Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....
As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.
然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes ,Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)
As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....
People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting
As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.
In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.
Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....
The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.
...... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?"
Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges,
Should Parents Send their Kid s to Art Classes?
Nowadays, there are an increasing number of parents who prefer to send their kids to attend various kinds of art classes, which has aroused bitter controversy among the public.
Some individuals maintain that attending classes is aimed to broaden their kids’ horizon and enrich their knowledge in that the kinds can get acquainted with peers from different family background. In the class, exposed to a big family they will learn how to cooperate with each other and how to develop a harmonious relationship with his her classmates, which is absolutely essential when children grow up.
There are some people who hold different opinions. They argue that because some kids put in a large amount of time in the class, they even can’t set aside time to stay together with their parents and share their feeling, good or bad, with their family members. As far as I am concerned, just as every coin has two sides, it is true to the phenomenon discussed above. If children can display their potential and they are interested in what they are doing, then parents are expected to provide the children a chance to give a full play of their ability. But if they are disgusted at the class, parents are supposed to support their kids to be engaged in other activities.
(二)写作 写作的过程当中,要注意这样几条高分策略。 字迹清楚,段落明朗(clear):字体不要太大,也不要太小,以行间距的三分之一到二分之一为合适;另外,大小要一致,不要忽大忽小;字母的倾斜方向要一致,不要东倒西歪;要抵着给出的虚线写,不能上窜下跳;总之,要给阅卷人清楚、工整的感觉。段落一般为三段,采用段首缩进式,即每段开头空4至8个字母的格,每段段首缩进的量要一致,要让阅卷人一目了然。 内容完整,紧扣提纲(complete):一般来说, 六级写作都会给出三点汉语提纲,考生应严格按照三点写成三段。不要有遗漏,也不要随意改变提纲要点的顺序。因为阅卷人要在30秒左右的时间打出分数,所以不希望看到与提纲严重背离的作文。 首保正确,再求闪光(correct):这一条是最核心的,因为在写作时间和篇幅都比较短的情况下,考生写出的内容几乎是一样的,唯一的判断标准几乎就是语言的质量。要首先保证语法和拼写正确,哪怕用小词、短句也可以。有能力的话再追求闪光的词句。例如,有考生在写2017年6月的作文时,写出了这样的开头句:There is no denying the fact that the vital of name has been a hotly debated topic in China. 这句话是套用我以往范文给过的句子,基本结构是对的,但有两处明显的错误。一处为vital,是个形容词,而这里应该用名词。作者可能想用一个牛词来替换importance以显示用词多样,结果弄巧成拙。另外一处错误为name之前应该有冠词a,其实题目中都给了,结果这位同学忽略了,缺乏基本的语法意识。其实作文中常犯的语法错误除了冠词错误,还包括时态错误、名词和动词单复数错误、代词不一致错误、词性错误以及句子主谓不完整错误。下笔时一定要谨慎。篇幅关系这里不能赘述。 先总后分,连词用上(coherent):这里说的是段落的结构和连贯性的问题。英语文章特别喜欢先总后分或开门见山的格局,另外,段落之间和句子之间的形式连接手段特别明显,即关联词用的很多。在写作的时候,几乎就是把给出的三点提纲作为每段的开头句,然后再加上两三个扩展句即理由或例证句就可以了。当然有时候为了论证自然或扩展字数也可以加上一点铺垫的句子。如2017年6月真题作文开头一句既可以是Some people claim that names are of great importance. 也可以是There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. 然后再说Some hold the positive view.后面再加上两三句论证的话。论证句或扩展句之间最好有连接词,如First, Second, Besides, Also, Similarly, In the same way, However等等。 语言简练,论据得当(concise):不要啰嗦,不要过于重复和堆砌。有些考生背诵了一些经典的句型,为了凑字就全用上了,给人低层次的感觉。如最后一段用同学写道:As far as I am concerned, weighing the pros and cons of the arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. 其实As far as I am concerned和weighing the pros and cons of the arguments用一个就行了。 另外,尽管内容不及语言重要,但也肯定会影响分数的。考生应尽量平时多练,以期在考场上也能很快想到一些有力的理由和贴切的例证。另外,要敢于表达自己的思想,不要一味地为了保证语言正确而裹步不前,只说一些小学生的话。如有同学写09年真题第一段时写道:Some people think that names are important. They say that, if a person has a name, we can remember him. If he does not have a name, we cannot remember him. 这样的作文倒是没有语言错误,但肯定也得不了高分。
虽然大学英语六级考试越来越受到广大学生的关注,但是六级考试的难度往往让许多考生感到心有余而力不足。所以,我根据我个人对六级考试的了解,针对六级的阅读部分给出一些复习备考的建议,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。 经过对历年六级考试真题的分析,我们不难看出六级阅读理解题大体上可以分为两类:1.直接题,比较简单,往往在理解题干的字面意思之后,就可直接从文章中找到答案;2.间接题,必须经过推理分析或概括总结才能得出答案。后一类题在六级考试中占多数,这就是考试难度之一的所在。六级考试的难度还表现在以下三个大方面:1.受时间的限制,35分钟要读完1400个单词的3~4篇文章,并答好20题,不容拖延;2.受单词量以及某些长、难句的困扰;3.所读文章题材多变,出处各异,文字风格不同,给阅读造成一定的障碍。 既然我们现在已经知道问题的症结所在,那只要针对以上的问题,采取科学的方法逐个解决就万事大吉了。 首先,先来解决词汇及某些长、难句以及背景知识等的问题。我个人不太主张死背一本单词书,因为我认为单词必须结合上下文才有其实际的意义。死背一个单词的7、8种中文注释是件费力又劳神且效果并不是十分理想的苦差事。六级考试对很多单词只要求认知即可,花许多时间在一些比较生僻的单词上往往是事倍功半的。因此,我个人推荐边阅读文章边记单词的方法,这样不仅可以提升阅读量,而且可以在真实的语境中体会单词的真正意思。至于某些长、难句,我个人认为的一个比较行之有效的方法是:用一本小本子把六级真题中出现过的你认为的长、难句摘录下来,仔细分析每一句句子,了解其结构。这样坚持做下去,积累到30句句子左右的时候,我可以保证你阅读长、难句的能力会有一个令你自己都不敢相信的飞跃。 其次,来解决阅读文章题材多样,出处各异,文字风格不同所带来的障碍。六级阅读文章大致可以分为两类:1.人文社会方面,尤以社会方面为主,如文化、历史、婚姻、家庭、教育、交通、住房、环境、能源及其他社会现象。阅读这类文章的关键是抓住作者所支持或反对的观点,以及作者对文中所叙述的人文社会现象的态度;2.科学技术方面,如动植物、地址、海洋、遗传、语言、空间、医学、空间技术及其他最新科技理论与成果。阅读此类文章的关键是抓住作者论述的中心以及作者对于理论或成果的优劣判断。在人文社会方面的文章中,出题者主要通过长、难句给考生制造麻烦,所以考生必须有一定的长、难句阅读能力;而在科学技术方面的文章中,出题者主要试图通过一些专业术语给考生设置障碍,因此,考生必须具备一定的对生词的猜测能力。www.Examda.CoM考试就到考试大 最后,解决时间问题即为解决阅读速度的问题。一方面,提高阅读速度有赖于考生平时的多阅读和多积累。另一方面,提高阅读速度也是有一定方法可循的。六级考试的每篇阅读文章长约500字左右,但这500字中并不是每一个单词及没一句话都包含有用信息的。因此,提高阅读速度的一个最直观的方法就是只读那些包含有用信息的句子。有些同学马上就会有这样的疑问:我怎么知道文章中哪句句子包含了有用的信息、哪句句子不包含有用的信息呢?这还是要靠考生平时多阅读多积累多总结的。在此,我举两个例子,希望能够有启示作用。 像:for example; for instance; e.g.……; …,…,…,etc. 这种列举的情况出现在文中,除非文章后有题目提及,否则往往可以忽略不读。还有:文章中作者给出了某个观点之后,再在观点之后加上:survey,research,study……,这时survey,research,study等的内容也常常可以忽略不读。道理很简单,作者已经亮出了他的观点,后面加上survey,research,study……只是为了进一步论证,使文章可信度更高一点罢了,而对文章中心没有任何影响,因此可以不读。 总而言之,以上所提的一些建议必须通过一段时间的实践去熟悉和掌握,在解决好上述问题后就为六级阅读备考打下了一个扎实的基础。
1)目前大学生面临就业难的问题 2)分析导致该问题的原因 3)大学生应该如何应对该问题
About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after their graduation. [1]But now, things are different. Today’s university students usually experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. They often complain that graduation means joblessness. [2]What is the cause of this phenomenon? [3]Firstly, with the enrollment extension of universities, [4]the supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. [3]Secondly, university students [5]tend to spend most of their time at school in studying academic subjects and lack relevant job experience. [3]Thirdly, some students don’t study hard during the college. After four years of university life, they haven’t gained the knowledge those fairly good jobs or positions require. [6]Facing the increasingly fierce competition, we university students should try our bests to change this situation. [3]Above all, when in school, we should make the most of our time and [7]put our heart into our studies. [3]What’s more, we can take part-time jobs and attend social activities in our spare time to [8]accumulate relevant practical experience. [3]Besides, when we apply for jobs after graduation, we should [9]attach more importance to accumulating experience than to the starting salary.
1)有的大学毕业生选择工作时主要看重高工资,而有的则认为良好的职业发展空间才是更重要的 2)阐述他们各自的考虑 3)表明你的看法
High Salaries or Career Development? There are more and more people looking for jobs every year, but they have different views about what kind of job they should choose. [1]Some of them focus their attention on the jobs that promise high salaries. [1]Others show a preference for those jobs that offer chances to learn skills and advancement possibilities. [2]People holding the first view usually think that more money will result in more happiness. [3]With a lot of money in hand, they will be able to enjoy a rich life. Otherwise, they will suffer from depression [4]due to lack of enough money. [2]However, the holders of the second view argue that one should develop his skills as roundly as possible. [5]It is career development that counts most. Without development, you will be outrun by others and fall behind the times sooner or later. In my view, career development is the right choice because career may give us long term satisfaction [6]while high salary would give us short term happiness. Besides, [7]generally speaking, a good career development will bring high salaries sooner or later. So I will [8]give my vote to the career development first and then high salaries.
1)人们对待考试一直褒贬不一 2)你怎样看待考试,为什么? 3)提出你的建议
There are always many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examination. Some people think examination is the only best way to test how examinees have mastered what they have studied. [2]However, still others hold the opposite opinion. They argue that examination can’t measure how the students have really studied. They say it can do [3]nothing but burden the students. [4]As for me, I think the examination is very useful to both teachers and students. [4]On the one hand, examination can help teachers check how much students have learned about a subject and thus know what should be their teaching focus. [4]On the other hand, [5]as far as students are concerned, by examination, they can [6]not only know how they have studied [6]but also find out what they haven’t mastered well. [4]Thus, they could improve their studying method so as to make greater progress. [4]Of course, examination is not the only way to measure one’s ability. [4]Also, too many examinations are a burden on both teachers and students. [4]But, in sum, the examination [7]does more good than harm. Therefore, I think the correct attitude towards examination should be to [8]take full advantage of it and avoid its disadvantage.
1)很多大学里“占座”现象十分普遍 2)这种现象会带来哪些影响 3)你对此的看法
Reserving a Seat We often see there is a table-cloth, a book or something else on the desk in the classroom or library, [1]indicating the seat is taken. This kind of phenomenon is very usual in almost all colleges and universities. [2]Strangely enough, most of students seem to [3]take this for granted, and few will protest it. [4]Though most of students’ taking seats in advance is for the purpose of better study, this kind of phenomenon has great negative effects. [5]On the one hand, it is a selfish behavior, which damages other students’ interests. [6]Even if many students come to the classroom very early, they can not find a seat. [5]On the other hand, reserving a seat [7]violates the rule of fairness. [8]No matter how late you come to class, the seat is still reserved for you [6]even though many others are eager for that seat. [9]Considering the above-mentioned, I think, [10]it is high time that we college students took a good look of our behavior. [5]Indeed, only if all of us can improve our consciousness, it is not a difficult task for us to get rid of this kind of phenomenon “reserving a seat”.
1)当今的大学生要面临很多来自不同方面的压力 2)大学生缓解压力的方式有… 3)你一般都是如何排解压力的?
How Should College Students Relieve Pressure? Today’s college students face many pressures, mainly from parents’ expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition. [1]Although pressure to some extent can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. Pressure can destroy a student’s confidence. [2]More seriously, it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors. [3]Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn to how to relieve pressure. [2]First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves [4]so as to [5]make use of advantages and avoid disadvantages. [2]Second, we should [6]set a clear aim of a struggle. The aim can give us motivation, and make us become active. [2]Third, [7]attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure. [2]Finally, if you find pressure is nearly [8]beyond your control, you’d better turn to professional psychological guidance. [2]As to me, my pressure is mainly from future employment. [4]In order to reduce it, I asked my parents help me analyse my advantages and disadvantages, and produce a more practical job objection. [2]So my employment pressure was relieved greatly. Now I become confident in my future, and I [9]do believe I can get an ideal job after my graduation.
Credit Cards on Campus
In recent years, credit cards have [1]gained more popularity among college students. [2]With banks’ more focus on college market, [3]an increasing number of college students have applied for a credit card and begun to consume by it.
[4]The following three factors can account for the popularity of credit cards in college. [5]Firstly, a credit card provides overdrawing service, [6]which is [7]a big attraction for those students who have no much money for their domination. [5]Secondly, a credit card can help release financial burdens on those poor students, and [8]hence reduce the risk of their dropping school for lacking money. [5]Besides, many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards, like sending a gift, lowering year cost. [7]Drawn by these policies, many college students apply for credit cards.
[5]As far as I am concerned, it is not a bad thing for college students to own credit cards. [5]However, there is misuse of credit cards among college students. Many students use credit cards to buy luxurious things they don’t need really, and even some of them owe a big credit cards debt. [5]Therefore, schools and banks have responsibility to let college students learn how to use credit cards properly. [9]Only in this way can college students enjoy really the advantages of credit cards。
Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue? With the improvement of the living standards, many people are [1]no longer interested in the simple life style [2]and some of them even feel ashamed to be t