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坟头信号不好 上传于:2024-04-21
初二英语上学期期末测试卷 杨庄集镇中学 。 杨海应 工.选择填室 (30 分) ( )1.He likes interesting things with other people Atotalkto Btotalkabout Ctotalkwith Didiscuss 《 )2.Steve down and did the reading an hour ago Asit B.sits Csitting D sat 《 )3. What about a walk after dinner? Atake B. took C.taking D.takes ( )4.We. London Acomes from Bare from 。 C.be from D.was from 《 )5.Do you want home now? 上go B.going Cto 加 D.to go to 《 )6. They enjoy football every weekend. Aplay B.playing C.to play D.plays 《 )7. 一一What your parents 9 一一They are both doctors, Adoes,do 。 B.do,do Care,doing 。 D. job,do 《 )8. 一一Where is Gina? She 上likes football Boften plays soccer Cis a good player Dis playing soccer ( )9. 一How”s it ? 一Not bad, 有BO B. going Cgoes D. went 《 )10.一-Ian going to Beijing for a holiday、 ALGoodbye BYou are right CIt” s good D.Have a good time 《 )11. The girl 1ike her mother,She is short and heavy,b ut her mother is tall and thin. Aisn' B.aren” 二 Cdon' Dudoesn' 上 《 )12. Can you give me 3? AL two bowls of soup Btwo bowl of soup C. two bowl of soups D. two bowls of soups 《 )13. 一-Would you 1ike something to eat? ANo,I wouldn” t, B.No,T don”t,。 C.No, thanks,DNo,I won” ft 《 )14, 一Would you like basketball with us? 一Sure,I like basketball very much 人to play,playing B.playing,to play C.play,to play D.playing,playing 《 )15. She often some Teading on Sunday。 She aa stor y book last Sunday, 全do,read B.does,read Cdo,readed 。 D.did,readed (16.Look,Kelly banana Aeat Beats Cate Diseating (JI7.My aunt has a boy 上 five-years-old boy Bfive-year old boy C.five-year-old boy D.five year old boy (018.一Let' ssoforawalk 一 AThanks a lot BYou are weleome CThat sounds good D.No you can 上 (19. play soceer on the street, It s too dangerous。 APlease BTo CDpont Dlet's ( )20.They' re having lots of fum in the river Aswim B. swimming Cto sw训 D swiming 开,完形填空(15 分) Mr Green_21 _a bank clerk, He is very_22 ,Every day he has to 23 and talk with many people,So after work he" d like_24 quie ty at home. Every year he has a long vacation,ht the_25 of the vacation he always takes a good rest (好好休息一下)and 26 _a good tinme with hi sfanily,Then he can go out to meet some of his old friends,Last win ter'he and his family went to Harbin (哈尔滨) to see snow, 27 the y don' t often see it here in Kunming, they_ 28 。 a week there and re ally were_29 to see the thick (厚厚的) snow there. Their son says,*“We hope we are having this activity every year'” “Then work hard and enjoy_30 1ife (生活) !” says Green 《 )21.Ais Biwas Cdoes Ddid ( 。 )22.Athin Biheavy Cbusy Difree ( )23.Alook Bpay Cmeet Dlisten ( )24Ato laugh Bisitting Claughing D.to sit ( 。 )25.begin 。 B.beginning Celose 。 Delosing ( 。 )26.4have Btake Chas D takes ( )27.AAnd 。 B.But CSo D. Because ( 。 )28.Atook 。 B.spent Caited D paid (人 )29.4A surprised Binterested Csurpring D interesting 人《 ) 30.A. you B. your Comy D.me 可 阅读理解 (30 分) 人 pear Julie, Last weekend was a busy time for our fanily. On Saturday my parents went shopping for clothes at the mall 由 brother Gray played basketball with his friends,My sister Gina staye dat home in the morning and played the piano,I stayed at home, too. Istudied for a math test,In the afternoon I went to the beach,0n S aturday night,my family and I had dinner at home,Then we went to th emovies、 On Sunday morning,my family stayed at home,Wy sister and I clean ed our room and my brother played computer games,In the afternoon my grandparents visited us,We were happy to see them,They stayed at ou house for dinner,After dinner,we watehed TW,I was tired on Sunda 了 night,I went to bed early. David 阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F) : ( 。 )31.David stayed at home on Saturday morning ( )32.Julie is Gary ”ssister 《 )33.0n Saturday evening David and his family went to the movie s ( 。 )34.Gary cleaned his room on Sunday morning. ( 。 )35.David went to visit his grandparents on Sunday evening, 日 和 friend has a police dog called Jack,Police dogs are often cle Ver, Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a walk in the pa 。 Jack likes walks very much- It s Sunday afternoon。A young man comes to visit my friend。 He stays for a long time,He talks and talks,Soon it is time for 加 friend to take Jack for his walk。,But the visitor still (仍旧) sta ys. Jack is WOrried about (担心) his walk in the park,He walks aroun dthe room and then sits down in front of the visitor and looks at hi 严 But the visitor goes on 《继续) talking, At last Jack can” t stand it He goes out of the room and comes back a few minutes later,hHe si ts down again in front of the visitor (but this time he puts the vis itor' s hat in his mouth 《路) and shows it to the visitor. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案: ( 。。 )36. Jack is - Amy friend 。 B.the visitor Ca dog Da policeman ( 。 )37.My friend takes his dog to the park AL once a day Bonce a week Cevery afternoon Donce a month 《 )38. The dog sits in front of the visitor and wants 。 Ato listen to him Bto look at