中国百联网法制建设进程时间:2010-11-.09 22:01 来源:口译网 作者:口译网点击:1527 次|
教授 李欲晓2010 年 11 月 8 日
The course of building the legal system forthe Intemnetin ChinaBy L Yuxiaoprofessor Dean School
ofHumanities Beljing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsNovember 8 2010 各位专家、
各位朋友, 女士们, 先生们, 大家下午好!很高兴在这里和大家探讨互联网法制建设的话题
向群体行为转化。全球范围内互联网名疼率已经达到 28.7,在过去十年增长了 444。一个
们面前。 这样一个新世界的社会规则在哪里是人们共同关心的话题。 构建网络法治社会逐渐
成为世界多数国家的目标,中国也在为实现这一目标而努力- 十多年来,中国互联网立法正
覆益百联网主要领域的网络法律制度。Humans have imeversibly entered the information
society with the advent of the IntemetConstructinga rule of law for cyber society has eradualy
become a goal of the majoriy ofcountries in the world and China is also striving to reach that
oal At present the legislation ofinternet aw in china is stepping into the track of healthy
development having established a legalnstitution for the Intemet of specialized Intemnet
iegislation combined with other legislationscovering various law hierarchies and main areas of
the Intemnet 我今天想和大家从以下几个方面交流,一个是探讨中国百联网立法现状,第
础上提出我们对互联网立法的展望,也希望借这个机会得到美国同行们的宝幅建议。 一、中
国下联网立法现状1 The current situation of the legislation of Internet law in china1994 年 2
月 18 日, 我国国务院颁布了中国第一部有关互联网的法律文件一一《中华人民共和国计算
机信息系统安全保护条例》 ,由此拉开了我国网络立法的序奖。到目前为止,中国已出台
保护以及网络知识产权等领域的网络法律体系;On February 18 1994 China promulgated its
fist legal document concerning the Internet -Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China for
Safety Protection of Computer Informationsystems_ The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in
the formulation of Internet laws_ China hassince promulgated more than 200 laws statutes and
regulations as regarding the Intemet forminga system of Intemnet law covering cyber security
ecommerce protection of personalinformationand online intellectual property rights: (一) 保障
网络信息安全的法律 4 Legislation protecting security of online information 为应对日益严峻的
网络安全威助,我国《刑法》285、286、287 条对违反国家规定,侵入计算机系统,提供
性程序, 或者利用计算机实施传统犯罪的行为进行定罪处罚《全国人大常务委员会关于维护
此外, 对不构成犯罪的危害网络安全的志法行为, 可依照+中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》
《中华人民共和国电信条例》 、 《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理 、办法》和《互
联网信息服务管理办法》 等法律法规予以行政处罚。To tacke the ever growing threats against
network security the criminal Law Artiles 285 286287 and the Decision of the Standing
Committee ofthe National Peoples congress on PreservingComputer Network Security sipulates
detailed penalies against purposely making ortransmitingdamaging programs such as computer
Vinuses and acts breaching network security which includeilegaly intruding into or attacking
computer systems and telecommunications networks_ Ilegalactivities that do not constiute
criminal ofience shall receive administnative punishmentsaccording to the Law on Public Security
Administration Punishments TelecommunicationsRegulations and Measures for Securiy
Protection Administration of the international Networkdingof Computer Information Netwonis
and Administration oflnternetinformation services. (二) 有关电子商务的法律 2. Legislation on
ecommerce 我国于 1999 年颁布的《合同法》 第 11 条和第 16 条正式确认了以电子形式
订立的合同的法律效力。2005 年实施的《电子签名法》 《电子签名法》 ,开启了我国网
络法制建设的新阶段。实施五年来,我国的电子签名及认证服务业得到了迅速发展, 依法
设立的电子认证服务机构达到 30 家, 发放有效证书超过了 1000 万张。 这些证书广泛应用
于报税报关、外贸管理、网上支付等政务和商务领域。 有效地保障了网络交易安全, 并
如,2002 年广东省人大芝委会信有了《广东省电子交易条例》 。Imn its contract Law
promulgated in 1999 China officialy recognized the force of aw of contractsconcuded
alectronicaly The Electronic signature Law promulgated in 2004 has opened a newera in the
formulation of intemet aws effectively protected the security of online transactionsand lald 3
Houndation for constructinga trust system in cyber society 《三) 保护个人隐私和个人信息的法
律、法规及行业自律规范 3. Legislation protecting personal prvacy and information 》规定了
出售、非法获取和提供个人信息罪,2010 年 7 月 1 日实 2009 年《刑法修正案 (七) 施
的《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》明确规定了对公民个人隐私权的保护。此外, 《全国人
大常务委员会关于维护互联网安全的决定y》 《电信条例》 、 《计算机信息网络国际联网
安全保 、 、 、 、护管理办法《网络游戏管理暂行办法》《瑟联网医疗保健信息服务管理
办法}》《网络商品 、交易及有关服务行为管理暂行办法》《互联网视听节目服务管理规定》
和 《上海市促进电子商务发展规定}》等法律、行政法规、部门规章以及地方性法规也有保护
自律公约, 公约中规定下联网服务提供者必须采取有效措施保护用户的个人隐私。 上述规
定,构建了以法律保护为主、行业自律为铺的个人隐私和个人信息保护模式。In 2009 the
seventh amendment to the Criminal Law defines the crime of seling ilegalyobtaining and
providing personal information_ The PRC Tort Liability Law that took effect on Juy1 2010 dieary
supulates protection of citizens rights to personal privacy The selfdisclplinecodes of he intemet
industry regulates that internet service providers shall adopt effectvemeasures to protect users
prkvacy In combination these aws and regulations have formed asystem to protect prvacy and
personal information with legal protection as the mainstay andindustry seltdisciplne as the
Supplement.(四)保护网络知识产权的法律 4. Legislation protecting online intellectual property
hts 为应对网络对知识产权保护提出的挑战,我国修订了《著作权法》,侧定了《计算机软
件保 、护条例》《互联网著作权行政保护办法》和《信息网络传播权保护条例》, 最商人民
名管理 、有关间题,中国有关部门相继制定了《中国互联网络域名管理办法》《中文域名争
议解决办 、 《 和法》 中国互联网络域名注册实施细则》 《中国互联网络信息中心域名
刍议解决程序规则》 等规范性文件,最高人民法院也出台了《关于审理涉及计算机网络域名
了基本的依据,有效地平衡了域名持有人与商标权等其他民事权利人之问的利益。To tacke
the challenge posed by the Internet to intelectual property rights China has amendedthe
Copyright Law made the Regulations on Computers Software Protection Measures for
thehdministrative Protection of Intemnet Copyright Regulation on the Protection of the Right
toNetwork Dissemination of Information and issued the Interpretation of the Supreme
PeoplesCourt on Several lssues concerning the Laws Applicable to the Trial of Copyright
Disputeslnvolving Computer Networks Interpretations offering basic legal ground for protecting
onlineintellectual rights. Regarding the administration of domain names China has formulated
Stringof regulations such as the Administration of Internet Domain Names Measures on the
Settlementof Chinese Domain Name Disputes Provisions on Intemet Domain Name Reglstration
Rules forCNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Interpretation of the Supreme
PeoplesCourt on the Several ssues concerning the Application of Law to the Trial of Cvil Dispute
Casesinvoking computer Network Domain Names offering basic legal ground for domain
ameregistration administration and dispute settlement effectively balancing the interests
betweendomain name owners and the holders of trademark right and other cvilrights (五) 网
络业务市场准入的法律 5.Legislation on access to the Internet market 为规范网络业务市场的
规定》《电信终端设备进网审批管理规定》 、 《计算机信息网络国际 、 、 《 、 《联网
管理暂行规定》 中国公用计算机互联网国际联网管理办法》 电信业务经营许可规定),上
信息服务管理办法》《互联网视听节目服务管理规定y》 、 《互联网新闻信息服务管理规
定)》 、 、 、《互联网文化管理暂行规定》《互联网出版管理暂行规定》对从事新闻、出版、
教育、 药品和医疗器械等也联网信息服务实行前置审批制度,对非经营性互联网信息服务实
行备案制度。To regulate competitions in the Intemet market and cope with the needs of
openingtelecommunications industry to the outside world China has successively promulgated
thehdministration of Approval of Network Access License of Telecommunications
Terminalsprovisional Regulations on the Management of Intemnational Networking of
Computerlnformation Networks Regulations on the Administration of International Networking
of PublicComputers Telecommunications Regulations and Administration of Business Sites of
InternetAccess Services explicity stipulating conditions for accessing the Intemet and
establishingnetwork service enterprises._ Moreover China applies categorized licensing system to
Internetinformation services In line with the Administration of Internet Info