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心里没了光 上传于:2024-06-06
2009年专八口语答案 第一部分 英译汉 1. On behalf of the foreign teachers at Nanping University, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff of Nanping University, especially the Foreign Affairs Office staff and our colleagues in our various departments, for all the ways you’ve assisted us during the 2007-2008 academic year and made us feel at home. --借此机会我代表南平大学的所有外教,感谢南平大学的所有教职工,特别是外办的工作人员和各个院系的同事,感谢你们在2007至2008学年对我们的帮助,使我们在这里就象在家一样。 --我谨代表所有的外籍教师,借此机会向南平大学的各位老师,尤其是外办的工作人员和各系的同仁表示感谢。在过去的一年里,你们为我们提供了各种帮助,让我们感受到家的温暖。 2. Unlike Chinese teachers, we require a lot of orientation and assistance when we first arrive, and you’re called on to do everything from guiding us to the local department store to helping us get our computers set up. —与中国教师不同,我们刚到这里的时候需要很多的指导和帮助。从带我们去商场购物,到帮我们调试电脑,你们都有求必应。 —与中国教师不同,我们刚到这里的时候需要很多的指导和帮助。你们一直热心帮助,不仅带我们去商场购物,还帮我们调试电脑。 —我们不同于中国教师,需要很多帮助和指导,特别是我们刚到的时候,你们给了我们极大的帮助,例如领着我们去商店,帮我们装电脑。 —我们与中国教师不同,我们刚来时需要很多情况介绍和帮助,而你们帮我们做了各种事情,比如领我们出去购物, 帮我们把电脑调试妥当。 3. Of course, on top of all this are all the extra things you do to host us while we’re in China – celebrating Chinese holidays with us, taking us to visit interesting scenic sites, and introducing us to China’s fine food tradition. —当然,除此之外,我们在中国期间你们还做了许多额外的接待工作,比如和我们一起庆祝中国的节日,带我们参观风景名胜 ,向我们介绍中国的美食传统。 —当然,除此之外,在这一年里, 你们为接待我们还做了大量的额外工作,如和我们一起过节,领我们游览名胜古迹,带我们品尝中国美食等。 —当然,此外,你们还做了许多额外的接待工作,在这一年间, 你们和我们一同庆祝中国的节日,领我们游览风景胜地,带我们见识中国的饮食传统。 4. Then, at the end of the academic year, many of us leave, and you have to go through the whole process again with the next new group of foreign teachers. Yet, year after year, you do all of this with diligence and grace. —每到学年结束,我们很多人都走了。随着新一批外教的到来,你们要将所有工作再重复一遍。年复一年,你们总是勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨地做着这些工作。 —学年结束的时候,我们中很多人都离开了,而你们又要接待一批新外教,重复整个工作过程。年复一年,你们做着这些事,勤勤恳恳,心甘情愿。 —在学年结束的时候,我们中有很多人都走了,而你们又要忙着接待下一批新来的外籍教师,就这样年复一年,但你们工作总是那么努力, 毫无怨言 。 5. So tonight we wish to thank you for all the wonderful ways you host us – such as providing this fine banquet tonight. We also want to express our gratitude for the 100,000 yuan upgrade of our internet services that you paid for this year. —今晚,我们在此要感谢你们一直以来的热情接待,感谢你们为我们准备的丰盛晚宴。此外,你们今年花费了10万元来升级网络服务, 对此我们也要表示感谢。 —因此,今天晚上我们想对你们表示感谢,感谢今晚丰盛的宴会和你们给予我们的所有细致周到的接待。我们还要感谢你们花费了十万元为我们升级这一年的互联网服务。 —所以今晚,我们要感谢你们对我们的盛情款待,包括这个晚宴。我们还要感谢你们今年为我们的网络更新支付了十万元。 第二部分 汉译英 1.各位媒体记者朋友,大家上午好!非常高兴有这个机会和大家做个交流,谈谈奥运对北京经济的作用。 —Distinguished members of the press, good morning. I’m very pleased to have this opportunity to talk about the impact of the Beijing Olympics on Beijing’s economy. —Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I’m very glad to have this opportunity to talk about the effects of the Olympic Games on Beijing’s economy. —Good morning, everyone. I’m very glad to have the opportunity to talk about the role of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing’s economic development. 2.北京2001年人均GDP只有3262美元,到2007年已经达到了7654美元,到2008年年底,预计将超过人均8000美元。 —In 2001, Beijing’s per capita GDP was only $3,262 while in 2007 it reached $7,654 and is expected to exceed $8,000 by the end of 2008. —In 2001, the per capita GDP in Beijing was $3,262. It reached $ 7,654 in 2007, and is estimated to exceed $ 8,000 by the end of 2008. —Beijing’s GDP per capita was only $3,262 back in 2001. It amounted to $7,654 in 2007, and as estimated, it will be over $8,000 at the end of 2008. 3.在奥运期间由于基础设施的大量投入,特别是对水电气热等生活设施的改造以及环保设施的投入,极大地改变了北京市民的生活环境。 —Before the 2008 Olympics, large investment in upgrading the infrastructure, especially the improvement of utilities like water, electricity, gas and heat, as well as the building of environmental protection facilities, has greatly improved the living environment in Beijing. —During the preparation for the Beijing Olympics, large investment has been made to the infrastructure improvement, especially improvement of utilities such as water, electricity, gas and heat. Investment has also been made to environmental protection facilities. All of this has enormously changed the living environment for the Beijing residents. 4.第三、北京奥运也推进了产业结构的调整,第三产业比重增加,使北京经济的发展方式有了很大的改变。 —The Beijing Olympic ha