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遺憾 上传于:2024-04-28
水平测试 34 Tealed Jony many mes batleouldnt gethough Herbmther on he Phone 1 ne 和 As aa 和一watwiyadoneatsundoy Ca Tel nsonsaady Te We Te Sunday seake 第有 并枯 (拓划村小15分说用) 和ouruieusion will popl on tow shucaion caip en aceodiniea wen bo 站 entolefimameeingafaniuodcen Goneatout20seamaem en Da Te pakaoraTe coreial laedponis aakatmgejmld winanod eanm RH medal ofmis injary 《豆) ,and invited the student to 38 how many beans the jar contained ,After39 shout of aaa , ay seng ac he pmiearamod shin un wm aaancad de 0 answerand 让 oasoig caoa sinatl nananatieson about xia TtisNeLaour 5 人 Cswitched on 。 D,wentoff 0 ap Ts yan ca as aaa as whaac mind aa is D However pethaps asinviting his students io sartan exciting 4S into an unknown world invisible 《无形 oO 的) add6.whih aante icedanl ough siifi Batae eakemsara outucantarecnaae invialion She wjatgununicsuaadhe woall ad aaateriiiand apeienes eate eaL TiepmRsoc osesen sidetitoa ven诈 DLAs faras 四 sanakinganay ran saarkoningandaspmvidingierwilnosbsiuue 和 下 人menerisinganalaadat iewoman sys aadruiadsang neteouiaan 1L55 he course thatafternoon, and Thaven'tgone near scienee since” em moniyame 3 As Bold Can Daetimm Ca em as , an avi camigaay Ding Tie sieaning D Clean 和0, Aready Bipossible Ceomrest Duitfieult Daaken ALor dis was about moie than convenieneeThere esied aclose lationship between ao miliesand their milkmen MrBasile even hada key io our house ier hese ines whenitwas woman io caid oakide at we Pathe box indoonuso thathe milk wouidntfieeze And Temember 国 Mr Basile om ine ouine kingabmeak aourkitehen ahlelavingaeup ofeaand ellne adiesabouthisdeliveny Do Tie is aadly no one mitk dalivery today; Big companies alowed he producton Duiais heapermilk thasmakingitdifficultformilkmen to compete (竞争) Beside milkisorsil method everwhere andiumay ja notave been pmaetialio ave adelivery snvice, Duetuse Resendy an old nilk box the coumtyside Tsaw prought back ny chihood memories aa Teakithome and phntditon he hack pordh (门应) Every so ofen my sons fiend will aa asked whatitis So Tsart elling sories of my beiood and of milkman who bought us endshipalong withhis milk Pen 56MrBasille pnve the boyaquanerouthiscoin changer Daceepahle Ashow his magical power Baopay erthe dalivery Deomnesiion Caosaisfvisearioaity Dueplease his mather Du 57 Whatcan beinRred fom the Betthatihe miltman had he key iote boyshousey sd AHewandiohave ea there 上He wasa especuhle penon 站 CHewasteaiedasafamily member 。 DHewasfyumsedbyuefamily 和8Why dese home nilkdelivery nolongerexi ANobody wants obeamiltman now heaoorstep has heen driven outofihe market inthe 19b0swe had amiltman delivering Caserviceiseaing poor worea whiecap anddnoveawhie tnsk As Disforbiaden by aw sin changer fed iohis beltHe naticed his 3 Whydidthe aahorbring hackhomeanald milkbov oreoin shanger, Amisedmegoodolddays as sheeseeges adsoontTweneeded He wantd ie ellineresting wories Siease add a botle of batemmilk next CHeacededitlorhis mk botles pty batles And thenuhe batemmilk would D Heplaned nowersinit CSseling goodsin markents be anneuncenent that brings pmoductsand DWorking with ad aaencies, son adventising has been an effective wav The ls centry advenising wasspecialinie nuhe Middle Agesmerchants employed Aerowing spending printing materials Promate their gpods When printing was Cadverising companics 。。 D amactive designs kements ad could he piinted esasily and Which ofthe pllowing mightbe the best ile forthe exty AThesory ofAdvenising aewspapens were beginning to be read by The Value af Advenising Desiens mporant way In pmomore pmoducts and CC The Roleof Newspaper Adverisine iperio set aside aplace just or adverising DThe Developmcntaf printing for Adverising or several companies stared businesses for ec While small may be beaatifulallisjast plain uncamforableitseemspariculay when it htecn century Ad wriers werstaning io Comecstosaying inhatels and eating in restaurants , Everything ,fon clhes mn drinks was The Tall Penons Chh Great (TPCGB)which was fommed six mons aeo to campaithe on of dhe foms mane or product wonds 《发运动) for the nceds af the allhas ummedis ancakion to hatcls and restaumants Beds F pety Piteres and expressioms eay 加 aare oo snall shower heads that ar oo low and resaurants hles with hardly any eeoom all make ife difficaltforthose ofabove average heishtitsays onies mat were deveted io the produetion of Batitis notjast he exhaall whose needs ae not being met The avenage height of he 告商) ”The agencics developed new ways Papulation has been inereasing yet the the standand size af hedsdoorways and chairs has group Throughout he tventieth century, emained unchanged 主义aa way aflife Spreading the belief Tie beddingindusty saysabed shouid besixinches reerihan the penon uingitso hr pmoducts even akingaize bed al 66MG feet and 6incheajis faling short for 25% of mca wiile he andand 637 bed eaters for (满足短求) less than half of the male (男性) population' said TPCGB president Phil Heinricy'Severfoatheds woald work fine Similarlyresaumant ables can cause no end of problems Small ables which mean the Iong-kgged have io siLa Toot or so anay fom themare enough to make nl cusiomers en hewher roy Some have already uken mate however At Queens Moat HousesCaledonian Helin Edinburgh_ 66- beds are now patin as sandard afier requcsts for longer beds fom uler Visioes paricularty Americans. ardens across the county hacek been sid out prsevenal months In AustinvTexi some of he ardens haveathree-yearwaiting list George CBallJrownerofacompany said sales ofvegetahie seeds a