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骄纵娇纵 上传于:2024-04-21
Unit2) 了vite 人Youhavean (invitation )tovisitus wheneveryou want .John (invited ) disaster by forgetting to shut the gas o作 C Therestaurantappeared to be cozy and finviting so we are there 习prepare AThe MBAEEa general management qualification which aimsto (preparej studentsfor middlean dsenior managerial positions Biwarmed the fprepared) food in the microwave oven, CThe writer was assisted in the fpreparation ofthis articdle by other members ofherfamil DAIotoflpreparatory/preparation) work isneeded before we can begin the project 3引discover AResearchersin this laboratory have made severalimportant discoveries) BuJim Watson and Francis crick were the fdiscoverersh CFollowinga routine checkcup,Mrs Mason was (discoveredj to have heart disease, approve AWelbuy the new computer system assoon as we have the approvall of the directors BWe had to wait months forthe councilto (approvej our plans to extend our house CWhars the approved) way ofdoing this? Dshe gave him an (approvingj smile. EThe survey showed that 3296 approve,5496 (disapprovej and the rest are undecided 引jeloquent AThe pictures were an (eloquentj reminder ofthe power ofthe volcano, Bshe wasrenowned forher leloquencej and beauty CHe spoke (eloquently) with the selfeffacing humor that has endeared him to the press faith AHis (faithfull old dog always accompanied him wherever he went BaShe finally decided toleave her (unfaithful/faithless) husband CHer ffaithin God was shattered when her child died Dialways (aithfully) follow the instructions on medicine bottles. 四Joccasion AHe makes loccasional) appearances forthe local footballteam, Brm in London occasionalyi about oncea month CShe promised she would make aspeech ifthe foccasion) demandedt jdelver AThe actors deliveryl was so faintthat he couldmt be heard 民the back ofthe theater B.ProfessorJones will be ldeliveringl alecture on Roman architecture at 5.00 pm CWere having pizza (deliveredfor dinner tonight trouble AThe negotiations have proven more ftroublesomej than any of us expected, Bshe doesn'tseem to be greatiy troubled) by her financial problems. Cinthese ftroubled) tmes of war and famine itis nice to hear some good news. Dsome (troubling) questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos 10) Assure AShe sang with (assurancej throughout the performance, BShesimpressive on TV because her syle of presentation very assured, CYou should reserve early to fassure] yourselves ofthe best seats 选词填空大 1) The company (gotintotroublel when ittrled to expand too quicky 2 Youcanleave the childrento meThey are no trouble) 3) Stop talking to methat wayJohn._ You?rejust (asking fortroubleh 4) Didyou havel any (troublel gettnga work permity 5) The (trouble with) Pat?s new girlfriendisthat she drinks too much 6) The company willbe in serious/deepybig troublel ifwelose this contract 7) Dianetold alie ratherthan getl her friend (into troubleh 8) Theteacher ftake the troublej tolearn all ournames on thefirst day unit 工 Weare (constantly 不间断的) reminded of his success 2 The changeinleadership will have ahuge impact 影响;作用) on government policy 3.The financial ( burden 重负) will be more eveniy shared (Candidy 坦率地;自然的),David 1think you ”re being unreasonable. .Seeing my work completed successfully gives me a strong sense of (fulfllment 完成;履行;实 现) 6The company had 143 ( salaried 领产的) staff most ofwhom it could nolonger afford to keep 了 She expressed ( resentment 埋称;不满)at being interviewed by asocial worker .Hes been running the company with the fassistance 帮助) of his son, 9 She needsto f perfect 完美的) her Arabic before going to workin Cairo 10. Harmy could scarcely (suppress 禁止,隐瞒jasmile 完型填空部分 IThey have (successfuly ) found the gene responsible for the disease (success] .Hefeelsa deep esentment towards his parents forhis miserable chidhood fresent 34have been unemployed fortwo years and have absolutely no financialsecurity fsecure) 4The report stresses the necessity ofeating plenty of fresh fruitand vegetables fnecessary) St sadvilsable to book seatsatleast a week in advance advise) 6Two new roads are being buitt to increase accessjaccessibility to the tower centerlaccess 7The differentin athletic performance might not be very argea matter of only a few percent (at hietel acking selfconfidence and maturitymany teenagers are eft feeling vulnerable (mature) 9 My doctor said the problem was more emotionalthan physicalfemotionj 10Serves need to be more effectively organized than they are at presenbeffect) Unita) 完型填空 工Theairpollution exceeds most acceptable levels by 10times or more 2. Whatisso impressive abouttheircompany sthe efficlency ofthe serviceto the public 3 1 know that the government 匡 cutting back its spending but 站 m not sure what the implications arefor our department (imply) 4_His drinking and poor behavior shows instabilty ”of character (stable) 5 peured my thoughts out on paper in an atempt to rationaliae my feelings (rational) 6 Medical eualuation of suchacomplex problem willcostalotof money (evaluate) 了 The company can only blame itself for the entirely _f