1.金融危机给各行各业都造成了一定影响; 2.金融危机对大学生造成何种影响;3.作为大学生,应怎样应对这种影响.● 审题概述●这是一篇主要论述金融危机与大学生关系的文章。第一段,概述金融危机给世界造成的影响。第二段,论述金融危机给大学生带来的就业、经济等影响。第三段,阐述大学生面对金融危机带来的影响应提高专业技能等。Effects of Financial Crisis on College StudentsSince the financial crisis swept the world, the global economy has sunk into a severe recession. It’s hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles burst, and huge sums of loans can never be retrieved. Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life.College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well. On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking. New graduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one. What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more. As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies. Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy. Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious business people, or even criminal gang.In response to these threats, we students must act promptly and wisely. Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, it’s crucial that we submit high quality resumes. Therefore, we must c