一、默写 26 个字母的大小写-
byo ri firedn 。 rluer
pecnil-csae rcie bfee dotore
书房 st_d 床 b_ d 门 dr
窗户 wnd 鱼 f_sh 家 hm
鸡蛋 -本 面包 br_ d 鸭子 d_ck
久子 sp_ 鸡岗 ch_cken 教师 te_cher
noodles ,soup ,book ,kitchen,father,sister, bedroom ,ruler ,
rice ,study
1. fanily member(家庭成员)
2. food (食品) : 四
3. school things (学习用品):
和room(房间) : 的
(1 What” s your father? 用 Sure,here you are
人) 2.How many books do you have? 。 BYes,she is
(CC )3.May IT have a look? C Thave 3.
(4 What would you like? D,He is a doctor,
人)5.Ts she in the study? ET d 1ike some beef,
六、连词组名。 (1 0 分)
1 your,What”s ,mother?
2.classroom3 ,in,the,What”s
3.would,1ike? ,you,What
生 study? ,Are,in,the,they
5,books,many,How,you ,do,have?
〈 。 ) 1,在过新年的时候,我们应说:
A,Good morning. B,Happy New Year. CHappy Teachers Dayl
《 。 ) 2. 当你在超市买东西时,售货员对你说:
上This is Miss Wu BCan I_ help you? CHe is my dad.
《 。 ) 3,当别人称仁你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:
有Thank you. B, Not at all. C, You re welcomel
《 。 ) 4 当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说
上How old are you? B,Goodby