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醉兮忘兮 上传于:2024-05-08
ITyou want the rainbow you have te put up with the rain. 2 The first wealth is health. (Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882) 3 Every why hasits wherefore. (William Shakespeare 1564-1616) 4 Adviceis least heeded when most meeded (Anonymous) SApessimist sees he dificulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportonity in every difieulty (Winston Churchill 1874-1965) 系Aman who has noimagination has no wings. TIes mach more difficult to judge oneself than to jadge others 8 Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. 由Love makes the world go round.(Charles Dickens 1812-1870) 10.Love conguers all mhingsi letus too surrender tolove- 1LTimeislike waterin asponge, When you squeeze, water will ooze out (Lu Xum) 12. Writeitin your heart that every day is the best day of the year (Emerson) 13. He who loses wealth loses muchs he who losesa friend loses mores but he who oses courage loses all (Miguel de Cervantes 1547-1616) 14 Tolive means to create. 15. Hold fast to dreams forifdreams die'life isa broken-winged bird that can not ny. (Langston Hughes 1902-1967) 16. Sometimesa winnerisjusta dreamer who nevergives up. 17.TTa man empties his parse into his head,no man can