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哥哥给甜头 上传于:2024-04-14
工作感谢信 Thank You For InterviewI pear , I appreciated the opportunity to neet Wth you yesterday about the position of with . I real1y enj oyed neeting With nentpers of the offi ce and learni ng about the job. The entire teamcertainly seemto be highly skilled and notivated and the work itself seeng as revarding as it is chal l engi ng,From our discussionI gained a strong sense of s conmitnent to their clients and their enpl oyees, I also enjoyed our dijscussion of my opportunities and future Withinthe firm I feel strongly that I possess the qualities requi red as a . I bel ieve ny educati on and ex*peri ences have prepared ne well for afuture with you. I eagerly anti ci pate our next neeti ng, Thank you for consi deri ng me for this opportunity. Si ncerel y, Thank You For InterviewII pear , Thank you so much for seeing ne yesterday,The interview confirned vhat others have told ne - that would be a terrific place for soneone wWth ny skills and interests. 相关的感谢信样