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您的小可爱小可爱我的 上传于:2024-04-20
1 ls there any UWC_ campus you would NOT go? Please explain.(maximum 225words) 2. Describe atime in your life when you lied or acted in a way that you later feitlacked honor, Connect your response with the Chinese proverb“Do not failto do good even ififs a small; do not engage in evil even if is_ small evir(Maximum 225 words) 3.Imagine vou are the headmaster of your school for a week. What changes would you make during that week and why? 4.Briefly discuss a current event in world news that has piqued vourinterest and explain why you feel so passionately about this topicMaximum 225 words) 5. Tell us about yourself and vour background, including family and friends, Describe vourself and the qualities you feel might distinguish vou for better or worse, from other applicants? Please share one of your many interesting and memorable stories that relate to