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不死欲望 上传于:2024-05-27
四年级英语上学期测试题 时间50分钟,分值100分。 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每小题2分。 ( )1、A. run B. can C. pen ( )2、A. read B. sky C. ride ( )3、 A. left B. lost C. clock ( )4、 A. beside B. behind C. boat ( )5、 A. picture B. people C. potato 二、听录音,标号。每小题2分。      三、听录音,判断正( T )误 ( F )每小题2分。 1、 2、    四、听录音,选句子。每小题2分。 ( )1、 A. She is listening to music. B. She is watching TV. ( )2 、A. Do you want some milk? Do you want some fish? ( )3、A. W here is Train 2? B. What is Sam doing? ( )4、 A. Daming is taking pictures. Daming is talking to his friend. ( )5、 A. It’s dancing B. It’s singing. 五、听录音,排序。每小题2分 (   ) They’re rowing a dragon boat. (   ) The train is at the station. (   ) I live at No. 2 Park Street.   (   ) He’s flying a kite.   (   ) Look at the people on the lake. 六、听音,选图。每小题2分。 ( ) 1. A.  B.  ( ) 2. A.  B.  ( ) 3. A.  B.  ( ) 4. A.  B.  ( ) 5. A.  B .  读写部分 一、我是小小书法家,我会用漂亮的手写体抄写下列句子。每小题1分。 Excuse me . Where’s No. 2 Park Street,please? ___________________________________________________________________________ He’s playing with a toy train. ___________________________________________________________________________ We can see lots of interesting things. ___________________________________________________________________________ What are the tigers doing? ___________________________________________________________________________ We want some eggs. ___________________________________________________________________________ 单项选择。每小题1分。 (  )1、I’m ______your left. A. in B. on (  )2、---_________.Where is KFC,please. ---Go straight on,And turn left A. Sorry B.Excuse me (  )3、What are they________? A, drink B.drinking (  )4、_______is it? It’s five yuan. A.How much B.How many (  )5、He’s __________music. A.listen to B.listening to (  )6、Where’s the train? Ir’s________the station. A. at B.in (  )7、The children__________football. A.is play B.are playing (  )8、Let’s________the bus. A.get on B.gets on (  )9、Daming and Jim_______playing the guitar. A. is B.are (  )10、Look,Tom is_________a letter. A.writing B.writeing (  )11、_______is your school? Go straight on then turn left. A. What B.Where (  )12、Can you swim? A.Yes,I can. B,Yes,I can’t. (  )13、Do you want some rice? No__________. A.you please. B.thank you (  )14、Amy is_________some pictures. A.taking B.talking (  )15、My father can_________Taijiquan. A.do B.doing 三