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和平分手 上传于:2024-07-05
道路绿化论文 摘要:道路绿化是城市绿化系统的一个重要组成部分,也是城市建设的窗口,随着人民生活水平的提高,人们对城市的生活环境和生态环境越来越重视,创造出优美的道路景观已成为园林工作者的当务之急。本文结合城市道路绿化的目的要求,针对目前道路绿化中存在的问题,提出道路绿化应适时适地,合理规划,科学配置。    在经济高速发展的过程中,伴随着道路的大规模建设,同时也带来了道路建设工程对生态环境的破坏。为了修复道路线形对生态系统的割裂、道路工程施工对环境的破坏、道路交通对环境的影响,人们长期不懈地研究实践道路绿化理论、技术和方法,使道路绿化已成为一门相对独立的学科。鉴于道路建设和管理部门的主要技术力量是路桥工程和交通管理,而较缺少关于道路绿化的园林、林业技术人员,一定程度上影响了道路绿化的发展。为此,根据道路绿化和教学的需要,我们组织园林工程、园林规划设计、林业、公路工程管理等技术人员和高等院校有关教学人员,在总结了大量实践经验的基础上,本着实用、易懂、系统的原则,编写了这本《道路绿化》。其目的是为了完善道路绿化学科,也为大中专院校道路绿化教学和道路绿化工程、道路绿化养护职工培训提供对教材的应急之需。   城市道路绿化是城市园林绿地系统的重要组成部分,也是城市文明的重要标志之一,道路绿化搞好了,不仅美化街景。而且还有净化空气、减弱噪音、减尘、改善小气候、防风、防火、保护路面、组织城市交通、维护交通等作用。道路绿化作为城市设计中重要的一环,直接关系到城市的形象,通过带状或者块状的“线”性组合,使城市绿地连为一个整体,成为建筑景观、自然景观以及各种人工景观之间的“软”连接。我国早在《汉书》中就记载:“道广五十步,三丈而树,厚筑其外,隐以金锥,树以青松”,说明二千多年前我国已有用松树作行道树的做法。      一、道路绿地布局与景观规划原则   道路绿地的布局应符合以下规定:(1)种植乔木的分车绿带宽度不得小于1.5米,主千线上的分车绿带宽度不宜小于2.5米,行道树绿带宽和又通岛绿地不得小于1.5米;(2)主次干路中间分车绿带和又通岛绿地不得布置成开放式绿地;(3)路侧绿地宜与相邻的道路红线外侧其他绿地相结合,人行道毗邻商业建筑的路段,路侧绿地可与行道树绿带合并。道路景观规划应符合以下规定:(1)在城市绿地系统规划中,应确定园林景观路与主千线的绿化景观特色;园林景观路应配置观赏价值高、有地方特色的植物,并与街景相结合;主千路应体现城市道路绿化景观风貌;(2)同一条道路的绿化应有统一的景观风格,不同路段的绿化形式可以有所变化;(3)同一路段上的各类绿带,在植物配置上应相互配合,并应协调空间层次,树形组合,色彩搭配和季相变化的关系。      二、城市道路绿化种树的选择   1.行道树选择的标准   (1)树冠冠幅大、枝叶密、落果少或无飞絮;(2)抗性强,土壤耐瘩薄、耐寒、耐旱,病虫害少;(3)寿命长、深根性、耐修剪;(4)发芽早、落叶晚。   2.行道树选择的原则   (1)因地制宜、适地适树。各种植物都有其各自的生态习性,只有充分了解各种植物的生物学特征与立地条件,然后根据具体情况进行选择,才能达到预期的绿化效果。(2)生态效益与经济效益相结合。合理的绿化配置不但美化环境,而且许多植物本身具有一定的经济价值,如花、果、茎、叶等。在树种选择时,把生态效益与经济效益结合起来,使生态效益和经济效益双丰收。(3)速生树种与慢生树种相结合。速生树生长快、易成型,能在短期内达到预定的绿化效果。但容易衰老、寿命较短。故道路绿化时,将速生树与慢生树结合起来,当速生树到老化阶段,让慢生树种继续发挥道路绿化景观效果。有效避免速生树淘汰后的一段绿化空白。(4)道路绿化种植要注重乔、灌、花、草有机配置,构成复层绿化,使植物在生态群落上有更完善的生态功能!植物选择上力求花期交错、四季常绿、富有季相变化。 合理密植 充分发挥土、肥、水、光、气、热的效能,通过调节高粱单位面 积内个体与群体之间的关系,使个体发育健壮,群体生长协调。      三、城市道路绿化现状及存在的问题   1.单调且过于封闭。主次干道千篇一律,没有特色,没有创新,缺乏生机与话力。分车带两侧栏杆过高,显得道路拥挤,影响市容。   2.地率偏低。城市道路在规划建设时由于用地紧张,往往挤占绿化用地,造成道路绿地率偏低,且缺少路侧绿化带。另外,对城市道路绿化的认识不足、重视不够,存在交通挤占绿地的现象。   3.绿化的用地规划缺乏科学性、合理性、系统性。有时同一条路上有好几种种植方式,景观比较凌乱,没有形成线的效果,有的道路因设计不科学,只有有限的停车位,而人、车流量很大,结果造成人为破坏严重,树木根木无法种植、存活。另外部分地区片而强调绿化,忽视道路的交通功能。   4.忽视了绿化与地下管网、架空线路的矛盾。如在埋有地下管网的地段上盲目栽植大型乔木、灌木,结果使树木长势减弱,甚至因根系无法伸展,吸收不到所需养分而死亡;在有架空电线的下而盲目栽植毛白杨、垂柳等大型乔木,易产生树线矛盾而不得不疏枝,影响了美化效果。   四、城市道路绿化设计及养护的建议   1.城市道路绿化设计的方法   绿化规划在与周围环境协调的同时,四个组成部分的布局和植物品种的选择应密切配合,做到景色的相对统一。(1)行道树,以冠大荫浓的乔木为主,侧重落叶类夏季可遮荫,冬季可为行人提供天然日光浴。间距5~8米,在有架空线地段,应选择耐修剪的中等株形树种。(2)分车带,是道路绿化的重点,应结合自身宽度、所处车道性质及有无地下管线进行规划。位于快车道之间的分车带,以草坪和宿根花卉为主,适当配以小型花灌木。(3)中心环岛,地处道路交叉点,目的是疏导交通,要求绿化高度在0.7米以下,为使司机和行人能准确地观察到周围环境的变化,可采用小乔木和灌木、花、草结合的方式进行各种几何图案或变形设计。(4)林荫带,以方便居民步行或游憩为前提,参照公园、游园、街头绿地进行乔、灌、草、花的合理优化配置;同时,可布置少量的园林设施,如园路、花架、花坛、园桌、园凳、宣传栏等。   2.城市道路生态群落的养护措施   (1)合理的整形修剪修剪的目的主要是调整群落的层次及生长势,造成植物种类的良好株形而构成群体美。通过修剪整形,提供植物共同生长生活的良好环境和提高生态群落的景观。   (2)保护枯枝落叶及表土层枯枝落叶是植物群落的最好肥源。由于表土层若干厘米存在许多微生物,若除去覆盖表土层的枯枝落叶层,会使营养物的加工者细菌大量丧失,从而降低土壤肥力,影响植物的生长发育。   (3)合理调整群体结构,使之符合植物生长的自然规律如发现植物种类之间,上木、下木之间互相抑制、竞争、又寸抗,应及时移植、调整、重新配置,使各种植物有规律地组织在一起,形成层次分明的人工生态群落。   (4)根据各植物的生长习性,进行科学护管各植物的生长习性不同,要根据园林植物生态学原理,弄清它们之间的相互关系,生长、发育及群落的结构层次,季相变化等情况,不断提高科学养护水平。   城市道路生态群落的养护是一项长期而艰苦的工作,由于道路植物的立地条件差,环境恶劣,科学养护就显得尤为重要,俗话说:三分种,七分管,也符合植物生态群落养护的基本要求。 参考文献:   [1]李晨杰,宋园军.浅析城市道路绿化植物的选择[J].城市道桥与防洪.2005(6):18.   [2]尹会荣、薛孺、何三军.浅析城市道路绿化[J].国土绿化.2004,(10):8.   [3]陈秀梅.城市道路绿化设计探讨[J].中国园林,1997,(4):55. Road greening paper Abstract: the road greening urban greening system is an important part of the construction of the city is also a window, with the improvement of people's living standard, people to life in the city's environment and the ecological environment pay more and more attention to, create beautiful road landscape has become a top priority of the workers of the garden. Combining with the purpose of urban road greening requirements, in view of the current problems existing in the road greening, put forward the road greening where it should be, reasonable planning, scientific configuration. In the process of rapid economic development, with the large-scale construction of roads, simultaneously has also brought the road construction project on environment destruction. In order to repair the roads of ecological system of linear separate, road engineering construction damage to the environment, the road traffic of the impact on the environment, people persistently to study practice road greening theory, technology and method, has become a road greening door opposite independent discipline. In view of road construction and management of the main technical force is department road &bridge engineering and traffic management, and a lack of road greening garden, on forestry and technical personnel, impact on the development of road greening. Therefore, according to the need of road greening and teaching, we organize landscape engineering, architecture planning and design, forestry, highway project management and other technical personnel and the institutions of higher learning about teaching staff in summarized based on the experience of a lot of practice, in line with practical, easy to understand, the principle of the system, write this "greening". The goal is to improve road greening disciplines, and for colleges and universities road greening greening engineering, teaching and road virescence maintenance worker training to teaching material's emergency need. Urban road landscape garden city green land system is the important component of urban civilization is one of the important marks, greening good, not only beautify the city view. And purify the air, abate noise, reduce dust, improvement microclimate, wind, fire prevention, protect road, organization the urban traffic, maintain traffic functions. As the urban design of road greening the important one link in, directly related to the image of the city, through the belt or blocks "line" sex combination, make urban green space even for a whole, become landscape architecture, natural landscape and various artificial landscape between the "soft" connection. Our country in the early han shu, history: "word wide fifty paces, three zhangs and trees, thick, to build outside its hidden JinZhui, green pine trees to", and explain two thousand years ago in China has useful for the practice of pine trees. A green space layout, road and the landscape design principles of road greenbelt layout should comply with the following provisions: (1) planting trees car green belt width of points shall be no less than 1.5 meters, thousands of Lord online car green belt width is unfavorable points less than 2.5 meters, green trees and the island green space and bandwidth shall be no less than 1.5 meters; (2) the sub trunk roads in the middle green belt and the car and island green space decorate shall not open green space; (3) LuCe green space appropriate and the way of the adjacent red line the lateral other green space, and the combination of sidewalk commercial building adjacent to the road, LuCe green space and street trees green belt mergers. Road landscape planning should comply with the following provisions: (1) in the urban green space system planning, shall determine the landscape and the main road one thousand lines of landscape characteristics; Landscape road should configure ornamental value high, with the local characteristics of plants, and combining with the street; The Lord thousands of urban road landscape should reflect the road landscape style; (2) the same road greening should have unified landscape style, different road greening form can change; (3) the same section of the various types of green belt, in plant configuration should cooperate each other, and should be coordinated dimensional administrative levels, tree combination, colour collocation and season phase change of the relationship. Two, the urban road landscape plant trees choose 1. Street trees the standard of the choice (1) crown crown breadth, branches and leaves little or no secret, from-- (2) resistance is strong, soil resistance to being thin, cold and drought tolerant, fewer pests; (3) long service life, resistant ShenGenXing, clip; (4) sprout leaves early, late. 2. The choosing principle of street trees (1) adjust measures to local conditions, the optimal selection in the tree. All kinds of plant has its own ecological habits, only fully understand all kinds of plant biology characteristics and site conditions, and then choose according to particular case, can we reach the expected afforested effect. (2) the ecological benefits and economic benefits combined. Reasonable greening configuration not only beautify the environment, and many of the plant itself has certain economic value, such as flower, fruit, stems, leaves, etc. In the tree species selection, the ecological benefit and economical benefit together, make the ecological benefits and economic benefits double harvest. (3) fast-growing tree species and slow birth combined with tree species. Fast-gro