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放逐自由 上传于:2024-04-19
单项选择题:15 分)- CDLIafen my homewok afiermy supper butyesenlay evening1 TV Ado wateh B.did watched Cdid watch Dido watched (PTom wih his bmother Playing football very much Aike Blikes Cing Draretiking (3一MustLfinish my homework now? NO.you 一 Amastmt Bon Caeednrt Deanrt (very interesing inthe rerinsammer 从swim BThatioswim Cswim DThis swim (和there -toeatinyourbowi? 一-Northereis一ef Asomething anything Banything something Caothing somehing Danything nothing (6. Thegil tabed until(直到 Jvery late stnight went 上BCdidntgo Didonteo CIhave donday A_anyhingimporant 。 B_something imporant C_imporantnothing 。 Dimporantsomething ( )8.21canrtunderstand he story -here are many new wonds in二 Abecause 。 Bhecauseof 。 Chat Dim (Thesitdecidal theredskin 人bays B buying Ciobuy Dibought (ioHeikesreading andhehas boeks Aaloatat Biosofalot Catiotof 。 Datalotof (1 do you exercise? 一Oncea week, AHowsoon 。 B._How ong CHow ofen 。D How fr (iD Watching TVioo machisnotgood youreyes Bi Car Diwi Ce eehous hewondcupyesenday ATaok wath Bakes see Cspends 。 looking 。 Dspent 。 waching CHRobertofenasksus his chinese Aioheipwih Bioheiphim wih Cheiphim D haipshin with (5 Whichdoyoulike whie redTom? Amorc and beteror Chest or Dbeterand 二 .单词填室, (10 分) THe fmished 《writela eteriohis parmntyesterday 2 Leekatieryounelfandkeep heat .Pasety (gen backeany omemow esimporant (exercise)every day My motherasksme nudy)hanl 6 Wewalk withour on TIwan_ boatacherinthe fare Semasl wong handatourlessons 9 Thaveaotef homeworiodn ioLookl Theboy (read anderthe aee。 三,完型填空.010 分) AsJahns wife wasilhe called the doctorand made sure they would meetat five He arrived atihe doctorsattwenty to five He thought itsalitlebit 1 -TIlwaitfora moment Its good io Setthere on ime 2 hestopped his carin frontof the doctors he iooked 3 and saw anoisy square notfar from him He wentibere and satdown on chairio 4 thelastlightofthe afiemoon sun and 5 himselfduiet He saw some children playing and some women uilking happily Suddenly he hearda girl 6 .He wentup oherand asked what was wrong Then he knew she gotlost John iedto fnd outher 7 andsent her home The gils parents were very thankful Finaly,Johm haried iothe 8 .When thedoctorsaw him he wasvery 9 andsaid Youarelate Why didy oukeep me waiting for20 minutesyr John said 10 exeept(除了)one word -sommyt (COOLALtter 。 Beanier Cshorer 。 Dibeter (DiPALAfer 。 B.Before CThen 。 D.Until (CBAfor Ba Cafer Diamund (Arenjoy B.pas Cipat Dipay (5ALfell 。 B.made Cecaried 。 Ditook (6.A_singing ”Blaughing Cenying 。 Dispeaking (Aname Bimind Cage Diaddress (8.A.famers B.drivers Ceachers Didoctors (Apolite Biangy Chappy 。 Dikind CD)I0A.everything B.something Canything Dinothing 四陪读理解:30 分) 和 There wasa bookseller .He did notlike to pay foranything, One day abig box of baoks 人ll (撞下) on his foot "Goto he doctor' said his wife rand show thatfoottohim Norhesaid Pilwaituntilthe doctorcomes oourshop nexttime Then Pilaskhim about my oot flgotoseehim Ishallhave to pay (付款) The nextday the doctor came to the shop io buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor abour is bad fbot The doctorlooked atitand promised (答应) to help He took oatapiece of paperand wrote something on iL “Buy this medicine and patiton the foot before you solo bed every night he said “Thank your said the hookseller "And now sir herea your books "How muchyr asked the doctor “Two Pounds ( 英 磅) "Oh good said the doctor "Tshall nothave to pay you anything today” “Whyy" asked the booksellert书商) Took overyourfoot Twanttwo pounds forihat fpeople come to my houses lask hem to pay only one pound fora small thing iike that But when Lgo to theirhouses. Tusually charge( 。 收 费) two Pounds And lcame here today didmtly Bye-byef 根据短文内容,和择最佳答案 (JEThe booksellerdidntwantiosee thedoctorbecaue Ahis foot wasnrthur 。。 B.Hecouldnrtgo any fanher CHedidnrthave any money topay thedoctor DiHedidmtwantto pay the doctor (PThenextday the doctorcame to the shop Atobuy somepooks 。 Biobuy medicine Copomow some money 。 Diosee the bookseller (Theselleraskedthedoctortopay Anothing 。B.two pounds Conly one pound Ditwo Pound (The doctor paid the bookseller Amany money 。。 B_much money Cnothing D_two pounds forbooks (5Which of he following isrighe AThesellerdidmtlike io pay anything BThe sellers wife didnt wanthim to go to the doctor CThe seller was cleverer than the doctor D.Thedoctordidntgo to the shop o buy any things 了 Brane wasa boy ofeight His father worked inacinema and his mother worked inashop.Helive dinotfar from his school Healways walked there and walked home On his way toschool he had ipassaplayground .IEwas very wetafierit rained. One day when he gothome his clothes were 到wet His mother became angry and said, "Dontplay in the water on your way home from School On he nextday Bruno came home with wetand dirty clothes His mother became even angrier MPILellyour aherifyou come back wetagain said his mother "He punish (乱划You you knew” The ind day the linle boy was dry when he came home.