Bidding Documents
工作为“ 〈以下简称“申请人”) 的授权代表,对提供资格预审资料阅读和理解后,下述
Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of (hereafter refered to as vthe
Applicant hand having reviewed and fully understood all of the pre-qualification information
Provided the undersigned hereby apply to the Pre-qualification by yourselves as a bidder for the
following contract under the project
2 本函后附有关以下内容的正本/复印件:
Arached io this letter are copies of original documents defining'
《a) 我方法人代表签署的法人授权书,以表明申请人的法律地位,
人written powerofattomey signed by the principal officerindicates the Applicants lcgal status'
《b) 业务总部所在地
The principal place of business: and
《e) 总公司所在地《适用于申请人是集团公司的情况),或注册地和所有者的国籍《适用于
The place ofincorporation (for applicants who are corporationsh or the place of registration and
he nationality of the owners (for applicants who are partnerships orindividually-owned firmsj:
《d) 公司的主要历史和业务,
Applicants history and major basiness: and
《e) 公司的组织结攀和主要人员和所属的结构;
Stmucture and personnel;
《9 注册资本和最近 5 年经审计的资产负债胡和损益表;
Register Capial and the audited financial statements for the last 5 yeats: and
《g) 开户行的名称及其出具的银行资信证明;
Name of the Correspondent Bank and The Letter of Reference issued by the Bank and
《Ch 营业执照。 Business Licenscs and
6G) 业绩证明资料《备提供中标通知书、合同复印件及用户联络方式);
Documents of outstanding achievements (copies of Notice of bid awarding ,contracts and liaison
methods of formerly end-users must be enclosed in the applicationsj and
《iD 1SO9000 系列质量体系认证等 ISO9000 Certificate etc and
《资质证明材料。。 Authorized certification
《50 近年获奖情况 .Awards over the past 5 years
3. 授权员方代理及其授权代表查询或调查以确认我们递交的与本申请相关的声明、文伯
和资料, 并通过我们的开户行和客户沽消申请文件中有关财务和技术方面的问题。 本申请书
Yoar Agency and its aathorized representatives are hereby authorized io conductany inquries
orinvestigation to verify he statements documents and information submited in connection with
his application and tto seek ciarification fom our bankers and clients regarding any financial and
Eeehnical aspects_ The Letter of Application will also serve as authorization to any individual or
authorized representative of any institution referred to in he supporting infomnation. to provide
Such information deemed necessary and as requested by yourselves to verify statements and
information provided in thisapplication such as the resources ecperience and competence of the
Yoar Agency and in anthorized representatives may contact following persons for further
5. 本申请充分理解下列情况:This application is made with the full understanding that-
Bids by prequalified applicants will be subject to verification of all infommation submited for
prequalification atthe ime ofbidding
《b) 你方代理保留以下权力。 Yoar Agence reserves the righto
更改本项目下合同的范围和金额, 在这种情况下 投标仅面向资格预审合格且浦足变更后要
Amend he scope and value ofany contracts bid under this project ia such event bids willonly be
alled fom prequalified biaders who meet he revised requirements; and reject or accept any
application cancel the preualification process and rejectall applications.
《e) 你方代理将不对其上述行为承担责