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颓败 上传于:2024-04-25
感谢信 感谢信是日常生活中应用普遍的信件类型。感谢信的篇幅可长可短, 但应该写得 认真而热切,写出真实的感情。 应注意在对馈赠礼物的感谢信中,要提到具体的礼物,不要写*"Thanks for your beautiful gift"而要写成"Thanks for the beautiful clothes",同时将礼物加以质赏, 使送礼人感到高兴。 范例1 Dear Gentmde, Whata wonderful Christmas gift those leather gloves arel You certainly know my aste and my insatiable appetite for gloves Thanks so much.itis very thoughtful of you to have remembered me so kindly atthe Yaletide Treally do appreciate your great friendship behind the gift as well as the gift itself Yours affectionately, Julia 译文: 亲爱的吉特鲁德: 那双皮手套是多么美好的圣诞礼物啊! 你真了解我的爱好和对手套的贪得无天- 多谢你啊,格特鲁得。在圣诞节的时候你这样钴记者我,你真是太关心我了,我 真欣赏你的礼物和礼物中包含的真挚友情。 真诚的朱丽亚 范例2 感谢别人的指教: Dear professorJackson, Ttisjusttwo months since Tconsulted with you about choosing my job and Twantto assure you that Lappreciate your help, Youradvice has been invaluable and Lhave followed the course you recommended with gratifying results_ Ttook the job and consider itthe wiseststep could have taken Twould like to express my gratiude along with my very best wishes. Cordially, Julia 译文 亲爱的杰克示教授: 自从上次向您请教"工作"问题至今已经两个月了,非常感谢您的指教。 您的建议十分宝贵,我按照您说的做了,收效甚佳。我选择了那份工作后,认为 这是我能作出的最明智的选择。 我愿意在此向您表示感谢,并献上最好的祝愿- 真挚的 朱丽亚 您真诚的 王刚 供写感谢信的参考词句: 1D) Thanks a million or Thanks ever so much .非常感谢 2) Oceans of thanks.感谢之至。 3) Tcan'ttell you how much your letter delighted (received, amused) me,我不知道怎 样告诉你,你那封信使我多么愉快, 4) Tiove the way you say (pub things in yourletters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting (important charming, mysteries) .我喜欢读你信中说明 事情的方式,连极小的事,你都写的很有趣〈重要,迷人,玄妙) 。 5) was good (characteristically thoughtful more than kind) of you 你真好【考虑周到,太客气……) 。 6) Ris generous of you to take so much interestin my work (to give me so much of yourtime to show me so much of your consideration), 对我的工作这