卢: Good evening ,ladies and gentlemen ,vdistinguished guests , and dear
jadges .Welcome to the 9 “English comer cup" English Speaking Competition_ Tm
Lu Yesa
吴: Tm Wu Xiao Juan, yesas itis today two of us stand here and look seems very
卢: 《女士们,先生们,各位尊敬的来宾,晚上好。欢迎来到第九届“英语角”
吴, But as Tkeep saying to Lu its not the quantity its the quality the always counts.
WellIEs my great pleasure to co-host the grand final of this competition tonight。
户:Tes also my pleasure, Do you Know? Nowadays, speaking fluent English has
become a fashion,This opportunity gives contestant who makes a good
performance. Just show yourself. 《我也非常高兴。你知道吗? 现如今,说;
吴: 接下来,请允许我介绍光临本次大赛的领导和豆宾,有: 学生处处长苦守臣
教授: 园林系主任张彦林教授: 环境工程系主任武成良副教授: 机电工程系
主任页昌林副教授; 经济管理系主任刘刚副教授: 经济管理系副主任王海老
师,建筑工程系党总支副书记裴俊华老师 测绘工程系党总支副书记阮国
杰“, 林业工程系党总支副书记麻永峰 ; 经济管理系党总支副书记张小军
卢: 出席本次大赛的评委有:经济管理系商务英语教研室的沈小燕老师,座继业
老师,梁玮老师,刘力老师,潘媳兰老师以及刘俊老师。 让我们再次以热
吴, Today ,a very exciting day ,its the final stage of the competition_ Next TIl
introduce the rules of this competition to you. First each contestant will be given
three minutes to present a Speech Follow by the contestant will be given 3
question by ourjudge and the contestant is support to your opinion
进入了比赛的最后一个阶段。接下来, 请允许我介绍今天的比赛规则。 首先,
每位选手将有三分钟的时间进行演讲; 之后是即兴问答环节,根据问题六述
户: The mles and regular are as follows: First Prepared Speech 7 points, among
Which Content 2 points,Organizarion 3 points,Delinery 2 points,Second,
Response fo Question 3 points, among whiici Condent 1 point Beetineness 1
Point 评委老师将现场打分,每四人公布一次分数。
吴; Alright having set the record staight now Why don't wejust get the show on the
road? Ladies and gentlemen, Lets give our warm welcome to contestant No.
号选手上场.) <网躬>
卢: 请评委老师为 1 号选手打分,谢谢评委老师。Then Ilets enjoy contestant
No.2,contestant No.3gets ready《〈接下来让我们一起欣赏 2 号选手的表现,3
号选手请准备- )
吴,Thank you so much. Lers weleome contestant No.3, contestant No 4 gets ready
and please. 【非常感谢,欢迎 3 号选手上场,4 好选手准备-)
卢: How wonderful. Now welcome contestant No.4, contestant No.5 gets ready 很精
彩的表演。有请 4 号选手上台演讲,5 号选手准备。)
户&昊 。 卢: Thank you Now let us announce the lastscore from contestant No.l to
No 4.Contestant No.1 ,whose scoreis ,
吴, Contestant No2 herscoreis
卢: ContestantNo3 .herscore is
吴: Contestant No4 herscoreis -Thanks again Now welcome
contestant No.S, contestant No.6 gets ready (非常感谢,现在,我们将宣布
号选手到四号选手的得分情况,一号选手最后得分 ,二号选手最后得
分 ,三号选手最后得分 ,四号选手最后得分 。 再次感谢。 欢迎五号先
户: How anice performancel Welcome contestant No.6, contestant No 7 gets ready
(非常棒的表演,欢迎 6 号选手,7 号选手请准备。)
昊; Fantasticl Thank you contestant No.6, please welcome contestant No.7, contestant
No.8 please gets ready (感谢六号选手,欢迎七号选手,八号选手请准备。)
户; wonderful performance,You really did a good job. Lets welcome the last, No 8
卢:Thank you for your good performance,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢前八位选
生赵普为大家带来的歌曲“Wish you were here”.
户&吴。 卢: Thank you for your good performance . Now, et us announce the last
score from contestant No S to No.S.Contestant No_S.whose scoreis
昊:Contestant No6 .herscoreis
卢: Contestant No7 herscoreis
昊: Contestant No.8 her score is =
卢: 接下来,让我们一起欣赏以下由非专业组的选手为大家带来的精彩表演,有
吴: Thank you, how wonderful, Welcome contestant No 2, contestant No.3 gets ready
户:, How fantasticl Lets welcome contestant No.3, please contestant No.4 gets ready,
吴: wonderful Now weleome contestant No.4, contestant No.5 gets ready。
户: Thank you for your good performance,Lets enjoy the performance No5
contestant No .6 gets ready
户&吴。 卢; Thank you Now, Ilet us announce the last score from contestant Nol to
No 4.Contestant No 1 ,whose scoreis ,
吴: Contestant No2 herscoreis
卢: Contestant No3 herscoreis
吴: Contestant No4 herscoreis -Thanks again Now welcome
ontestant No 6, contestant No 7 gets ready
吴: Fantasticl Thank you contestant No.6, please weleome contestant No.7, contestant
No8 please gets ready
户; T