1 aves ny mothergoeshomeal530pm
2 okeconeuinenhesanps
2 rpeyofenaimbteesontheweskends
4 Sm goingio bay abook nextSunday
5 Amyiseooking dinnernow
6 Mike usually gocs shopping on the weekend
7 Tofen dohomework on Sunday moming
& ChenJieisgoing io wash clothes tomomow
9 Nousually go fishing on he weskend
i0 31will go to my uncleshome iomamow
中 There ae dseasonsinayear
了 3 Regoestoschoolon footevery day
1 My faher wotksina big hospital
有 3 Nomy faherusually reads newspapers on Sunday
1 No whedoeantlike collecting posteands
1 Tike writing stories
2 No Tusualy gotosehoolon foot
3 ?Im going io the ibmary ionight
4 3 No you cantwalkio thecinema sar fom here
5 ?1gotoEngland typlame
6 No ycangobypus Becaseitsmr
7 snextiothe ibmary
S TVes Tam going ovisitmy grandparents his evening
9 ?Youcangoto Yulan Theaterby he No8 bus
10 Yes he likes driving very mach
1 ? No shedoesntlike collecting Post cards
1 ?Tam goingto Beijing by plane
有 Yes vthelbmary ieastofheshoe seore
1 tisnearthe park
16 3 No thereisazog near here
1 ?No the zooisnotfarfiom my hame
1 Yes MrLilikesridingabike home
1 mgoing ophysporsat2 okiock thisafemoon
2 ?My fatheraocsto work on foot
21 ?1gohomeatGO0every dy
23 ?Lisaisasinger
了4 Yes MrMaworsinahospiaal
1 do) my homework now.
2 Ne (waten the fowers this aftemmoon,
3He (buy) aCD next Sarurday
4Tom read) books every weekend
5Tmhey (go)thecinemathisevening
6 My parents (fly) to Beijing tomorrow。
1Heraunt (have) lunch in the factory
2 like swimh
3My motherofen (play) the violin in the moming