(每小题4分,共16分)
1. 连带外部效应(network externality)
2. 期望效用
3. 相机抉择政策
4. 价格粘性
四、 计算分析题(每题10分,共20分)
1. 假设某完全竞争的成本不变行业中所有厂商的长期成本函数都为:LTC=q3-6q2+20q(q为产量),试求:
2. 给定一国的宏观总生产函数为Y=AN2/3K1/3,其中Y为总产出,K=390为资本总量,N=13为劳动力数量,假定劳动力数量按人口每年1%的增长速度增长,资本存量的折旧率为5%,技术水平A为1,请根据具体的计算结果回答:
五、 证明与简答题(每题8分,共16分)
1. 证明:若消费者的全部收入只购买两种商品,那么这两种商品不可能都是劣等品。
2. 作图说明总需求曲线的推导过程并解释总需求曲线向右下方倾斜的原因。
六、 论述题(每题14分,共28分)
1. 目前,在北京的一些购物中心地铁站等处,出现了不少优惠券终端机。顾客在终端机前选择商户,打印优惠券,凭优惠券在消费时可享受5折到9折不等的优惠。每天有不少年轻人光顾这些优惠券终端机,体验省钱消费之道。厂商为什么要发这些优惠券?为什么它不简单地降低产品的价格,并省下印制和回收这些优惠券的成本?
2. 中央银行控制货币供应量时所能采取的工具有哪些?根据总供求模型分析:当工资随时间缓慢调整时,名义货币供给量的增加对价格水品,实际产出和实际货币供给量的短期影响及长期影响。
七、 专业英语(英译中,共50分)
1. Market Structure and Innovation (20分)
Which market conditions are optimal for effective and sustained innovation to occur? This is a question t