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小仙女小仙男 上传于:2024-04-22
书虫读后感 英语书虫读后感 〈共3 篇) This winter vacationl read agreat book fBookwomny in gread Tappreciate the beauty ofthe maon andl know Mary.queen of Soctss stoy Ina wordi benefited aot ofinitlrealy ke this book Among themumy favourie bookis fLove or money》 ttells arich women death without Everyoneis suspectand they greeted her moneys mouth water Her ile daughter threatens herto obtain money'ion the surface seems to love her blg daughter to reasons buthater motherher sontoa piece ofland and motherfellout Results a murdereris her big daughterReason have to herthe person liove 1 1was veny sadAgilactualy kiled her motheris realy too notflial piey1know people fora variety ofreasons wil kil your most olose Sowe should control oneseltavoid incentve notreckless things The tBook worm》 hastaught me aot 英语书由读后感怎么写? 以下是我们给你的范文格式参考。 Thave read a book the other day caled The Monkeys Paw whichis writen by WWuacobs The story began onacold and dark rightold Mr Whie gota magic monkey paw fom his fend Moris Moris who told him thatthe monkey paw could give three wishes to three peoplebutit couldnt bring them happiness However Old Mr White stil used the paw to make wishes without istening to Morriss discourage Finaly, he gotthirty thousand pounds but his son died At the end ofthe story Mrs White amost became crazy The whole famiy fellinto sadness and fear, This stoyis gripping and also ale scarytis ragic and sobering The plotis both unexpected and reasonable Ahough Old Mr Whites friend had wamed him but he didnt Msten AtIastitbecame a tragedy What caused al this?lts obvious that the Mr Whites greed He wanted to getthe money with no pay butthatis impossiblein this wordim afaid helliive out the rest of is ife in regret The three men who used the monkeys paw alpaid an ieparable price fortheir greed This short noveltels us alesson that we cant daydream Waiting for money and Success