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一生一世一双人 上传于:2024-04-26
英文放假通知 英文放假通知范文 英文放假通知范文1 The Official Holidays in China for 20xx published by General Ofice of he State Couneil TNew Year 0UOU20gx (Wed) 下 Spring Festival 31OU20xx ~ 0602/20wx seven days totally, Remarks 26th Jan_ 20xx (SunJ) & gth Feb, 20xx (SatJ are working days, TI Tomb Sweeping Day: 0704/20xx (Mon) TY Intemational Labor Day: 0U0520xx -030520xx, three days totally Remark 4h May 20xx(SunJisa working day VDmagon Boat Festival 0270620xx VLMiddle Auumn Festival: 0809P0xx VIL National Day: 01I020xx-O7I0P20xx seven days toualy: Remark 28由 SepL 20xx (Sun) & 1 Oct 20xx (Sat) are working days 英文放假通知范文2 Holiday Announcement of 20xx Spring Festival Dear customers; Thanks for your concem and care for such a long iime, According to the production arangemcent our company has made aholiday plan forthis coming holiday Spring Festival: Feb.l6th - Feb 28th; Resame normal work from Marlst fyou have any demand during his holiday please issue PO two weeks ahead of ime I you have any urgent or special demand, please contact us fieely we willdo our bestto coopenate with you IEwillbe appreciated ifyour announcement about holiday days could be infommedl Happy Spring Festivall Thank you very mucht Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parks Co- Lud. Dec .lgth20xx Key Wo