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日暮月光 上传于:2024-07-17
西南财经大学天府学院  论文题目: Benetton Advertising And The Sleeper Effect 学生姓名: 邓倩 班 级: 消费者行为学选修02班 学 号: 40903802 BURNING ISSUE Benetton is an Italian fashion brand, it's most controversial advertising is famous and get success. In order to explain the question, a new term called "sleeper effect" in advertising communication should be referenced. The sleeper effect is a term used to describe a particular process of delayed persuasion in psychology. In theory, this effect occurs when someone initially ignores a persuasive message because it doesn’t seem to be credible, and then starts to believe the message gradually. This study will try to figure out that how can the sleeper effect lead the change in advertising communication. OVERVIEW November 16,2011, Italian fashion brand Benetton issued a set of controversial advertising images of the world's political and religious leaders kiss together. Advertising theme is "Unhate". This advertising express the idea o f reconciliation. But a phenomenon happened: Number of print media, including 《New York Times》 had rejected Benetton advertising requests. At the same time, it immediately boarded the headlines in newspapers and magazines. In order to achieve the well-known publicity, Benetton is using the Internet for advertising communication . Benetton tried to use the image of the dispute to the attention of consumers. Benetton express the values which is no racial differences and without borders. Involved in the advertising a lot of sensitive social issues, such as US-Soviet Cold War, race, AIDS, religion, environment, pollution, refugees, child labor, street violence and so on. Benetton advertising to create a topic of conversation and news. Being banned publication when it was published in the news media free of charge, saving advertising costs; and their concerns certain aspects of human reality has indeed won the respect of everyone. With time goes by, sleeper effect occur. THE IDEA IN TANGIBLE There are two people called Cook and his associates (Cook, Gruder, Hennigan, & Flay, 1979) responded by suggesting that previous studies failed to obtain the sleeper effect because the requirements for a strong test were not met. Specifically, they argued that the sleeper effect will occur only if: (a) the message is persuasive; (b) the discounting cue has a strong enough impact to suppress initial attitude change; (c) enough time has passed between immediate and delayed post-tests; (d) the message itself still has an impact on attitudes during the delayed post-test. So, the sleeper effect did not occur when any of the four requirements were not met. It widely applicable to any person in any time. That is, not any advertising communication is good if the low-credibility sources can not bring the sleeper effect. Italian clothing brand Benetton is the successful use of controversial advertising business.It is certain to be more creative attention of political and social issues, the surface looks these topics multifarious, all-embracing, but they never leave a line, is to get along and harmonious colour, human real world attention. After the social mainstream media magnification, they even become can influence the epochal theme of the mainstream view. another controversial advertising business is not successful advertising. Such as HengYuanXiang chinese zodiac advertising. Although the picture is very successful performance attracted the attention of the audience, there is deadly on the flawed conception. Nippon Paint advertising: As the issue of nationality, serious hurt the national feelings of Chinese consumers, so that the original has a high reputation in the Chinese market into a denunciation. PAYOFF Benetton controversial advertising get success under the influence of "sleeper effect" has the follow factor: Firstly, Benetton advertising is good persuasive by convincing people to feel "the real world and the truth." This theme reflects the close fit of the brand spirit of the times and the strong humanistic care. Secondly, the discounting cue has a strong enough impact to the Benetton advertising because most of people will not accept the attitude about social differences and the reality of speech, or because Benetton involved in the advertising a lot of sensitive social issues, such as US-Soviet Cold War, race, AIDS, religion, environment, pollution, refugees, child labor, street violence and so on. Thirdly, what the most import is that with time goes by, message and discounting cue will be separated and go into the different memory systems, the former into the semantic memory system, another was be incorporated into the episodic memory system. Semantic memory as a reference to general knowledge, may have the form structure, more stable, less subject to interference, but also relatively easy to extract. Episodic memory in personal experience as a reference to time and space as a framework, susceptible to interference, conversion of the stored information is often difficult to extract. So,episodic memory decline faster than Semantic memory . When the discount cues influence the impact of recession faster than persuade, the sleeper effect occurred. Another controversial advertising did not get success under the sleeper effect, which show a truth that the the controversial mush be positive. So, a positive effec