Date 日期:
Name 姓名: ID No. 工号:
Dept./Position 部门/职务: Issue Date 犯规日期:
The above named associate displayed and advised some misconducts in the Hotel associate's Hand Book. He/She will be recorded on his/her personnel record.
Violation of house rule 犯规条款:
The infraction is classified as 您所违反的条款是:
General offense 一类过失 Rules No. 第 条规定 Times 第 次
Intolerable offense 二类过失 Rules No. 第 条规定
Misconduct in detail 请详述发生的事故(经过):
Disciplinary action 纪律处分:
Verbal warning 口头警告 Misconduct slip 书面警告 Final warning 最后警告
Suspension 停薪停职 from 自 to 至
Dismissal 解除劳动合同
I understand what is required in the future and that if I commit the same offence in future, it may entail more serious punishment even to terminate my service. I, therefore, understand that I must make every effort to improve my work and conduct.
I have read / I'm aware of th