工程名称 Wo Titey
施工组织设计〈方案) 报审表蛋多(文葬) PNB 石油化工项上
HYBN-A 2 | Construction Organization Desin Approval |单元名称;
Reauest 5库
致 恒什《文菜) PWMB 石油化工项目分部
Te Hengyi (Bruni) PIB Petrochenical Projiect Civil Dept
我方已根据施工承包合同的有关规定完成了气瓶库施工方案的编制, 并经我单位技术负责人|
Acconding io the related regulations ofthe construction contract we have completed he preparation
rme cylinder warehouse and ithas been reviewed and approved py he technical responsible people ol