Genius does whatit mustand talent does whatit can (George Meredith German poet) 天才做必
做之事,人才做能做之事。 一G梅殴儿产(德国诗人)
There ane no ugly womanonly lazy ones (Helena Rubinstein Polish beautician) 没有丑陋的女
Too much clevemessisfolly (Solon, Ancient Athenian politician) 过分明反而胃套.一入伦
Ne other misfonanate can he compared with the loss of timeNikelay Ivanovich turaener
American writen) 任何一种不过都无法与时间的逝去相比,一N 特珍纳(关国作家)
Wisdomisin the head and notin the beard. (Acsop, Ancient Greek