Thaversity reveals geniust fartume conceals 让(orace, aneient Roman poet)
苦难显才华,好运隐天资。 (二罗马诗人 融拉斯)
himost any sitantionrgood or pad 一is affected y the attitade me bring ta (acios hm
aas Seneca,Mneient Roman philosopher)
美不多任何一各处境一无论是好是未一 部受到我们对待处的才度的影响。(古罗马和学家 西尼加
Althoagh the worid is fall of safrering it is full aso of the overeoming of it (ellen
Heller Maerican mriten
器然世界多落礁,但是若礁总是能上的(美国作家 海愉 . 遍鼻)
As ruit needs not only sanshine bat cold niahts and chilling ahowers to ripan it so