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里四臭居居 上传于:2024-06-14
四年级英语期末试卷 一、请按顺序写出E-N10个字母的大小写(每题0.5分,共5分) 二、补全单词并翻译.(每题1分,共10分) 1. c_mp_ter ________ 2. fl_ _ r ________ 3. p_ct_re ________ 4.st_o_g ________ 5. b_dro_m ________ 6.st_d_ ________ 7. s_f ________ 8.n_odl_s ________ 9. chi_ese _ook ________ 10.fri_ndl_ ________ 三、英汉互译。(共20分)X Kb 1.C om 1.给你______________ 2.Help yourself ____________ 3.在冰箱上______________ 4.put up the picture ___________ 5.晚安______________ 6.short hair ______________ 7.友好的______________ 8.storybook______________ 9.面条______________ 10. my schoolbag______________ 四、选出不是同类的单词。(每题1分,共5分) ( )1.A.aunt B.rice C. uncle ( ) 2.A.fork B.spoon C.noodles ( ) 3.A.window B.chair C.soup ( ) 4.A.bread B.fridge C.table ( ) 5.A.doctor B.driver C.plate 五、单项选择。(每小题2分,共20分。) ( )1. clean the classroom. A. Let B. Let we C. let’s ( ) 2. is my English book? It’s in the schoolbag. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 3. How many do you have? I have 6. A. book B. books C.bookes ( ) 4. is it? It’s blue. A. What colour B. What C.How many ( ) 5. What’s name? His name is zhang peng. A. his B. her C.he ( ) 6.He glasses and his shoes are blue. A. have B. has C. had ( ) 7. Is she in the living room? A. Yes, she is’nt. B. no, she is. C. No, she isn’t. ( ) 8. Go to the bathroom. A. Read a book B. Take a shower C. Have a snack ( ) 9. the light A. Turn on B. Open C. Close ( ) 10. What you like dinner? A. will, for B. would, for C. would, of 六、连词成句。( 10分) 1.clean / Let / the / me / window(.) 2.What’s / schoolbag / your / in(?) 3. is / tall / He / strong / and(.) 4. the/are / where/ keys/ (?) 5. like / you / Would / and / a / knife / fork(?) 七、读一读,找一找(每题2分,共10分) Where is it?  A. It’s blue and white. Let me help you.    B. Her name is Sarah. What colour is it? C. Have