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江应怜狄淇儿 上传于:2024-06-08
Answers BOOK TWO Unit 1 Part I Writing How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension To improve your reading comprehension, you should read extensively and constantly. In addition, you should master some reading skills. Now, let me develop these two points: Reading extensively and constantly requires you to make full use of your time to read a large number of books. In fact, you should read some newspapers, magazines and novels besides your books in your spare time: after class, during vacations, on a journey, etc. It will help you to enlarge your vocabulary, to strengthen your language sense, to understand the grammatical rules better and to acquire a great deal of knowledge. In the long run, it will improve your reading comprehension. In addition, mastering some reading skills are also necessary, such as scanning, skimming, recognizing signal words, understanding figurative language, using context clues and word part clues, grasping topic sentences, and so on. Skillful reading will make you get twice the result with half the effort. 提出问题。 解决提高阅读理解能力的措施一。 解决问题的措施二。 结论。本段运用例证法扩展段落。 Part II Reading Comprehenion (Skimming and Scanning) 1------7 N NG Y Y N Y N 8. forgery 9. (notorious) Abu Ghraib prison 10. tortured Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 11.D) 12.I) 13.G) 14.K) 15.L) 16.E) 17.N) 18.O) 19.B) 20.A) Section B 21----25. B A C C D 26----30. D B B B C Part IV Vocabulary and Structure 31----35 C A C B A 36----40 C C A B D 41----45 C B D A A 46----50 C B C D D 51----55 D A C A D 56----60 A C C A C Part V Cloze 61--65. A B C D B 66--70. A C A B A 71--75. C C B D A 76--80. B A C A C Part VI Translation Section A 81. much less a big company 82. whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately 83. due partly to their new market strategy 84. has given me nothing but trouble 85. her comments on the plan Section B 86. 这种态度造就了一个决心投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。 87. 部分原因在于这样一个事实:美国的电话服务是一流的,而邮政服务的效率则差劲多了。 88. 但在美国,能迅速而又成功地解决问题或完成工作,则被视为是有水平有能力的标志。 Unit 2 I. Vocabulary Section A. 1—5 BCCCA Section B. 6—10 DCCBC 11—15 AADAC 16—20 DACAB II. Structure 21—25 CCAAA 26—30 DDDAB III. Reading Comprehension 31—35 CCCCD 36—40 ABDAB 41—45 CABAD 31. C A 和B 未提及。根据第一段中的”This coal was a powder, clean and brilliant.” 就可排除D, 而肯定 C. 32. C. 文章第二段指出这些工具“traditionally proven”, 而并不意味着这里的人都很传统,同时文章也只是说这些工具很奇妙 “curious”, 并不是说这里的人有很好奇的习惯。由此可以排除A 和D。 B 未提及。另外,根据第二段对这些工具的描述,我们可以断定这些工具很实用,C 为正确答案。 33. C. 根据第二段可以排除A, B和D.而根据最后一段 “a lady’s bike was no good because it lacked a crossbar, and that was an essential element in transporting sea-coal.” 就可以肯定D 正确。 34. C 根据第三段对自行车装载的描写:One full sack could be slung through the triangular frame of a man’s bike, another over the crossbar and , sometimes, even a third on top of that. 由此可以肯定C 正确。 35. D 根据 “it was being wheeled home”, 就可以排除A. 根据 “it (the bicycle)…enabled one to move the sea-coal from place to place”, 就可以排除B. C在文中未提及。根据 “the pressure of the metal bar against the full, wet sacks forced excess water out of the coal”, 克肯定D 正确。 36. A 根据第一段中的 “we must be careful not to credit the little winged fellows with intelligence”, 可以断定A 正确。 37. B 根据第四段 “I tripped over a nine of diamonds which someone had left lying on the floor”, 可见B 正确。 38. D 根据第六段中“For there on the floor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left them the night before”, 可以排除A, 而D 正确。根据第一句 “When I came down the next morning Pudge was still asleep in her box”, 可以肯定B the author realized that the wasp had been trying to help 错误。C 在文中未提及。 39. A 作者根本就没有见到wasp 昨晚的所作所为,一切的一切都是作者想象出来的。可见 A 正确 40. B 作者根绝自身的经历,以调侃的口气,从反面证实了Professor Bouvier 的观点。所以 B 正确。 41.C. 根据第二段第二句 “Arts students may well find that their official contact with teachers is less than this average, while science and engineering students may expect to be timetabled for up to 20 hours per week.”, 我们可以断定C 正确。而A , B 和D 在文中未提及,也推理不出,因此可以排除。 42. A 根据第二段中的 “Lectures, seminars and tutorials are all one hour in length”, 就可以肯定 A 正确。 43. B. 文章第一段第二句就是本文的主题句 “The greatest of these have probably been in the economic lives of women.”, 由此可以断定B 正确。选项A 范围太大。C 范围太小,只涉及到第四段部分内容。D 也仅仅涉及到第三段部分内容。 44. A. 根据全文,尤其是第一段的描写,可知这是一场破坏性极强的、使数千人丧生的灾难,我们不难看出A 正确。 45. D A, B 和 C 都只涉及文章一部分内容,只有D 才最全面。 V. Cloze 46-50 CAABD 51-55 CDACC 56-60 AAAAD 61-65 BBCCD 46. C in recent years 最近几年中 (固定表达法) 47. A 下文有提示 48. A leisure time (习惯用法)从花费大量时间的责任、任务或活动中解脱的空闲时间,闲暇 B 不做事的,游手好闲的 C 名词, 偶像,崇拜物 D 方便的 49. B 曝光(在公共场所获新闻媒介露面)例如an actor with much recent exposure in television 近来在电视上露面的一位男演员A 动词,使暴露C 名词 爆炸,爆发D 名词, 围场,围栏 例如enclosure movement (英国的)圈地运动 50. D more percentage 不搭配 51. C ever before 以前 ever since 从那时到现在 52. D thanks to 由于,幸亏 53. A at(a very) early age 小时后,幼年,早期 54. C fit…into给。。。安排时间 fit…up安装 fit on 装上,试穿 fit out装备,配备 55. C 56..A 论证或证明。。。正当、正确或有效。例如:justify each budgetary expense as necessary 证明每一项预算费用都是必要的 57. A have interest in 对。。。有兴趣,(固定搭配) 58. A keep in condition 保持健康状态 (固定搭配) 59. A 根据上文应选择regularly , 定期地 60. D be popularly with 受。。。 欢迎,(固定搭配) 61. B 惯例(按惯常遵循的已规定好的行为作法),固定的娱乐节目,而A 则专门指“从一地到另一地旅行的道路、路线或方法” 62. B who 指代前面的 people,且在定语从句中担当主语。 63. C be likely to 可能 likable 可爱的 likewise 照样地,同样地,又,也 64. C 此处更多地强调由一些疾病所带给人们的警告、警示,而不是具体的疾病或表面的 事实。 65. D pay off 赢利,取得好结果。例如: The effort pays off in the long run这种努力最终会有好结果。. pay in 解款人 pay for 偿还 VI . Short Answer Questions: 66. they want to know more about the world 67. Because they are the source of news and other information. 68. selective and influenced by various factors 69. Social context of exposure. 70. hardly (scarcely) planned VII Translation Directions: Please translate these sentences into English. 71.我们要采取什么措施才能使数百万人转变观念,接受计划生育?(convert t