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失落 上传于:2024-05-02
台南市安平国中九十五学年度第二学期二年级第一次段考英语科考查试郑 命题老师 ; 曾淑静老师 。 范围 : Book4, Lesson1-3点Reviewl 班般 座避 姓名 人人全力 一、站CD He 昌国上的于代让 (ACEJ。 1106 一| 和银和之 1 20 ) 3( )》 本 ) 5( ) 二、选出出现在 CD 身中的单字 ; 596 CEAaae ms ae Dam (Wo oa DJmen 1 Da 人 人am 下CD 的二寺,旭上和的加:10 (so Andwia meaniararatal DJTRIm assiemm 人ein BadaaeEneia uaineuins COTaanay neeusiaen malenaeassanets 人Wearadona Tesiteaeea Omega 四谍Raptkaoaiungbyuin (TEN sa surmeaiesmaam ne CTEaRRyaa Crimeotgy aaae remme ad Na Teatoesssa 分: 和由75 一、字和测中10% TwoneasamssmaBu Maylaleyara om vlang te gaowy oa ”hm Tamwe iuetsan asialshawea aalaudcs oemahaloay sea Tocsas Srmanyokite Btdomii GPa sai Renlesbkinam Tsereatsasam nt Raman PE teyarfemu reasons meapaa6ooaey am 人Taontlletisdese dietbya ae 106 paymneoma_L_wmm Re Tia Batlhaabaleapeienue asnday 全ANdegeieaee Talme 2 本Ontardy TcaaloseWShibatl 3 uaonguain Andtmtwasedmeatatariine 人West witssae Taunauatl 4 ypionconteaninsenliay shiin APooryoa [SSoRe RN9司 TCD om (2) by (3) vi (4)间 2 (CD aboal (2) aund (3) vi 《4) om CD gotin (2) gtoff (3) goton (4) sotoutof CD kaved (2) didntleave (3) wasleaving (4) eft (CD amived (2) amivedat (3) wenttack (4 gothaek 三、和择 2096 1 Whatsyouranswer equesiony (Daf (2) io (3) mr (4)间 2 her ady hen (CD harey (2) heand erel (3) beanley (4 heatoemy 3更出正确的身子 (1) The pork wentpadly (2] fuastedeliious (3) The hamhurgers look eribly (4) esounds greattome Auruaches manl (CD ketosady (2) akedosady (3) madessudying (4) hatiosudy SSop TIweathelieveyeu (1D makingupsefies (2) iomakesoricsup (3) makeupsries (4) makinguphem 和6用款Torgotealling hi yesterday (1 iarotio callhim (2) Lememherto callhim_ (3) Lealled him batlforsotaboutthat 4) didnteallhimyeaerday and leallhim ater 了有出正确的自子(1 Tellsleepy (2) He ofien ilsadecpiaelass (3)Thadagood slecping astnight (4) He overlecped ad misd the bus Justhinking about exerehse etied (CD ls (2) makes (3) has (4) feels Doyousmel ?CD somehingisbaming (2) somehingbuming (3) anyhing bum (4) anything barned 10 The sen Noswimming” (1 rads (2) ls (3) speaks (4) sys 加、图读测脸 1096 aveyou everbaught something and hadio pay extn money called ax? The money fom taxesisusedionn he auerameat。 We pay axes when we bay cars houscs and many ather hings, Long ago People hadio Pay axcs on some very range hings 本New Yodk anyone who wereasighadiopay atax IaRasia there wasa ta on beands the ax wasmt paid the beard asclppedoft 四Holand peoplehad io payatax brevery window inheirhouse so People began building houses withour windows Teday thereare ailltaxes batatleasmostofthe